
There is no need to apologize, we are here when you want to connect. I can hear how paralyzed you’re feeling right now — as though the weight of life makes breathing a monumental task and your head is screaming with ways to end this pain you’re feeling. How are you able to calm your mind in those moments when death is calling you?

You’ve been fighting so hard Sophiexx and I imagine that sometimes you feel like your opponent is so much bigger and stronger than you are. Yet you are still here. Still fighting. Who or what is helping you stay alive right now?

I’m grateful that you still feel this is a safe space to open your heart and share what you’re experiencing. Remember that we are in your corner as you fight this battle Sophiexx and we want to help you win the fight. I wonder if you’ve had an opportunity to explore the e-counselling we mentioned a while back? They are professional counsellors who will listen anonymously and are there to help you fight as well.

And if you DO find yourself moving towards suicide please call an emergency service.You’re on our minds and in our hearts Sophiexx.
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