Forum Replies Created
Memberit was consensual!!!!! and thanks for nothing… im deleting my account now. ugh
Memberdid you guys phone me in!?!?! the ministry somehow got informed of me…
Membernow I feel slutty
Memberand again…
Memberagain tonight…
Memberwhat am I doing!?
MemberI used *drugs last night and had sex with a 40 ear old man.. im a **teenager…
*Edited for content by Youthspace
**Edited for identifying information by YouthspaceNie
Memberidk its the only value in my body… that little possible life otherwise I am complete garbage, white trash, a whore
MemberI just don’t want to end the life* of a little innocent being that might be inside me … I don’t care about myself but if I have a child in there… I don’t want to end its* life out of self hate…
**edited by Youthspace
Memberkinda hard yeah im deciding to do less stinky drugs now if I can get ahold of them which im sure I can… which I know is stupid but I need to
MemberI want to be dead but I think I might be pregnant now and that is keeping me from wanting to suicide*.. and yeah sorta was..i don’t know how im still breathing
*Edited by
MemberI probably take more than the safe amount sometimes bout it doesn’t seem to affect me at all. I just like feeling numb and out of it for sure cause its also why I get high a lot
Membernot to mention I kinda *self-medicate and im not in control of that…
*Triggering content removed by the Support Team
Memberive tried pills and drugs, nothing seems to work so far sleep is when I rest these days.
Memberits hard to cope sometimes when you deal with sooo much at once! how do people do it? * it makes me worry on how im going to get a job where they’ll just accept me for me. * I worry every single day about it among everything else!
*Edited by The Support Team for identifying information