Close is closed as of January 12th, 2025.

To find alternative support, check out these other resources:

Vancouver Island: Vancouver Island Crisis LineKUU-USS Crisis Line (BC Wide)

Across Canada: 988Kids Help Phone

If you feel unsafe or have already done something to hurt yourself, please call 9-1-1.

Anyone in Canada under 30 years is welcome to chat with us, a diverse community of trained volunteers. We are open 6pm-11pm PST, 365 days a year.

NEED2 staff and volunteers work on the territories of the Lkwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ nations. We acknowledge the impact of colonialism and recognize the ways trauma impacts the wellness of the communities we serve.

We encourage and welcome all youth to chat in, no matter their background, religion, race, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, lifestyle or culture. Our goal is to create inclusive and safer spaces for all visitors to If you have any feedback for us on how we can improve access to our service, we welcome you to contact us through our contact form

What you can expect from a Chat:

We don’t give advice because we believe everyone is resourceful, capable and has the right to make their own decisions. We will help you explore ideas, options, supports and resources. We’re here to help you build and access strategies for coping with life’s many challenges.

If you access the chat through the website, you will see a short survey (eg. age, gender) before chatting. These statistics are used for research and funding.

In order to remain anonymous we do not give out any personally identifying information, and will keep your information and stories private and protected. 

The only exception to this is if we have to call for emergency help for you. We will do this if you tell us that you need an ambulance or police, or if we believe that someone’s life is in serious danger or if there are concerns of child abuse.

We keep our chats to roughly 60 minutes long. This allows us enough time to chat with you, and still be able to get to the next person in the line in good time.

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