is closed as of January 12th, 2025. › Forums › Suicide and Self-Injury › can’t take it
March 6, 2013 at 11:44 pm #16391
MemberThis week has been up and down yesterday I was feeling so suicidal I was feeling so much like a job I don’t care if people say I am not I have been playing this game for a long time I remember the past and I can’t go on with these memories I thought I needed a relationship to feel included as far as feeling loved the point is I am up and down all week
i e-mailed that friend that didn’t e-mail back and i feel sad about that to -
March 9, 2013 at 6:15 am #18671
ModeratorHi Dan,
I’m sensing that this week has been a roller coaster ride, and that some of the downhills have gone really, really far down… to a place where the thoughts of suicide are screaming incredibly loudly. I can hear that when you’re in such a low place, the feelings of worthlessness can seem to take over… it must be so exhausting to try and fight through those thoughts of just being a job when you’re already drained from this seemingly endless roller coaster ride. :’( I’m curious what has helped you fight through the thoughts of suicide during this last week?
I can also hear how desperately you want a feeling of being connected to and loved by another person… that being able to have a hand to hold during that roller coaster ride might lessen how wild it’s seeming. I’m inspired by how you’re continuing to reach out and try to find that connection Dan, both through your friend and through YS. Know that we’re here for you to talk when it seems like no one in your life will listen.
I also want to check in about suicide – it sounds like the thoughts got really scary this last week. I’m wondering how loudly the thoughts are tonight?
Take care Dan, we’re ‘hear’ for you.
The Support Team.
March 10, 2013 at 5:36 am #18675
MemberHave to say that when the pills are working I am fine I don’t get suicidal thoughts this week has been a roller coaster of feelings this about the past and the people that have built me up and now long gone I understand people move on I get that but the memories of those conveniences and how I felt so much better but those feelings are only temporary because that move or they hate me because will I don’t know you ask me what keeps me going it is the same answer my work and my pills am I having dark suicidal thoughts yes because the past and want a break but I know how it would go down when we decide I need a hospital you call EMHS and they will call me and if they feel I need a hospital they will go with me the hospital will either take me in or say go home I don’t want to go through that but it is sad out here. My friend is getting married and that is also hard for me but that is my problem I am feeling that I am different because all these care people are in relationship and I not maybe I have get in a relationship but I don’t see that happing in the mean time I am in a lot of pain
March 13, 2013 at 4:04 am #18681
ModeratorOh Dan,
I wish there was something I could say that would pause time and interrupt these feelings and give you the break that you feel you need so badly. Because the depth of the loneliness seems unending, and the thoughts of suicide are so pervasive for you…
From what you’ve said, it sounds like it’s hard to even care about anything that happens anymore; painful memories haunt you, making you feel like every time that you trust in someone they disappear from your life. And even when you think about getting help for the suicidal feelings, it’s hard to imagine that anyone might REALLY care. It sounds like you know exactly how that situation with the hospital and EMHS would go, and you already know how numbing it would be. :’( It must feel like hope is a million miles away. You say you don’t want to go through that experience, but that it’s also really sad out here…if you get to the point where you are going to end your life, do you think you’ll be able to reach out for help, knowing how it might play out?
It must feel like you’re locked out of the world around you when you see other people happy in relationships and feel like you can’t have that experience in the same way. I can hear how incredibly draining it is to watch friends get married and feel perpetually reminded of your own pain and solitude.
We’re all thinking of you, Dan. Stay in touch.
-The Support Team -
March 15, 2013 at 5:14 am #18684
MemberThis week has been ok the thoughts are not gone but they are weaker I will let you guys know when they come back I am on the med so I feel fine right now
March 18, 2013 at 7:34 pm #18688
Thank you so much for keeping us updated. We do think of you, and it’s a relief to hear that the med’s are helping to weaken your thoughts of suicide. The strength that you have in continuing to ride the waves of life is inspiring Dan. I’m really glad to hear that life is more hopeful right now. Please know that we are here for you in good times and bad.
Keep on keeping on Dan.
The Youthspace Team
March 18, 2013 at 8:32 pm #18690
MemberThe day has took a turn I don’t know why right now I am feeling suicidal again Because my lunch person was good and I was reflecting on past workers and I am sad because I have the same feelings as I did when I had that tight emotional attachment and now I feel abandon because they are all gone I don’t want to tell new people because I will be hurting again and what is the point with that and my friend is getting married and i just am feeling is that going to be in my life as well as both my brothers has girlfriends and it is just a matter of time before they get married all these things are bringing up bad thoughts
March 20, 2013 at 3:43 am #18694
ModeratorHey Dan,
It sounds like your emotions are taking you on a real ride right now. I get the sense that you’ve been having a lot of bittersweet and sadly nostalgic moments as you look back on the helpers that you’ve had around you. It sounds like it’s exhausting to have to constantly re-explore your painful feelings as people come and go in your life — like when you finally feel like you can be open and trust someone, they leave and another person comes in to their place. :'(
Sounds as though yesterday was a really dark day filled with a lot of memories and thoughts about the future that felt really bleak and painful. I’m glad you reached out here Dan, in the midst of all that raw emotion. How are you doing now?
Sending warm thoughts your way,
The Support Team -
March 21, 2013 at 9:03 pm #18695
MemberI am up and down I had to tell abit about what was going on with me I am really aware with getting to attached to a person that works for me as far as I want a good support I understand that is not going to be for me other people have relationships to support them but what do I have even a person in my position with so many down days
March 24, 2013 at 5:58 am #18700
ModeratorHi Dan,
I can hear that things are sometimes decent lately, but that the dark times keep coming back too.. I imagine it’s scary to be in those lighter times, and not be sure if/when the pain would come back really strongly again soon. It must be so draining to be going up and down like that. :’(
I’m sensing that you’ve been able to reach out to one of the people who works for you about what’s going on inside? I can appreciate how much strength it must have taken to talk with them… it sounds there’s always that lingering fear in the back of your mind of not wanting to get too close and get hurt. I’m wondering how opening up to the worker went for you?
I can really hear how painful it is to see others in relationships Dan, and I’m so glad you’re here talking with us, and to those around you. Your ability to keep fighting is truly inspiring.
Stay strong,
The Support Team.
March 26, 2013 at 8:57 pm #18706
MemberThis week I have been feeling about the same maybe worse because I have all these happy couples it makes me feel like I can’t do my jobs which is life if your wondering why I feel that way because people don’t want to know how I am really they want me to be good because that means that the “job” is great so there is that side of the feelings the other side is relationships and wondering if or what I get to have I have to go into these other relationships and I am expected to be happy well I am far from it
I didn’t say much to the care person I talked to last week because I know that it won’t be good given the past workers:(
i sent this to the person i talked to after we met today
I was feeling like I can’t do this job dan i am feeling really hopeless i know that I seem good today i was hiding even from you in the beginning but at the end i finally opened up i need to i just am hiding because I am emotionally so tired i don’t know what to say anymore i know I need to get help but i can’t get the energy to get help -
March 29, 2013 at 2:59 am #18711
My heart goes out to you, being surrounded by people who are supposed to care for you, but feeling like they only just want you to be happy so their job is done. I can hear your frustration, anger even, at the expectations people have of you – like you’re supposed to be happy just because they are there, when really it’s so much more complicated than that, and the disconnect you feel from other people deepens because they don’t understand… It sounds like you let very little of your real feelings slip out to the care workers because of the experiences you’ve had in the past.
If I’m understanding correctly, you sent the last part of the message you posted here to the new person that you were talking with? How did it feel to share your exhaustion and hopelessness with someone?
You’ve mentioned a couple of times that you might be interested in getting some kind of help…what do you think that would look like for you, Dan?
We’re here for you in these down days, Dan. Stay strong.
The Support Team
March 29, 2013 at 4:51 am #18712
MemberTwo things I am stating to panic because my parents are saying that my care person is not paying rent which is true but I have to be in the middle and am feeling that I have no place I can just be not worrying about this I am on pills now so I don’t feel ask panicky but I was feeling so worried it made me feel physically sick to my stomach this was ringing bells in my head but I know that I can’t go to the hospital even if thoughts bring me to that conclusion I feel that this is my life and I need to do everything I’m expected to do
April 2, 2013 at 5:13 am #18717
ModeratorOh Dan,
I’m hearing that the idea of possible conflict between your parents and your care worker is causing a wave of anxiety…. On top of feeling like you shouldn’t have to be stuck in the middle of something like that, I can hear how jittery it’s making you feel because of your own state of mind. It’s like you are feeling that you’re emotionally not able to take on their conflict, but it’s being forced upon you anyway…
The physical reactions that you describe sound frightening and really disorienting, Dan. How are you doing now? I can hear that you are trying hard to be strong in the moment and live up to what you’re expected to do, but I can also sense that your own reaction to this event might have alarmed you more than you thought it could?
You’re in our hearts Dan.
The Support Team
April 5, 2013 at 4:56 am #18722
MemberI have been going up and down all to do with relationship I have been holding you it in because people don’t care about me I think about the past and it is so painful I want to be like everybody else those people that flash their relationships in my face everyday I talk and talk and I feel I get nowhere
April 8, 2013 at 8:08 pm #18724
ModeratorHi Dan,
I can really hear how desperate you are to have the pain go away.Yearning for the relationships that seem so inaccessible to you, that everyone around you appears to have…being haunted by your past and feeling like an outcast from everybody else.
Seems that believing that people don’t care about you makes it soooo much harder to express yourself. I hope in those times you remember that we really do care about you. I can imagine you are feeling very hopeless and inconsolable, seeing all those happy people in their relationships, merely expressing yourself just doesn’t feel like enough
I am wondering if there is anything out there that does help you feel more human in times where talking gets you nowhere? It sounds like you have felt this way before and got through it. Thank you for continuing to inspire us with your determination Dan…You have been so strong Dan to survive this roller coaster ride.
We are with you no matter what…
The Support Team
April 11, 2013 at 3:25 am #18726
MemberI am happy right now but I know the pills are working its funny when they are working I am good but I still am remembered that tomorrow starts everything, I feel that the relationship thing and the care worker thing and just feeling tried thinking about the past and I just don’t know how to cope anymore the past is too painful right now I feel druged up and I feel that is the best way even when I feel that I am running away from myself and nobody cares about me it sometimes feels that way you know what is funny we call care workers “care workers” because they care for the physical needs but not emotional
when you say not a human do you mean church i do go to church and that is helpful
April 13, 2013 at 6:07 am #18729
ModeratorHey Dan,
I’m intrigued by the way that you talk about the pills you’re taking. It sounds like they are working fairly well at keeping your mood up, but that sometimes it feels like a “false” happiness, when you know that the pain is still lurking around the corner… I can hear that it feels like running away from yourself, and I can hear how trapped you’re feeling, like you want to be able to fight the emotions, but can’t do it without the help of the medication. That must be frustrating and I wonder if it leaves you feeling really powerless?
I know that sometimes the “care” systems that we have look awfully dysfunctional. :’( I so wish it wasn’t that way, and that it didn’t leave you feeling so emotionally unsupported. I can only imagine how distanced you must feel from people when even the care workers don’t seem to REALLY see you or care what’s going on in your mind.
Haha… I don’t think that’s quite what we meant when we said “more human” (I think it was more referring to a feeling of “wholeness”). But I didn’t know that you find solace in church; it sounds like it’s a good support for you Dan.
It sounds like a time of ups and downs, with some really lonely feelings. Keep connected.
The Support Team
April 16, 2013 at 2:37 am #18730
MemberOn and on no matter what I say here right now tomorrow will come and I will be deeper in the emotional pain I know this is my dirty as a disabled person some days I can’t go on and those days are getting more and more I feel that if I was blow the panic bells it will be no meaning because I have tried that I just feel guilty because I put all this pressure on the medical system and I have nothing to show for it sharply form I am out of ideas
April 17, 2013 at 7:15 am #18733
I can hear how discouraged you are with your situation today…like no matter how much you reach out and talk you know that tomorrow will bring darkness. And I can see that this realization leaves you feeling powerless. I’m scared when you say that you feel increasingly that you cannot “go on”…is suicide on your mind Dan? Your words hold the weight of someone who feels hopeless about life :'(
You said you feel like no one will pay attention and bring you the help you need, even if you do ring the alarm and bring awareness to the pain inside. Do you have a plan to end your life Dan?
The desperation in your words is really worrying to me Dan. I’m imagining this guilt that you feel might keep you quiet, and stop you from asking for what you need…you deserve support Dan. You deserve to live well, and that no matter what is going on we want to hear it and support you.
We care about you as a person.
the Support Team
April 18, 2013 at 2:44 am #18734
MemberTonight I am feeling sick physically so I will try to think of the emotional pain i mentioned about alarm bells yes they are going off but they come and go yesterday I was on handyDART and I was thinking I was going strange home like I usually do but yesterday we had some pickups that ok but it was at a day program with care people and disabled people so I was sitting in the bus watching the people say good bye some for the night others forever and I got wrapped up in feeling like a job because I can’t help but feel this way so yes I am feeling very bad but I have two choices I can die or I can keep fighting and I know where that goes
April 19, 2013 at 9:51 am #18738
ModeratorHey Dan,
Thanks for writingWhen you say you’re feeling physically sick I’m thinking that sometimes your layers of pains are tied together….like emotional pain triggers physical sickness? I can only imagine how unstable you feel, unsure when the next wave of alarm bells will hit you, sending you reeling, trying to hide from the pervasive shrieking that pierces through your ears down into your heart, awakening the painful thoughts of loneliness and isolation that you hold inside.
I get the sense that your experience of seeing all the goodbyes at the end of your day on the handyDART was upsetting for numerous reasons. Not only did it remind you of the fragility of relationships between people and careworkers and the lack of authentic relationships around you….but I’m thinking that maybe you also felt vulnerable, unable to choose how your time was spent…sitting there witnessing this intimate moment between other people.
My heart aches to think of you holding all this pain inside yourself all day Dan. Thank you for speaking up for yourself here. When you say you have “two choices” I’m really aware how present suicide is as an option in these tough times. Which option are you planning on taking Dan? I hope that you mean you will continue to fight as strongly as you have been for life.
the Support Team
April 26, 2013 at 12:37 am #18742
Membertoday is a day that the depression started 9 years ago it was a day that I spoke up because I felt I was being abused at home and yes it is in the past but I feel like I am still living that day that it never ended for me and I was thinking will i ever feel that day is over i feel that I am stuck in the day 9 Years ago and yes i have come a long way but I look back and I am tired and I went to go to a emotional bed but I just can’t seem to do that but myself
April 28, 2013 at 5:02 am #18746
ModeratorHey Dan,
It seems like Thursday was a really significant day for you, hey? I would guess that the 25th of April brings back so much confusion and pain for you, as though you are relive that day just as fresh and raw as it was 9 years ago.
I can hear that there have been some positives in the past 9 years, and that you can see that in some ways you have grown a lot from where you started. I can also hear how exhausting it is to look back on the time and see how much of a fight it was to get through. I would guess you feel disheartened facing the future alone, and wish you could instead put your head under the covers of that emotional bed and shelter yourself from any more tough times. I can hear you’re feeling the urge to give up on your future…where are your thoughts of suicide at right now?
Take care Dan,
the Support Team -
April 29, 2013 at 11:59 pm #18750
Memberthe suicidal thoughts are in the background but I am managing to keep them out of my head sometimes i do have issues with the care person and my roommate they don’t talk to each other but the roommate is moving out Saturday so ya……………………
I know the care person is upset because her husband can’t move in with us and there has been money issues that my parents had to deal with with the care person so ya any day i can’t go over the edge that what it feels like because feeling that nobody cares just do this do that is really making me vary sadlast week I had a really weird feeling that my mind was in quick thinking i was over welh of the thoughts enough to give me a headache it was scary have you heard about that i had it before when I was little I just am wondering if it is common with lots of stress
May 4, 2013 at 4:33 am #18754
ModeratorHi Dan,
Thanks for giving us a picture of what those thoughts of suicide look like for you right now. It means a lot to hear how you’re doing, and I’m glad to hear that even though they still haunt you, at least those thoughts are in the background a bit right now.
It’s got to be frustrating and stressful to have to deal with conflict between your care worker and roommate…even just having to be there when they won’t talk to each other… It sounds like things have been rocky lately with the people that you see the most of, and that it makes you doubt that there is any stability in your life. I can really hear how you sometimes feel like an afterthought, or a chore, even to the people who take care of you. :’(
That’s a frightening feeling that you describe having last week, Dan…like your mind was in overdrive. I can only imagine that it must have freaked you out to suddenly feel so out of control and even in physical pain from the racing thoughts. It’s really hard for me to answer whether that’s common or normal (I’m definitely not a doctor), although I have heard of people having similar experiences. Here’s a couple of webpages you could check out for more info on stress and some of its symptoms, in case you’re interested: and you been in that quick thinking mode again since you wrote, Dan?
Here for you,
The Support Team -
May 4, 2013 at 11:16 pm #18755
MemberI have been good lately I will check out the links thank you, the roommate is good so I don’t need to deal with that issue so everything is good right now but next week is different story I think that is so annoying to go up and down emotional one minute I want to give up the next I don’t it is very tiring and sad
Remembering my state last night was good and now I am back to a bad state a new week and I feel that I am wanting a break but I can’t coming back to the place I call my place without my roommate I feel that I am the only Canadian and my caregiver thinks that I like the busy household which I do but different languages are so hard to hear because her friends are over and I feel that I don’t have anybody to talk to I haven’t had any fast thinking in two weeks -
May 6, 2013 at 6:44 pm #18760
I’m glad to hear that the quick thinking hasn’t been an issue this week, but I can hear how exhausting this rollercoaster of emotions has been for you. Seems like you are really hurting for a break form this twisting track that drops you down to emotional lows just to throw you back up in the air the next moment :SWhen you say you want a break I’m wondering what sort of break you are hoping for? I get the sense that you are relieved everything is good with your roommate, yet the place you live is still an upsetting environment to be in. Being left alone with your caregiver and her friends is isolating for you, and you are left feeling like an outsider in your own place
No one should have to feel like a foreigner in their own home.
How are you taking care of yourself in these discouraging moments Dan?
Keep us posted,
the Support Team -
May 8, 2013 at 2:16 am #18762
Memberjust a hour i wanted to end my life i just can’t do this but thanks to the pills i don’t feel that way until tomorrow
May 10, 2013 at 2:22 am #18765
ModeratorOh Dan,
I’m so sorry that the emotions can take you into such a dark place that you feel like ending your life. It sounds like the moment when you last wrote was incredible potent and empty of all shreds of hope. :’(
This forum isn’t the quickest medium, I’m afraid, but I’m still SO glad that you come and write here when you’re feeling that close to the edge. What kind of place have you been in since you last post, Dan?
I can imagine that one of the hardest things about the emotional rollercoaster that you’re stuck on is just the fact that it seems endless, and every time you feel okay, I’m guessing you can’t shake the feeling that things might get bad again.
We can hear your huge pain, Dan. Know that we do care.
-The Support Team
May 10, 2013 at 3:52 am #18766
Memberi know people do care but sometimes I feel that they don’t
At the end of the week there has-been up and down because of the careworker had some friends over that are other careworkers and I am just going into the past it is hard not to also in a couple of weeks it is my birthday and the careworkers want to celebrate but when I think of my birthday I feel sad because I don’t want to celebrate a thing that I feel sad everyday of the year I don’t want to celebrate that
May 13, 2013 at 5:08 am #18767
ModeratorHey Dan,
It sounds like despite everything that you might try, you mind sometimes takes you on trips into the past…trips that can really bring up a lot of old pain. It’s obviously a source of pain and dread to think about either the past or the future, and you so often find yourself being reminded or them, whether you like it or not…
I can hear that your birthday coming up is a mental burden because it brings with it so much agony and thoughts about going on in a life that seems unlivable. I’m guessing that it seems particularly dark to feel as though the celebration isn’t anything you really have a choice about. :’(
We’re here to hear those “unheard” feelings, Dan
-The Support Team -
May 14, 2013 at 2:58 am #18768
MemberTonight I am very sad I can’t do this I have tried my best I am thinking of ending it all because I don’t want to do this a couple of weeks it is my birthday and I sent out a e-mail to my careworker and her friends about me not wanting a birthday party without going in to much details I have lots of thoughts on my mind and I know I shouldn’t end my life and apart of me does not want to give up because I want to keep fighting and I Don’t like the idea of death but a part of me sees the pain and can’t take it I am thinking of the past and dark that looked and how dark the future is
May 16, 2013 at 8:47 pm #18770
I can really hear how the battle to stay alive continues to torment you and I am glad to know that the desire to fight is within you. Even when every direction you look, there is only darkness, I can hear that you hope to find some crack of light in your future. I can appreciate not wanting to celebrate your birthday in these dark times
On the one hand, your sadness and dreadful anticipation of the weeks ahead are causing you such unbearable pain that death seems like the only alternative. On the other hand, the thought of ending your life looks too much like defeat, and for a fighter, it doesn’t seem right to just throw in the towel.
I am really glad that you “want to keep fighting” but I am worried about the strength of this desire. It seems like “fighting” and “ending it all” are sitting on each end of the teeter-totter, both perfectly balanced. I am curious, what is fuelling the strength that you show in this fight?
We are here to support you in this battle Dan, keep staying strong.
-The Support Team
May 17, 2013 at 2:07 am #18771
MemberThis week has been filled with emotional pain I don’t really have anything keeping me going but my durgs you know what bugs me is people what my to celebrate for my life even when they don’t understand that I am really unhappy I am still fighting but I don’t want sometimes
May 17, 2013 at 2:14 am #18772
Memberi took the mind test and scored 1 is that ok?
May 20, 2013 at 6:42 am #18774
I can hear what a dragging feeling it is to have to keep going, feeling as though the drugs are the only thing that helps at all with that….
It does sound maddening that everyone around seems so intent on celebrating something that is only a source of pain for you. I’m guessing that it feels like a reminder of how little they see of the true emotions that are battling back and forth inside of you. I get the sense that you’re feeling misunderstood on a critical level by the very people who are supposed to see you most clearly.
When you say you took the mind test? Are you talking about the one at If so, getting a 1 seems very low (as in low stress)!
-The Support Team
May 26, 2013 at 4:11 am #18775
Memberi took the
i feel that this past week was hard it could be my birthday but I keep thinking about the common loveline (care giver) made to her friend “tomorrow is my day off” my birthday will be over in a couple days but is that the real problem? I don’t think so I really think the underlining is I feel that I am a job and until I feel really not a job this very long war inside me will not end and my simple question is will it ever end or I just need to accept it I really can’t you know at a birthday people ask the person what they want well I just want this job to be over of feeling like a job -
May 29, 2013 at 2:30 am #18777
ModeratorOh Dan, it sounds to me like you’re so heartbroken that your life and day-to-day reality can be boiled down by anybody to just a “job.” I get the sense it’s depressing to hear your care giver so casually say she has time off, when you yourself feel trapped in your unhappiness and can’t just simply “take a day off” from what you are going through.
I would guess you are hesitant that celebrating your birthday would bring you any feelings of celebration, or even that it might bring a bit of relief from feeling like you are a burden to those around you. I can hear how overwhelming it is for you to face the future and wonder if you will ever have relief from feeling like a job.
We’ll be thinking about you, Dan, and sending good thoughts you way for your birthday.
the Support Team
June 2, 2013 at 2:45 am #18781
MemberI am thinking about the past week and I feel sad yes the birthday is over but now I have to throw this next year I think it will be hard becuause this is the years that people get married and looking at that makes me feel am I just someone else just am I just suppose to keep acting like I am ok I look aother people in wheelchairs and I am sad to know that is the way it needs to be: (
June 4, 2013 at 3:06 am #18783
I can hear that from where you are right now, it’s hard to look either forward or back; the past seems filled with hurt, and when you look at the future it’s filled with the pain of watching people get married and settle down. I can sense how it breaks your heart to feel like that kind of experience might not exist for you — and that you are forced to pretend that things are okay when you’re really crying at the injustice of being left out.
It sounds like even though you have plenty of “caregivers”, you feel a hole in your life because it seems like they are caring for you because it’s their job, and not because they really WANT to. You’ve been haunted by this feeling for a while, Dan, and I imagine that sometimes hope hurts as much as it might help. :’(
We’re here to listen to that pain.
The Support Team -
June 6, 2013 at 2:22 am #18786
MemberAfter today was a pretty good day but I was talking in my session with the student I have been talking to for years and I just am thinking about relationships as I was saying in the session I feel that I have to two battles that I have the job issue feeling like a job and the other battle is I can’t be in a relationship because the first one is over powering
June 7, 2013 at 3:58 am #18787
ModeratorHi Dan,
It seems like there are moments when you start to feel like it’s a good day — but then something happens to remind you of your pain and that makes it hard again. I hope you find some relief in those times where the mood feels lighter and you experience some calm in the storm of emotions. Was there anything that was going on today before your session that made it seem particularly good?
I’m hearing you say that your struggles with feeling like a job are overwhelming enough but then they also get in the way of your desire to be in a relationship. I hear that the idea of a loving relationship brings you some comfort but you don’t see yourself getting there and that brings on the feeling of hopelessness all over again. It sounds like you’re trapped in a circle of isolation without seeing a doorway out of the loneliness.
I’m so glad you feel comfortable to reach out here and tell us what’s happening for you on these days of good and bad.
The Support Team
June 9, 2013 at 4:36 am #18789
Memberon that day I felt good i am unsure why I felt good but today i feel that the married thing is all around me i don’t know what to feel it is like I want to shut the world out because I want a relationship to feel included around the care people and other people who make me feel unloved and more about feeling like a job
June 10, 2013 at 9:19 pm #18794
ModeratorHey Dan,
I get the picture that on days like today it’s really hard for you to see anything except marriage and relationships all around you. Almost like you are viewing the world through a “happy couples” lens
I can hear how hard this makes it for you to feel optimistic about your place in the world. The pain of being excluded from these romantic relationships that are thrown in your face every day seems to be weighing really heavy on you these days…
When you say that you want to “shut the world out” I’m scared you are thinking of suicide Dan, is death on your mind?
I’m also wondering if there is anything or anyone that helps make you feel loved and less like a job?
We are here for you when you feel alone in a world full of couples.
~ The Support Team -
June 14, 2013 at 2:41 am #18799
Memberi have suicidal thoughts one minute and the next i am good
I am feeling pretty good but I am on the pill I felt that as this week ends I am tired of the thoughts I really wonder will the flashbacks ever get better I feel that I have to deal with a lot and nobody thinks how I am feeling like I said I am on my pills and I can’t remember all the pain maybe that a good thing but is that me?
Coming to a close the week people are happy when the week ends today I had to train a person for July and I feel that I have trained lots of care people and I feel that I try to be the job but I have felt that I don’t have anyone that really listens to my feelings I know I do have pills but I can’t help but feel lonely -
June 17, 2013 at 6:23 am #18802
ModeratorHey Dan,
As always, thanks for being honest and keeping us up to date on how you are doing. While you’re on the pill, it sounds like things are easier to deal with, but that the medication doesn’t completely mask everything, and sometimes the feelings and thoughts about suicide still rear their heads. I can imagine that those moments, going so quickly from good to bad and back again so quickly are difficult to cope with because they take you by surprise. I wonder if you feel like you can’t really trust your own emotions?
It must be draining to have to train new people so often, and to feel like they are temporary in your life and you never get the connection with them that you crave. I can hear how hard it is to have hope and interest in the future when it feels like it is just going to bring more of the same pain.
We know how important it is to feel like you are heard, Dan…and I can hear how heartbreaking it is to feel like your feelings are invisible to those around you.
The Support Team
June 19, 2013 at 3:24 am #18803
MemberI went to seeing my classmate she died tonight and I kept thinking what if that was me a part of me wants that because I am tired of everything and death is a way out I am fed up with care people I don’t know what I am finishing for I am just so tried emotionally:(
June 21, 2013 at 6:36 pm #18805
ModeratorOh Dan. I am so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine the weight of the grief that is filling your heart right now. I see you questioning life. Asking why her?! Why not you.
My heart aches to think of you feeling so unloved and SO fed up with everything in your life. Seems you are angry at your circumstances. Frustrated by the care people. Discouraged. Asking yourself what you are looking for out of life. Reading about how hopeless you feel, and how exhausted you are I can see that suicide is a very real option for you. Can you tell me more about those suicidal thoughts?
I’m scared for you Dan. Are you able to Chat in tonight? I want you to know that you are in our hearts and we are behind you as you stand on this battleground, fighting for life.
What will keep you safe and feeling supported this weekend?
Your Support Team
June 22, 2013 at 4:00 am #18806
MemberI am feeling good tonight the pills are doing their job the thoughts are still there I understand I need to deal with the thoughts because the thoughts are still there because when I am emotionally darned I feel that on the pills I can do anything but I cash emotionally off the pills
June 24, 2013 at 2:29 am #18807
ModeratorHey Dan,
I get the sense your exhaustion and sadness has been alleviated a bit this weekend, but that you are also worried that the strength you are feeling is false as it’s only an effect of the pills. I would guess it’s a scary feeling to rely so much on the pills to give you a sense of calm in your life, and that it’s hard for you to feel in control of your thoughts and emotions.
I can hear how distrustful you are of your own emotions right now. It seems like you are grateful for the relief you get when your pills are working as they should, but that you are also feeling stuck with the suicidal thoughts and confused about how you can address them while you are on the pills. Are you worried that your thoughts of suicide will take you over? What have you been thinking lately when it comes to suicide?
Take care, Dan.
the Support Team -
June 28, 2013 at 2:33 am #18808
MemberCouples all around me, you know I have not talked about this with anybody I just am embarrassed that I have these feelings will I ever be in a relationship I know I am now the only one that feelings this way but doesn’t make it easy
Saturday I am going to the funeral for the friend that died last week and I feel the battle that is live made her die I know that is not true but I feel that that is the only way out of this pain sometimes I wonder what I am fighting for I feel I am really sad and nobody understandsI am going camping this weekend maybe that will be good for me
July 1, 2013 at 5:46 am #18813
ModeratorOh Dan, it sounds like everywhere you go, everywhere you look, there are couples, almost as if the world is TRYING to cause you pain. I get that every time you see a couple, it’s like a slap in the face emotionally, and all of the pain and loneliness comes rolling over you. I can hear how desperately you yearn to be in a relationship, and how endlessly barren life seems when you wonder whether you will ever have that experience. :’(
Your friend’s funeral must have brought up a lot of thoughts about death. It sounds like her padding reminded you of the heaviness and pain of life, and the relief that might come from death…. I know that we’ve talked on here a lot about your own thoughts of suicide, and I’m wondering if her death impacted the way that you feel yourself drawn to that darkness sometimes? Certainly I do hear the deep disconnect that you feel runs between you and other people, leaving you alone with so many of these thoughts.
It is hard to find something to fight for when everything hurts.Here’s hoping that the camping was good…we’d love to hear how it was, and whether you did find it helpful.
The Support Team
July 4, 2013 at 4:27 am #18814
MemberCamping was good but when I came back I didn’t feel good when I got back because the issues are in my face and it feels that I have to deal with all these issues it is overwhelming with my friend dying to wanting a girlfriend
July 6, 2013 at 1:24 am #18816
ModeratorHey Dan,
I get the sense you’re frustrated to return from camping to a build up of awful thoughts and emotions. It sounds like you enjoyed a vacation away from these thoughts for a brief weekend, but now you are back the loneliness and sadness is hitting you more sharply than ever. I can hear how burned out you are feeling with the responsibility of having to deal with everything you’ve been through. I’m wondering if there’s anything you can do now that you’re back from camping that will bring you a even a little bit of that same relief. What are some other things you like to do in the summer that help distract you from your pain?
Know that we’re here as always for part of that coping plan,
the Support Team -
July 8, 2013 at 5:30 pm #18821
Memberi nevered liked summer because people don’t support me emotionally in the summer that is what it used to be like and the back of my mind i still feel that way
I am writing this morning because I feel that the pills in the evening mask my true feelings which I guess is good but this morning I am feeling that I don’t know what to do anymore I am getting the feeling that I will always be the third wheel in the relationships all around me it is different other people because they can run away but I can’t it is always in my face when I go to sleep and when I wake up every morning I just want to feel happy when I wake up just once -
July 11, 2013 at 2:32 am #18823
I can hear how the isolation and exclusion of past summers is haunting you right now. Seems that mornings are a particularly challenging time for you, but also a time when you feel you have access to your true emotions. I’m thinking that morning times are bitter-sweet, as you are able to both feel and communicate your feelings with intensity.
Sounds like you have been waking up to a black wall of sadness for a very long time now Dan. I want you to know that you deserve to be happy. Seems that you are sick and tired of being trapped as the third wheel, from morning to night, but unsure what to do to change your circumstances.
I can appreciate how powerless you feel right now Dan. I’m wondering if there are times or things that help you feel included and supported?
The Support Team
July 11, 2013 at 5:07 pm #18824
MemberWhen I am off my medicine I am thinking about how people don’t care that I feel like their job sometimes I feel if I was gone they wouldn’t care this life I have this job is never ending making people happy risking my own wellbeing for the happiest of others
July 13, 2013 at 1:30 am #18825
ModeratorHi Dan,
I’m hearing you say that when you don’t have your medication your thoughts turn to those that you feel don’t truly care for you and wonder how they would react if you were to disappear off of this earth. It seems like your energy is so focused on making those around you happy that you have none left to nurture yourself or give thought to your own well being. I wonder if there is anything you do that is just for yourself — to honour all that you give to others?
I want to check in with the thoughts of suicide you’ve been discussing here lately — I get the sense that when you talk in this post about being gone you are referring to ending your life — am I correct? I want to check in with how strong those thoughts are right now and what can be done to help keep you safe?
I’m glad that you are so willing to open up here about your thoughts and feelings Dan. We are here to listen and to support you.
The Support Team
July 13, 2013 at 4:34 am #18826
MemberOn a scale of 1 to 10 10 being high I am a 7 but I just hear the bad thoughts saying give up I do feel better at night because the pills I am tired of the job thing I am thinking of when my parents go camping next week for two weeks and I am left with care people and I feel like I am a job all the time yes this next weeks is going to be hard but I know I don’t have options I tried lots of things counseling or hospital I feel like I am at the end of supports
July 15, 2013 at 5:14 am #18828
It sounds like on the scale that you mention, the mornings are a much higher number than the evenings, when you are on your medication. I can tell that the see-saw between up and down is frustrating in its own way, because when you feel better, you sense that it’s because of the pills, and that it might soon change again.
The bad thoughts, the thoughts of suicide, must seem like a comfort sometimes, when endlessly you have to force yourself to play along with the role that you have in your own life. I can hear how desperately you crave anything that would make you feel like less of a job. :’(
I’m glad that you talk about it all here, Dan, because especially in the summer, it sounds like you are really low on support and understanding from other supports. I can imagine that things seem particularly bleak right now, when you have just lost your friend, and now have to face the weeks while your parents are gone with little help. Do you think that there is anything that might help you to distract yourself from the bad thoughts while your family is away? Of course, as always, we are here for you during that time.
-The Support Team
July 18, 2013 at 2:09 am #18829
MemberSo I am feeling very alone and I know I should go to the hospital but they don’t want me there but out here I am very sad I can’t act on the suicidal feelings and thoughts became I know it won’t get me anywhere I feel that I want help but I know there is no help: ( I am writing this because I don’t want it to just be in my head
I am reminded about the nurse I told I was being abused I know suicide is a different topic it feels that I have nobody really supporting me I don’t want to go on the future is so dark and my past is even darker I am running out of words to express myself I don’t know what to do because I have workers all around me and I want out I free that these care people are my task to keep happy some people might say that it is because my parents are away and last week I would have agreed but this is not only this week although it may have started it but it feels bigger
July 19, 2013 at 8:45 pm #18832
ModeratorOh Dan,
It sounds as though things are becoming unravelled with your family gone and the thoughts in your head are getting really strong. I can understand that it doesn’t all stem from your parents going away… I can imagine though, that without their presence, your feeling of being a job is a lot more powerful, and death seems especially tempting. Your life seems largely determined for you, and built out of the expectations of other people, and I can hear how deeply you just want to be done with all of it. I can hear how badly you want to escape. :’(
You say that the thoughts and loneliness are strong enough that you feel like you should go to a hospital but are not welcome to do so…. It’s like you are calling for help and nobody is there to answer. I get the sense that the nurse stands out as an example of a time when you tried to get support and ended up with misunderstanding. It must be hugely upsetting to feel like when you are in so much distress, you still have to act a certain way and perhaps pretend not to be in the emotional pain you feel.
We want to help you however we can Dan, because we can hear how isolated you’re feeling. If you feel like you are in crisis, and our chat service is open, we might be able to connect you to a team of mental health workers who help people dealing with suicidal thoughts. Suicide IS a difficult topic, and it can be hard to find people willing to talk to you. Please chat in if you want help accessing extra supports. We are always ready to talk to you here, and to hear whatever you have to get off your mind, but we know that sometimes things feel bigger than that…
The Support Team
July 19, 2013 at 9:15 pm #18833
MemberToday I threw up i have not done that for a long time you know that when I talk on here its just words but when I threw Up today it feels my thoughts are taking over i really want help but I understand that I am not welcome at the hospital what are they waiting for me to to act i am really sad and i just want somebody to understand me
I know this will be over soon and I feel if I choose live it will be a long journey I still picture these years as one long day I know the pills takes care of the reality that I am a job I talk about suicide and I feel bad because I am a people pleaser and I feel that even I am done with care people don’t care and they don’t remember if they cared before they don’t care or remember sometimes I wondered will I even be happy the pills are working now so I am safe its been a hard week and day but I feel safe tonight:)Packages come and go worker to worker the package has not feelings but I do and the worker are the same I am the package with no home nobody else to understand nobody cares but they do care if I am here so they can work last night I was a 8 out of 10 well today I feel like a 10 today we were driving on the highway and I was really sad * I will chat in tonight
*Edited by the Support Team for potentially triggering content
July 22, 2013 at 5:15 am #18835
My heart really goes out to you. It is terrifying to think that you are becoming physically ill from your thoughts. I can truly hear the depth of your sadness. And it sounds like having such a visceral reaction made the feelings that much more real, and made you want help very much.I can imagine that it must be very painful to always feel like a job, and like the care people sometimes don’t seem like they are doing what is in their job title. I can hear your frustration with them, and how much more lonely and isolated it makes you feel.
You have such resilience, Dan. We see the strength in the fact that you keep reaching out for help when you are struggling with the decision of life vs. death. The hardest thing right now must be feeling that even though you are so close to ending it all, and you are not taken seriously and are not welcome at the hospital. I hope that you remember that we are here for you, and that even though we are online and not in person, we care very much about you, Dan.
I can hear how your mind runs over the “long journey” that you have ahead if you choose to live. When you are feeling suicidal, it must seem like a horrible thought that things might continue on with so much pain. :’( When the pills kick in, things seem brighter, and perhaps it’s easier to imagine life in the future? I wonder what has kept you going lately?
Packages come and go, tossed this way and that, sometimes without thought for the delicate contents. A package gets bruised and battered, and falls upside-down. But when the package is finally opened, and the contents revealed, somebody finally gets to see the beauty that the workers missed when they were flinging it every which way. We believe that you have strength and beauty, Dan, that are very much worth fighting for. I’m so glad that you continue to connect here and over chat. I can hear how close the thoughts of death were lurking the other day, and it scares me for you. We’re here to help you fight those thoughts however we can.
The Support Team
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