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Memberno i have no support no more i am on a bunch of different wait list just siting here waiting i got an appointment with a new psychiatrist on the 15 of November but that is still 14 more days of living with it i just hope he does not put me in hospital i hate them.i feel all alone like people would never believe me i just am so lost right now
Memberok thanks i just though that i was bothering you all
the voices and hallucination are really bad they tell me to do thing and they have conversation with me and i see spider all over everywhere i hate it.
this happen anytime during my exams on the phone in the car walking down the street anywhere
i am sick and tiered of fighting this lonely hopeless battle
Memberyour right i am stuck in the mud feeling alone with no one to care and no understanding the voices and hallucination are bad and i can not focus at i am stuck living off mister noodles no money i cant put together what to do anymore sadness takes me hopelessness helplessnes
ill stop being a burden
Memberthanks for your support but i feel as tgoght i am fighting alone sometimes
i feel like life is not meant for me
i feel like i am drowning and i can seem to get out of water:'(
everything just going wrong
so i begin by saying the cops found me and took me down to the hospital i swore i never go back it has helped me by what over medicating me oh well shitty life i got out not too long ago and i am back in school still alive but hoping different i do have better coping skills now tho and i know how to deal with things better. my dogs are a big part of my life and i would have nothing without them well sorry for being a bother just though i would give a quick update
MemberI have lost control!!!my mind is stuck on the ways i would like to leave this earth it stuck on the things that make me want to let go of this string that keeps me here.
i am in such a horrible place right now i have no idea of any other option i might have :'( … i feel like a waste of space on this earth … nobody likes me … i have no one left to keep me here..
*self harming is not even helping me hang on anymore… i am sick of fighting this battle i feel like i am done i feel like i am on the last step that i do not know where to go or turn too…
i want to stop all of this in my head but it is not possible at this point what to do i do not even know…
*edited by the Support Team to remove triggering content.
MemberWell sorry that i have not sent anything in a while i have been in a deep depression and havent gotten the strenght to go on the computer …. Welll here it is i am just out of control i am useless wortrhless hopeless helpless little fucker i hate myself and that is that..
I wish i understood what goes on in my head a little better i wish i did not hear voices and that i was able to control the self harm better
and all i wish all that was happening now but it is not
Memberhey well the thing is the hospital stay was great compared to other stays i had but i am back to my old self suicidal self harming binge and purging and feel like i screwed up everything for my self by not taking out of the stay what i should have.
yes i am extremly overwhelled by everything and do not know what to do with myself ;'(
grenouille :'( sadness, hopeless, useless, worthless helpless, stupid dumb LOSER :'(
Memberhey well i am out of the hospital and i am not doing so great i am finding leaving my appartement a big trigger for me and just leaving my bed is trigering
i am sick of hospital and feel there is no help out there for me
suicide is more and more in my thoughts and it is very scary but that does not matter
iam finding eating is getting harder and harder again with bulimia i am having a hard time controling it
self harm is becoming hard once again i fell like i am useless because i am not succeding at anything i am trying to do.
i am finding it hard to care for myself again even brushing my teeth is a big chalenge for me
i have now turn to weed i have smoked up for the last 2 days i have been back home because it is the only thing keeping me mellowed out enough to deal with some aspect of life !!!the demonds inside my head are more quite now they have me on anti pschichotics to help with the voices and the thing i see and talk to that apparently are not real and for my paranoia of people and things :'(
well i best be on my way to pick up my medication chow for now
grenouille :'(
Memberi may be gone again my friend is taking me out of town to the other hospital she wants to see if hey will do me any good if not well to ad i will have to end it all, i hope * fingers crossed* it goes ok i want to stop feeling like this arggg chow for now
grenouille :'(
Memberi feel like i am hanging by a thread to life.i feel dead already i feel like my existance does not matter and i feel invisible like even though there is people around they do not see me. i feel so hopeless, dumb, useless, worthless. i almost feel like just letting go without a fight
Memberi am such a bad person i really wish i was never born. i am just not good enough to keep living in this world
Memberbecause i live in a small town they sent me away and did not want to help me help myself so now i am aiting to get into treatment i want to stop hearing voices and being paranoid and allso stop self harming
Memberi am out of the hospital now i had went to deep with self harm.
the psychiatrist was very mean and said she would not be surprised if i were dead in the next five days she also said there is no help for me i tried committing suicide while in the hospital and continued self injury behaviors * and the let me go i think hoping i would die. it was the worse hospital stay ever
*Edited by the Support Team to remove triggering content.
MemberHi again well there plan worked last night i ended up in the hospital still there know they are still deciding wheather or not to send me to the mental health institution since my small town does not have one it is very lonely in here and i do not like this at all but i know i need help i went really deep yesterday the paramedics had to come get me talk to you guys when i get out since if i get shiped away i will not have acces to my phone. Grenouille