Forum Replies Created
MemberIt is hard im sick of being sick and getting better is so hopeless it seems.
Were starting winter break so it should be less stressful but im still so busy and have a lot to do.
I have had thoughts of suicide but I’ll agree to that safety plan still.
I had a youth leader talk to me about why acting on gay feelings is wrong and how i cant give up on my fight to be straight/ pure and how its the only way ill ever get happiness is if i follow those teachings. its really upsetting me and i cant help but hate myself because i have acted on them and what if that does mean i’ll never be happy.
I just don’t know,
Memberi don’t really take care of myself i just have to suck it up and keep going
. i went to emergency 4 times and they just sent me home telling me nothing was wrong when clearly something is wrong and it scares me to think that they wont help me till its too late. Like i have to die before they even consider that i might actually have a problem.
Im almost caught up but its the last week before break so i have the old and the new stuff pilling up and i only have 3 days to do it all and im stressed to the max!
i just wish i wasn’t so lonely i use to have so many people and friends and now i have no one i feel so alone and hurt because if i was gone no one would care.
Im just really tired i try so so so so so hard and nothing good happens i feel like i never get a break from pain i always am dealing with some form of pain.
i don’t know im running out of reasons to bother trying im never going to amount to anything i should just face the fact im a failure. I just im tired and i wish that someone around me would care for once im always taking care of everyone else and i just never seem to get it in return.
MemberI got really sick a awhile ago and just been so lost in the motion… hi.
Yeah my girlfriend became very manipulative and expected me to save her and i couldn’t handle that and so i left her and its hard when shes at school and goes to the lgbt group i went to cause i brought her so i kind of lost my only supports now. she tries to act like nothing happened but she really hurt me with her actions to get all of my attention.
the church is also on my case about staying “GAY” free as in not doing anything gay so that i don’t get corrupted. so that’s super fun and completely destructive of my self esteem.
Since i was sick ive fallen behind in school again like a stupid failure i am and im so tired i have no energy and the doctors refuse to help me. im so very tired no matter how hard i try all the things i do right my world falls apart around me and i don’t think anyone cares.
Memberim not sure i would hope so that i would be able to.
right now my girlfriend i have brings me happiness but also guilt because of how i was raised being old its bad. But she has a few issues and sometimes she triggers me and scares me because im afraid i might lose her and not be good enough to have her stay.
Im caught up in school now which is good but still struggling with making it through each day.
MemberI have no future anymore I’ll never be happy I’m just a failure. My world is falling apart.
My self harming isn’t that frequnet but it’s getting worse (worse for me but it doesn’t need any medical attention or anything so I guess it’s not bad ).
I don’t know I’m sorry.~Joy
MemberThing is though life keeps moving and i cant spend life in bed having a pity party, i have to get up each day and do what’s excepted. Nobody is sympathetic especially since I’ve been sick for so long its like everyone’s habituated to it, and don’t want to waste there time.It almost minimizes it and i just have to keep going no matter how bad it is, sometimes its so bad i want to die and yet im still considered the least important case on every doctors list.
Im just i don’t know what to do its so hard each day, physically im getting worse and my mental health is being strained and i don’t even know what im fighting for.
My dream has been pretty much crushed because i need to be in the 95% range to get into the university program i so desperately want but im barely making by with the little energy i have right now and with my disability that score is impossible
only 5% error in my world of constant mistakes.
Im becoming so hopeless,
i have such little support and i cant stand alone anymore. You guys help though its like the best snippet of the day to read your kind words, i wish there was more people like you.~Joy
MemberIt’s just it’s just getting worse and it’s all just crushing me
I just need someone to care.
I want to be happy for once in my life I want to be normal and healthy and just get a break from these constant waves of different/ difficult adversities.I don’t know what to do right now Besides lay in bed and cry I’m so pathetic
MemberMy day today is all over the map I was really good and happy but then I crashed and was sad and so irritated at Everything. My pain was harder on me today too.
I just want to curl up and cry I have so much homework to do tommrow and I have no idea how to do it or cope with it all its overwhelming.I don’t feel Like I’m ever good enough :,(
MemberI’m not doing good right now, I’m behind in school and it’s really stressful.
I just can’t get out of bed it’s hard I have no motivation or energy. My joints, stomach and everything hurts so much and so does my heart.
I feel so Emotional and it’s so hard. I don’t want to be gay my parents are going to hate me and I just want to be normal. I hate myself I don’t want any of this. Why can’t I get a break?I’m really down right now I’m sorry I just need to Let it out.
Well the health issues have caused me a lot of anger and sadness and I’ve felt so uncared about i absolutely hate this im the lowest priority to every doctor, there almost all trying to blame my mental health so they don’t have to help me.Im on a diet that’s helped a bit with the pain and sickness but im still sick and so i don’t like eating very much because of feeling ill. This also made it real easy to fall into the eating disorder.
Its really hard on me i have so much going on and the stress is just being stacked on top of me crushing me.
Im hurting a lot and suicide comes up and it sounds tempting but being on the other side of that i know for myself i couldn’t do that.
But the self harm was to hard to not do they urges were calling me and i was so triggered all the time, i haven’t done it in about a week though but i cant promise i wont do it, but i can promise i will try not to.(Also its not serious*so its never in need of medical help)My sexuality, the church taught me to hate myself and some of my problems are a root of this. I use to self hrm to try and get rid of those feelings, those normal feelings because i thought i was so wrong. My parents are quite religious and i fear if they knew they would force my to church more and put me on like a church celibacy/ try to make you straight therapy or something along the lines of that. Im scared about all of it.(They would never abuse me or kick me out so im safe to that degree)
A safe space of mine is sort of being pulled out of my life because the web of lies to go there is being unraveled so i have to stop going. So that’s disappointing to me very much.
I don’t know i just really hate myself and im so alone I’ve fallen into my hole and nobody is looking for me.
~Joy*Edited by Youthspace to remove triggering content/identifying information