
Forums Suicide and Self-Injury I’m alone and done I’m alone and done


I’m so tired of being the one who has to keep going and keep a smile on my face when nothing feels okay. I wish I could tell people how I actually feel, how much what they say hurts me. I’m just don’t have the guts to do it.
I’m so tired.
It’s like everything keeps piling up. I transfer schools, everyone at my old school starts talking shit about me. My new school is really nice but it’s crazy to have to spend five and a half hours on homework for two classes in order to meet the expectations my parents set for me.
God and my parents. It’s like I never even talked to them about any of this. They act like nothing happened. Maybe it was my imagination. Maybe I’m going crazy.
I just don’t care anymore. I don’t have any reason to care.

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