
Forums Substance Use and Addiction Addicted Addicted


Hey DashingDaisy,

I’m really sorry to hear your grandma isn’t well :( I hope you’re able to figure out how to be with her… the extra pressure of money & rent must just add to your stress.

From what you said it sounds like your encounter with the man turned really unpleasant and a bit earth-shaking… I’m glad you listened to YOU and left… and went to safety. I’m wondering how you’re feeling about your relationship with M? You mentioned how he sees/wants things, and I’m curious what you think? And sorry, I’m confused, what makes you call yourself an idiot?

DD (if I may), I hear you beating yourself up for feeling so lost… and blaming yourself for how life goes :( You’re not alone, we’re in your corner… stay strong.

the Support Team.

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