's Online Resource List
Our suggestions for helpful websites, smartphone apps, community services, and more!
These resources cover various mental, emotional, and physical health issues and/or wellness. If you have suggestions, please reach out to us using our contact form.
Last Updated July 2024
Resources in Specific Provinces & Territories
9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline 24/7 support for anyone in Canada. Text or call 9-8-8 toll free to connect. More Info: | Kids Help Phone Support for youth under 18. 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-668-6868 24/7 SMS Text: Text CONNECT to 686868 Live Chat Counselling 7pm-12am ET : | Black Youth Helpline Phone Line: 1-833-294-8650 Hours: 9am – 10pm EST More Info: |
2-1-1 Services, Info and Referrals Connect with information and services in your province or territory More Info: | National Overdose Response Service 24/7 Phone Line: 1-888-688-6677 More Info: | Woods Homes : 1-800-563-6106 Hours: 8 a.m. - 11 p.m daily SMS and IM Hours: 9am – 10pm MST daily SMS Text: 587-315-5000 Instant Messaging and More Info: |
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention’s database of crisis lines and centers, along with info on support groups and general information on suicide.
- Talking For Change
Anonymous phone and chatline for anyone concerned about a sexual interest in children, worried about crossing boundaries, or troubled by interest in child sexual abuse material. Free psychotherapy also available in some provinces/territories.Hours : Monday-Friday 12-6pm EST, closed statutory holidays.
Phone Line: 1-833-703-3303
Ontario Phone Line : 416-583-1310 - Theravive
An online database of therapists and resources searchable by province/territory or city. Please note, this service is free to use, however, there may be varying costs associated with clinicians.
Alberta 24/7 Mental Health Help Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1-877-303-2642 | Alberta Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 811 | Alberta 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 SMS Text: Text INFO to 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: |
Calgary Distress Center 24/7 Phone Line: 403-266-HELP (4357) Hours: 3pm-10pm MST Instant Messaging and More Info: | Calgary Teen Support Line “Connecteen” 24/7 Phone Line: 403-264-TEEN (8336) SMS Text: 587-333-2724. Peer Support Hours: Mon-Fri 3pm-10pm, Sat-Sun 12pm-10pm Instant Messaging and More Info: | Edmonton Crisis Line 24/7 Phone Line: 780-482-4357 More Info: |
Child Abuse Reporting Child Intervention Phoneline 24/7: 1-800-638-0715 |
Articles & tools to support mental wellness in rural & farming communities.
BC 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 SMS Text: Text name of your city to 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: | BC 24/7 Crisis Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) | BC Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 8-1-1 |
Youth in BC IM support for youth under 25 from Noon – Midnight PST Instant Messaging and More Info: (for those over 25, access same IM service here: | KUU-US Crisis Line (Support for Indigenous Peoples) 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-588-8717 More Info: | Northern Youth Online Instant Messaging & More Info: IM Chat open from 4pm-10pm PST every day |
Victim Link BC A confidential service in 110 languages for BC and the Yukon for survivors of crime and crisis support to survivors of family/sexual violence. 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-563-0808 | Youth Against Violence Support Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-680-4264 24/7 SMS Text/TTY for those hard of hearing only: 604-836-6381 More Info: | BC Bereavement and Grief Helpline Phone Line: 604-738-9950 Hours are M-S 9am-5pm PST More Info: |
Vancouver Island Crisis Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1‑888-494-3888 SMS Text: 250-800-3806 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm PST Instant Messaging and More Info: | Community-Led Crisis Response Team (CLCR) Crisis responders with lived experience in Victoria, BC. Phone: 250-818-2454 from 7:30 am to 12:30 am PST More Info: | QChat Peer Support for LGBTQ2S+ Youth in BC Saturday -Wednesday, 6:00-9:00 PM Phone Line: 1‑855-956-1777 SMS Text: 250-800-9036 Instant Messaging and More Info: |
Pathways Community Service Directory Search for various services in your community | Child Abuse Reporting If you are a child or youth and would like to talk to someone call the 24/7 Helpline for Children: 310-1234. MCFD 24/7 Phoneline: 1-800-663-9122 |
Manitoba Suicide Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1-877-435-7170 | Manitoba Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 1-888-315-9257 | Manitoba Farmer, Rural & Northern Support Services Monday to Friday 10am-9pm CST Phone Line: 1-866-367-3276 Instant Messaging & More Info: |
Manitoba 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: | Child Abuse Reporting Find your Designated Child Protection Intake Agency by region here. Child and Family Services 24/7: 1-866-345-9241 |
Articles and tools to support mental wellness in rural and farming communities.
New Brunswick Chimo Helpline 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-667-5005 Instant Messaging and More Info: IM Hours: 5PM-12AM AST | New Brunswick Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 8-1-1 | NB 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: |
Child Abuse Reporting Social Development Department 24/7: 1-833-733-7835 or After Hours Emergency Social Services: 1-800-442-9799. |
Mental Health Crisis Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1-888-737-4668 | Newfoundland Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 8-1-1 | NL 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 |
Reporting Child Abuse Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: 1-833-552-2368 |
NWT Help Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-661-0844 | NWT Nurse Line for Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 1-888-255-1010 | NWT 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 |
Reporting Child Abuse Find your local Child and Family Services Contact Information here |
NS Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team 24/7 Phone Line: 1-888-429-8167 | Nova Scotia Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 8-1-1 | NS 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 SMS Text: 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: |
Reporting Child Abuse Find the child welfare agency in your area here After hours phoneline: 1-866-922-2434 |
Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-265-3333 | Nunavut 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 | Reporting Child Abuse Find your local Community Social Services Worker here |
Crisis and Counselling Services in Ontario by county area
Ontario Telehealth For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 1-866-797-0000 | Youth Line (Ontario Only) Confidential peer support for LGBTQ2S+ youth in Ontario. Hours: 4:00-9:30pm EST Sunday to Friday. Phone Line: 1-800-268-9688 SMS Text: 647-694-4275 IM Chat: | Talk 4 Healing – A Help Line for Indigenous Women 24/7 Phone Line: 1-855-554-HEAL (4325) More Info: |
Reporting Child Abuse Locate a Children’s Aid Society or Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agency here. | Ontario 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: |
Similar to Youthspace E-Counselling, this website offers free professional counselling to youth in Ontario, as well as resources for youth and their parents.
PEI Helpline 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-218-2885 | PEI Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 8-1-1 | PEI 211 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: |
Reporting Child Abuse Child Protection During Business hours: 1-877-341-3101 After Business hours: 1-800-341-6868 |
Centre de prevention du suicide de Quebec 24/7 24/7 Phone Line: 1-866-277-3553 | Quebec Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 8-1-1 | Quebec 211 Services Info & Referrals Phone Line: 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: |
Sexual Violence Helpline (Quebec) 24/7 Phone Line: 1-888-933-9007 | Reporting Child Abuse Find the Director of Youth Protection (child protection agency) for your area here |
Saskatchewan 24/7 Services Info & Referrals 24/7 Phone Line: 2-1-1 SMS Text: 2-1-1 IM and Searchable Database: sk.211.c | Saskatchewan Outreach and Support Services 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-611-6349 | Saskatchewan Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 8-1-1 |
Reporting Child Abuse Report child abuse to your nearest Ministry of Social Services office, which can be found here. For support after business hours, call your nearest After Hours Crisis Centre or local police. Prince Albert (North): 306-764-1011 Saskatoon (Centre): 306-933-6200 Regina (South): 306-569-2724 |
Community centre and service provider for 2SLGBTQ+ youth in Saskatoon & surrounding areas. Website includes a curated resource library that is not area specific.
- Rural Mental Wellness
Articles and tools to support mental wellness in rural and farming communities.
Youth in BC IM support for youth under 25 in BC/Yukon from Noon – Midnight PST Find Instant Messaging and More Info: (for those over 25, access same IM service here: | Yukon Nurse Line For Non-Emergency Health Questions 24/7 Phone Line: 8-1-1 | Victim Link BC A confidential phone service in 110 languages for BC and the Yukon for survivors of crime and crisis support to survivors of family/sexual violence. 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-563-0808 |
Reporting Child Abuse Find your regional social worker here. Family and Children’s Services: 867-667-3002 or toll free in Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories 1-800-661-0408 extension 3002 |
Whitehorse-based organization providing drop in and outreach harm reduction, support & counselling services, workshops, and other justice-based resources.
Mental Health, Drug Use, Suicide and Self Harm, Care Tools & more
Tips, strategies, and insights into ADHD based on research and personal anecdotes. Contains videos, forums, and organizational coping tools.
- TEDx Talk: This is What it’s Really Like to Live with ADHD
A 17-minute TEDx Talk by Jessica McCabe about her experience with high-functioning ADHD and using her neurodivergence as a positive factor in life. Comes with a transcript of the entire talk.
A list of ideas of how to minimize and control anger. Includes how and when to get help, and long and short term strategies for coping.
- Why Am I So Angry?
- Feeling Angry
Information on anger and how to manage it.
Discussion on anger and some ways to cope with it immediately, in the short-term, and in the long-term.
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- Anxiety Tips
- Ways To Calm Down
- Anxiety in Youth
- Intrusive Thoughts Worksheet
How to reduce anxiety.
15 tips for helping to calm down right now.
Anxiety explained, and tips on how to manage it.
Are you being bothered by unwanted thoughts that keep coming back? This worksheet can help you keep track of them and find the strategies that work best for you.
- Autistic Self Advocacy Network
- Neurodivergent Rebel
- Stimming Causes And Management
An organisation seeking to advance rights and empower folks with regards to Autism advocacy. Contains some reading resources, toolkits, and ways to get involved.
An internationally recognized autism advocacy website run by a non-binary autistic blogger, aiming to destigmatize autism and neurodivergence. Contains video and written formats.
Explanation on the causes of stimming, and how to manage it.
Organization dedicated to breaking the stigma around Bipolar Disorder. Lots of information about the Disorder, medication, treatment, and latest research.
- BP Hope Magazine
- Purple Persuasion Blog
A Magazine style website with information on Bipolar and a support forum. Includes info for kids, relationships, pets, etc.
A personal blog run by a user with Bipolar. Winner of many awards, and the blog posts are archived by content tags on the side for perusing.
- Heads Up Guys
- So You Feel Like Sh*t – An Interactive Self Care Guide
- Students Against Depression
Website about depression specifically for men, working to debunk gender myths surrounding mental health.
Interactive “quiz” that guides the user through self-care when they are in a state of executive dysfunction or anxiety.
Articles and an in-depth workbook to help find ways of overcoming or dealing with the symptoms.
Explains what dissociation and dissociative disorders are, including possible causes and how you can access treatment and support. Includes tips for helping yourself, and guidance for friends and family.
Phone Number: 1-866-633-4220 Canada-wide, Monday to Thursday 11am-7pm, Friday 11am-5pm EST
Online Chat:
- Kelty Eating Disorders
- How Do I Know If I Have An Eating Disorder?
- Love Your Body
- Looking Glass BC
Overview of different types of eating disorders, treatment options, general information, and more. Includes a resource section and links to personal stories and multi-media supports such as videos and more.
Information on how to identify disordered eating in yourself.
20 ways to love your body.
Website with general support and information for those experiencing disordered eating.
Phone Number: 1-877-779-2223 (Hours: M-F 9am-5pm PST)
- Grief Encounter
- Coping with Grief
- Miscarriage Support
- Suicide Bereavement
A UK-based website dedicated to helping young people through loss. Includes personal stories, advice, and different art forms like poems. Online chat on website available internationally – (Chat hours: 9am-9pm UK time)
Information on coping with and understanding grief.
Information on miscarriages, various sources of support and how to seek them out, as well as info on long-term health.
Resource for folks grieving after a suicide. Talks about how suicide grief is unique, and how to support yourself and/or someone else dealing with a loss.
- “Healthful Chat” Mental Health Peer Support Chat Rooms
- A Soft Murmur – Ambient Sounds
- The Loneliness Project
Weekly stories about loneliness written by regular folks. Interactive interface allows you to look in at “apartments” to get their stories.
- OCD and Relationships
- OCD Youth
Article-style information on how OCD can impact family, romantic, sexual and friend relationships. Includes information for those on the other side of it, as well.
Website geared at youth with OCD – FAQ’s, information and advice. Contains many personal story articles as well as a forum to connect with others.
A guide to BPD; signs, symptoms, stigma. Thorough self-help coping section is near the bottom of the article.
- Personality Disorder Facts and A-Z Glossary
- What Are Personality Disorders?
Information and overview of personality disorders. Also includes A-Z style glossary of terms related to each personality disorder.
A brief but informative one-page overview of personality disorders, their sub-types, and the signs and symptoms that someone with a personality disorder may have.
Website all about psychosis, understanding it, decreasing stigma around it, and more, such a toolkit to download and work through. Help links are specific to BC.
- Hearing and Managing Voices
- I’m Experiencing Things That Aren’t Real, Is It Psychosis?
- The Mighty – Schizophrenia
A nonjudgmental website about hearing voices. It provides information about why one might hear voices, as well as tips and tricks for managing and living with voices. Also contains a help section for family and friends of people who live with voices. Note: website is based in the UK.
Information on psychosis.
Personal stories on living with Schizophrenia or having family members with it.
Self-compassion and self-love website discussing how to incorporate self love into every day. Includes lots of guided meditations and mindfulness techniques, as well as practice tips and resources.
A downloadable harm reduction guide.
- Drug Cocktails
- Introduction to Harm Reduction
- Overdose Prevention Sites
- Get Trained to use a Naloxone Kit Online
A non-judgemental website with lots of great info on different legal and illegal substances, and what happens when they are mixed. User can search for different brand names of medication to learn more about them.
A harm reduction organization with lots of information about harm reduction, including practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use.
Map of overdose prevention sites and safe consumption sites across Canada.
A free training to learn how to tell when somebody is overdosing, and how to respond with a Take Home Naloxone kit.
Can be used to find support groups or helplines for specific areas across the U.S. and Canada.
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- SMART Recovery for Teens and Young Adults
- Addiction Information
- Quit Now (Cigarettes and Vaping)
Can be used to find support groups and resources for alcohol addiction.
Provides tools and resources for youth aged 14-22 struggling with addiction.
A very in-depth website on about addiction, types of substance abuse, causes, symptoms, and how to gear towards recovery.
A website all about why and how to quit smoking. Includes information about setbacks and managing cravings.
An article about preventing and treating drug abuse.
- Living with an Addict
Provides tips for living with an addict.
Website with lots of information, stories and guides on various topics around suicide such as: what to do if you’re suicidal, what to do in an emergency, what a safety plan is and how to make one, etc.
- How to Cope with Suicidal Feelings
- Live Through This – Suicide Survivor Stories
- What it’s Like Going to the Emergency Room for Suicidal Thoughts
Explains what suicidal feelings are, and what you can do if you feel suicidal. Also covers the causes, treatments and support options for suicidal feelings.
A series of portraits and true stories of suicide attempt survivors. Aims to reduce stigma, and let those experiencing thoughts of suicide know that they are not alone.
A blog post sharing an individual’s experience going to the Emergency Room for thoughts of suicide.
Talks broadly as well as in depth about self harm, causes, and risks; includes ideas on coping techniques that don’t actively harm yourself.
- How to Care for Self Harm Wounds
- Life Signs
First Aid for self harm wounds.
Note: This resources is based in Ireland and refers to UK specific phone numbers. If you need immediate medical help, call 911.
In depth website and network focusing solely on self injury. Includes a support forum and many FAQs, including advice on hiding scars and administering first aid.
- Tips for Coping with Urges
- Distractions that Can Help
Explains self harm, including tips for helping yourself, and guidance for friends and family.
A PDF with may ways to distract yourself from the urge to self harm.
Artist posts funny drawings on Instagram about living with mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.
- Positive Doodles
- Mapping Our Madness Workbook
Note that the account has been inactive for over a year, but the posts are still there.
Something to work on for a distraction from the moment, and may help organize thoughts and do future self care.
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Free online jigsaw puzzles.
- Little Alchemy
- Strategy Ball Game
Combine elements to see what you can come up with.
A simple strategy game that’s hard to beat.
Colour or design your own Mandalas. Can be printed out, or coloured online.
- ”This is Sand”
- ”Weave Silk”
Create pictures with sand
Create images with mirrored lines.
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An online background noise generator. Create your own ambient sounds.
- Guided Sleep Meditations on Youtube
- Do Nothing For 2 Minutes
- Oddly Satisfying
- Pixel Thoughts – a 60 Second Meditation Tool
A list of guided relaxation and sleep meditations.
Website that tells you to do nothing for two minutes but relax, not touch your keyboard or mouse, and listen to the waves it plays in the background. Great for taking a break.
A Youtube channel dedicated to calming videos of “oddly satisfying” things with calm music in the background.
Put an anxious thought on a star and watch it fade away. An auditory and visual meditation for anxiety.
Free and track sleep and moods to give you a report (that you can even send it to healthcare professionals).
- Improve Your Mood
List of small things you can do right now to improve your mood.
How to incorporate self love into every day. Includes guided mediations and mindfulness techniques, as well as practice tips and resources.
- So You Feel Like Sh*t – An Interactive Self Care Guide
- Distractions That Can Help
- Walk Along – Your Journey to Mental Wellness
Interactive “quiz” that guides the user through self-care when they are in a state of executive dysfunction or anxiety.
A list of ideas that can help distract you from feelings of self-harm or in general.
Website that has many useful and interactive tools, such as a mood tracking program, a CBT program, assessments and other self-help exercises. Has places to share your story and read others’.
How to Support Someone Thinking of Suicide
- Suicide Is Different
How to Support Someone Thinking of Self Harm
Helpful and informative modules on supporting others through suicidal thoughts, and how to support yourself while supporting others – complete with graphics and interactive aspects!
Website on understanding different mental illnesses and how they may affect those you know. Includes general tips and techniques on how to talk to people who are feeling anxious, low, or depressed.
- “Be There” Mental Health Support Guide & Information
A simple framework on how to support someone struggling with their mental health. Includes a free online course and certificate.
A list of tips to maintain your own wellbeing while supporting a friend.
- Self-Care When Helping Someone Else
Self-care strategies for maintaining your wellbeing when helping someone else.
Health, Sexuality & Gender
A medical website with information on coping with a chronic illness including links to additional resources, academic articles and information.
- Practicing Self-Care with a Chronic Illness
- Pain Toolkit for Youth
4 ways to practice self care when you have a chronic illness. Note: A free account may be required to read.
A 20-page toolkit aimed at youth about pain management and tons of coping strategies offered based on different types of chronic illness.
Expansive website that promotes those with disabilities to be as active in life as they want to be. Topics include: relationships, employment, sex and love, travel, etc. Note: Contains ads
- The Mighty
- Adapting To A Physical Disability
Community for people facing any kind of mental illness or disability with many powerful stories and articles on personal experiences. Subject areas are grouped together with an A-Z table of contents.
A guide to adapting to a physical disability including ways to cope with limitations, overcome challenges, and build a rewarding life.
BC, AB, SK, QC, NB, NS, NL, PEI: 811
Manitoba Health Line: 1-888-315-9257
Ontario Telehealth: 1-866-797-0000
Poison Control: 1-800-567-8911
- Health Link
In-depth information about a variety of health concerns, symptoms, remedies and advice. Has some BC specific information and resources.
Website dedicated to sexual safety and birth control, including different types of BC, risks, benefits, etc.
- How to Talk to Partners About Sex Worksheet
- Scarleteen Sex Education
- Teen Health Source
- ”Teen Talk” Health Education
A downloadable worksheet full of suggestions and prompts to facilitate conversation around sex, sexuality, gender, pleasure, and more.
Website with comprehensive articles on sex, sexuality, STI’s, sexual self-esteem, abuse, relationships, etc. Includes a forum where users can send in questions and have them answered by ‘sexperts’.
Comprehensive website created by Canadian youth for Canadian youth about all things sexual health. Has a chat line for youth in Toronto between the ages of 13-19.
Canadian resource with a focus on sexuality and reproductive health, body image, substance use, mental health, diversity and anti-violence issues. Indigenous youth-friendly. Has an extensive list of Canada-wide resources available.
Tips and suggestions on how to improve sleep hygiene. Links to a sleep diary people can use to track sleep habits and quality of sleep.
- Sleep and Tiredness
- Sleep Issues Information & Help
- Sleep Hygiene Wellness Module
Reasons why you might feel tired and advice about what you can do to prevent tiredness.
An overview of sleep hygiene that is accessible and clear. Offers tips on sleep hygiene and an interactive sleep skills diary. Note: Some resources offered are BC-specific.
A community-based organization run by and for queer and gender diverse folx. Website provides information, resources, and online peer support groups.
- Gender Bread Person
- Transgender Health Information
- Our Trans Truth – Trans Youth Stories
- Is it Normal: The Binding Edition
- All About Chest Binding
Diagram explaining the difference between gender, sexuality, and sexual/romantic attraction.
Resource for trans people with emphasis on visual and medical transitioning; includes a glossary, frequently asked questions, and resources. Is BC specific in terms of medical and support resource referrals.
Story sharing website aimed at youth and families. “Stories to build community, find inspiration & transform society”.
Lists symptoms that are normal and not normal, indicating when you should contact a medical professional, when it comes to chest binding.
Guide to chest binding including best practices and how-to’s.
The “Coming out handbook” by The Trevor Project.
- How To Come Out To Parents
Article about how to approach coming out to your parents/family.
Youth Line (Ontario Only)
Confidential peer support for LGBTQ2S+ youth in Ontario. Hours: 4:00-9:30pm EST Sunday to Friday.
Phone Line: 1-800-268-9688
SMS Text: 647-694-4275
IM Chat:
24/7 Trans Lifeline
Phone Number: 1-877-330-6366
More Information:
- Am I LGBT?
- My Kid is Gay – Helping Families Understand Their LGBTQ+ Kids
- Printable Affirmations Card Deck for LGBTQ+ Youth
- Queer Sex Ed Resources & Podcast
- Asexual Visibility and Education Network
- The Sex You Want
- Finding an Affirming Therapist
Information on questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity.
A series of sex ed resources developed by and for LGBTQ+ youth addressing sexual health topics like body positivity, identity, language, sex acts, and consent.
All about Asexuality – comprehensive FAQ section and an active community forum.
Sex-positive website exploring (generally cis-) gay sexuality for men. In-depth info on sexual health, protection, STI and HIV testing, and kinks. Extensive list of resources local to Ontario.
A checklist to support LGBTQ+ youth in finding affirming mental health care.
Additional Resources
How to identify bullying, as well as what to do if you or your friend are being bullied. Geared towards BC youth; the reporting tool only works for BC and is open on school days only.
- The Cybersmile Foundation
- Need Help Now
- Predatory Behaviour – Online Grooming
Cyberbullying and what to do if it happens.
What to do about sexual cyberbullying (or spread of pictures or videos without consent), and all the emotional ways it can affect you.
Some definitions, common signs, and what to do if you are being groomed.
Different types of emotional abuse and ways it can manifest, as well as what to do when you find yourself in an emotionally abusive situation or relationship.
Child Protective Services and Abuse Reporting by Province/Territory | ||
British Columbia If you are a child or youth and would like to talk to someone call the 24/7 Helpline for Children: 310-1234. MCFD 24/7 Phoneline: 1-800-663-9122 | Alberta Child Intervention Phoneline 24/7: 1-800-638-0715 | Saskatchewan Report child abuse to your nearest Ministry of Social Services office, which can be found here. For support after business hours, call your nearest After Hours Crisis Centre or local police. Prince Albert (North): 306-764-1011 Saskatoon (Centre): 306-933-6200 Regina (South): 306-569-2724 |
Manitoba Find your Designated Child Protection Intake Agency by region here. Child and Family Services 24/7: 1-866-345-9241 | Ontario Locate a Children’s Aid Society or Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agency here. | Quebec Find the Director of Youth Protection (child protection agency) for your area here |
New Brunswick Social Development Department 24/7: 1-833-733-7835 or After Hours Emergency Social Services: 1-800-442-9799. | Prince Edward Island Child Protection During Business hours: 1-877-341-3101 After Business hours: 1-800-341-6868 | Nova Scotia Find the child welfare agency in your area here After hours phoneline: 1-866-922-2434 |
Newfoundland and Labrador Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: 1-833-552-2368 | Yukon Find your regional social worker here. Family and Children’s Services: 867-667-3002 or toll free in Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories 1-800-661-0408 extension 3002 | Northwest Territories Find your local Child and Family Services Contact Information here |
Nunavut Find your local Community Social Services Worker here |
How to deal with family abuse and stay safe.
A directory of Canadian resources for people experiencing violence in their lives. Organized by province. Includes both crisis and non-crisis resources.
- Ending Violence Association of BC – Safety Planning
- Shelter Safe
An online resource for women and their children seeking safety from violence and abuse. A clickable map serves as a quick resource to connect women with a shelter in their specific geographic area along with its 24-hour emergency phone number. Also provides information about abuse, shelters, and safety planning, as well as a list of helplines. - Abuse in LGBTQ+ Relationships
- Relationship Violence
Detailed guide for creating safety plans for yourself or someone else experiencing violence. Includes escape plans, emotional safety, safety plans involving children, and more.
A booklet providing information about abuse within LGTBQ intimate relationships.
Fact sheets on violence within dating and intimate relationships. Also has information on different types of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) and information on different ways to seek help.
- Need Help Now
- We Believe You – A survivor’s colouring book
Site with coping tips and advice on what to do if someone is being sexually harassed online, or if sexually explicit videos or photos are being shared without consent.
A PDF printable colouring book with self care prompts for survivors of sexualized violence.
A guide to supporting an intimate partner who was sexually abused as a child or teen.
- Supporting Survivors: How to Help
How to support survivors of sexualized violence. Includes general information as well as specific resources for supporting a survivor as their parent, partner, or friend.
Black Youth Helpline Phone Line: 1-833-294-8650 Hours: 9am – 10pm EST daily More Info: | Racial Equity Support Line Phone Line: 503-575-3764 Hours: 10am – 7pm PST daily More Info: |
A fairly new and growing directory for black therapists in Canada, mostly listed in Ontario and Alberta so far.
- Grief is a Direct Impact of Racism: How to Support Yourself
- Radical Self-Care: 25 Tips for Black People
Informative article about the role of grief and trauma in experiences of anti-Black racism. Offers tips on how to take care of one’s mental health in the midst of racialized and intersectional violence.
An article about radical resistance through self-care written by and for Black people. The website has many articles about racism, identity, culture, queer identities, and history.
KUU-US Crisis Line 24/7 Phone Line: 1-800-588-8717 24/7 Youth Line: 250-723-2040 More Information: | Talk 4 Healing – A Help Line for Indigenous Women 24/7 Phone Line: 1-855-554-HEAL (4325) More Info: | 24/7 Hope For Wellness Indigenous Peoples’ Helpline Phone Number: 1-855-242-3310 Chat Service (24/7): |
24/7 Native Youth Crisis Hotline Phone Number: 1-877-209-1266 | Support for First Nations, Inuit and Metis Youth 24/7 Texting Line: Text FIRST NATIONS, METIS or INUIT to 686868 More Information : |
A website geared towards youth that wish to get more connected or involved with their specific culture. Lots of supportive suggestions, videos, and resources.
- Indigenous Youth Self-Care Toolkits
- Indspire
- Native Youth Sexual Health Network
- National Association of Friendship Centers
- Two-Spirit: Rainbow Resource Centre
An all-encompassing self-care toolkit for Indigenous youth with worksheets and videos made by and for Indigenous peoples. It acknowledges many serious societal issues and shows positive representations / stories of survivors. Has a section for Indigenous gender identities!
An Indigenous registered charity that serves First Nations, Inuit, and Métis students in remote communities, rural areas and urban centres across Canada. Formerly known as the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF). They disburse financial awards and deliver programs with the goal of increasing graduation rates for Indigenous students.
Comprehensive website for Indigenous Youth looking for resources on sexual health, safe sex, Two-Spirit identities. Has resources on harm reduction, reproductive health, Indigenous feminisms and masculinities, and culturally safe sex education.
Map of Friendship Centers across Canada, especially for off-reserve service delivery. Note: Could be outdated.
A website for Native youth, by Native youth. Great articles, peer support videos on a multitude of issues that can either specifically relate to being Indigenous, or not.
A breakdown of what racism can look like, and what legal rights and laws are surrounding racism and anti-racist resistance. Includes pages for educators, for employers, and for youth. Note: Website may be out of date.
- Brown Girl Magazine
- The Immigrant’s Guide to Self-Care
- Setting Self-Care Intentions: The Guide Women of Color Need
A queer-friendly, feminist multimedia source for South Asian women of colour. Contains articles, stories, and dialogue of solidarity about self-expression, culture, health, lifestyle and more.
Immigrant-specific advice and affirmations of mental health as a necessary priority and a form of love. Acknowledges the taboo of mental health conversations in different cultures.
A simple list of setting self-care intentions with the unique challenges that womxn of colour face in mind. Written by a Black psychotherapist and social justice advocate.
Content Warning: While it is important to stay informed about COVID-19 in order to keep yourself and others safe, sometimes reading a lot of information about the virus might increase feelings of worry or anxiety.
Please use the following links at your own discretion!
A compilation of resources and tools to support your mental wellness during COVID-19 – includes information on and coping tools for anxiety, depression, links to other helpful guides, podcasts, poems, and more.
- Canadian Mental Health Association – Pandemic Pushing Your Anxiety Buttons?
Blog post featuring self-care tips for coping with COVID-19 related anxiety, other helpful links, and general information about anxiety.
Printable PDF’s with tips and activities for creative folks, activity pages with drawing and writing prompts, and a “pick me up” zine.
Plain language and verifiable information on COVID-19 and what you can do to help limit the spread in your community.
- Mental Health Commission of Canada: COVID-19 Resource Hub
- Indigenous Climate Action – COVID-19 Resources for Indigenous Peoples
- COVID-19: Advice for People Who Use Drugs
Evidence-based updates and information on COVID-19 as well as resources to support mental wellness during the pandemic.
An extensive list of COVID-19 resources (including informational resources, mental wellness resources, resources for traditional medicine and holistic practices, community care, entertainment, and more) specifically for Indigenous folks.
Leaflets for general safety procedures with drug use during a pandemic, mental health strategies, and worry management.
Website discussing many life skills needed to “adult”, such as taxes, credit, etc. Created by former youth in care. BC based website so includes BC specific information and links.
- A Resource Guide for Canadian Homeless Youth
- Smart Social Networking: Fifteen Tips for Teens
- Grapes Lauren – AHDH Cooking
A comprehensive list of free Canada-wide resources available to homeless youth. It covers mental health and wellness, drug use, sexual assault, LGBTQ2S, jobs, and legal resources.
Blog with realistic, AHDH-friendly recipes and cooking tips. Geared towards individuals with ADHD but helpful for anyone looking for easy, accessible recipes.
Website outlining what to do, legally, in cases such as Sexual Assault, Renting, Work, etc.
Chat feature available on website for BC youth. Hours: Monday-Friday, 11am-2pm.
- Egale Canada Human Rights Trust
Supports legal rights of LGBTQ folks in Canada. With an especial focus on serving youth, has a phone service as well.
Info and ideas on how to study, what to expect when starting college/university and how to deal with exam stress, etc.
- Smart Scholar
- Webmath
A directory for websites that offer Free Open Online Courses on multiple topics and areas.
Step-by-step math help for questions and also based on mathematical subject area.
- Work BC Career Video Episodes
Website with video episodes of individuals in various career positions performing typical daily tasks, with interviews about their experiences. Adjustable search lets you tailor your results.
A downloadable worksheet full of suggestions, creative things to think about, and prompts to facilitate conversation around sex, sexuality, gender, pleasure, and more.
- More Than Two – Polyamoury Resources
- Signs of a Healthy Relationship
- Love is Respect
An article about healthy relationships, including signs your relationship may not be healthy, and tips for strengthening your relationships.
Comprehensive website providing information on how to change patterns of abuse and manipulation in relationships; for yourself, for someone else. Provides information about healthy relationships, boundary setting, personal safety, how to get help, and more.
Gives an overview of emotions and coping strategies with divorce. Geared towards younger teens.
- Families Change
- Talking to Your Parents About Difficult Topics
A website to help families deal with family breakups. Has specific portals based on: province/age/relationship. Discusses emotions, laws, changes that are inevitable, etc.
Tips for talking to your parents or other adults about difficult topics.
A short guide showing the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships.
- Difficult Conversations with Friends
8 tips for having a difficult conversation with a friend.