Hey confusedandalone, welcome to the forum. It sounds like you’ve got some really big questions about your brother’s violence and what it might mean. I don’t know much about what qualifies as abuse, but what I can hear is that your brother’s violence is scary for you and that you don’t know who to turn to for help. I get the sense you are feeling guilty or responsible for his anger because it is directed specifically at you and things you have done. I am really worried about what it means for you when your brother gets angry, and how much he has hurt you and might hurt you again. Does anyone else in your life know what happens to you when your brother gets angry?
I would guess it’s frustrating not to be able to find the answers you were looking for about what qualifies as abuse. At youthspace we will listen to support you with whatever is weighing on your mind, but we don’t have a lot of answers or advice to give. Are you posting from somewhere in Canada? Most provinces have a phone number where anybody can call and report or ask questions about child abuse. If you’re comfortable telling me where you are we can try to find that number for you?
Hang in there, confusedandalone, and keep connecting with supports. We’re “hear” for you 
the Support Team