
Today I threw up i have not done that for a long time you know that when I talk on here its just words but when I threw Up today it feels my thoughts are taking over i really want help but I understand that I am not welcome at the hospital what are they waiting for me to to act i am really sad and i just want somebody to understand me
I know this will be over soon and I feel if I choose live it will be a long journey I still picture these years as one long day I know the pills takes care of the reality that I am a job I talk about suicide and I feel bad because I am a people pleaser and I feel that even I am done with care people don’t care and they don’t remember if they cared before they don’t care or remember sometimes I wondered will I even be happy the pills are working now so I am safe its been a hard week and day but I feel safe tonight:)

Packages come and go worker to worker the package has not feelings but I do and the worker are the same I am the package with no home nobody else to understand nobody cares but they do care if I am here so they can work last night I was a 8 out of 10 well today I feel like a 10 today we were driving on the highway and I was really sad * I will chat in tonight

*Edited by the Support Team for potentially triggering content

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