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ParticipantYou really should talk to someone you trust ASAP
It’s very important somebody knows what you’re going through so they can help.
In the meantime you can always fill your time up with fun, positive things, I personally like animes and video games like Mario because they’re simple, fun, and distracting.
Also make sure you eat regularly and healtly, and get plenty of sleep. Those are just some tips to help with the brunt of the load.Terezi
ParticipantI’m really sorry I dodn’t reply quickly it’s just It’s a pretty difficult situation on the net frontier
At this point though I’m really going to need some help on things and I also really do need advice
I just need to get enough time to tell you guys the whole story so I’m sorry I always keep you waitingTerezi
ParticipantAnd so the boat sways and tilts and slowly tips and the sharks swirl around me as I sink.
ParticipantI really don’t like how you changed what I said and how you changed it, I’d be much happier if you had just removed it. Anyways not you fault.
I got back with my boyfriend a little while ago and we’ve been doing really well we’ve been together 21 months or so
So here is everything that happened lately:
During January (23-ish) we went back to school after exams, my boyfriend showed up on the first day of that semester and then just stopped showing up, I kept hoping he’d show up but he didn’t and then one of our friends told me he had switched schools (My boyfriend had mentioned quite a while ago that his mother planned on moving further into town and he was going to maybe switch schools) and I then I messaged him over my friends Facebook messenger (I’m not allowed facebook or cellphones or going out into town because my parents are super strict) and asked what was going on and if he was switching schools and he said yes and I asked “Does this mean you’re breaking up with me?” and he basically said there’s no point in dating if we can’t see each other it’s too hard and painful and then after I was upset and I was crying while we were texting and he said “I feel you’re taking this personally and I’m thinking damn right I’m taking it personally you should’ve at least done this in person
The next day he stopped by at lunch to pick up his sweater and it was weird because we acted like we were still dating
We were both really depressed. Neither of us wanted to break up.
So months went by (about five-ish I think) And I’m about to completely give up on him because we were still friends but he wouldn’t talk to anyone and then one day he just shows up out of the blue and I was so happy.
We ended up making the decsion to stay together. **
It’s been pretty crazy lately lots of shit has gone down especially with my family I’ve got yelled at a few times last week
Two of my friends(?) ditched me one I don’t know why and the other because he loves me but I’m already taken and it was bad for us both so we stopped talking
And I’m not really sure if I’m doing the right thing but I feel like I am and I feel really calm. until I have another rage outburst that is.
It’s like I’m floating on top of a calm sunny sea and not really worring about the sharks I see below.** Edited as per member request
ParticipantI’m so fucking pissed off right now!
Everything’s so fucking stressing and stupid and I feel like my head is going to implode.
And people are walking all over me and I honestly just want to *hurt them.*Edited by the youthspace team.
ParticipantWell I’m doing pretty good I’m moving along slowly but I’m still pretty confused with things. Me and the guy I like skipped gym class and went to the local museum together which was a nice change of pace for me not to mention quite a bit of fun.
Lot’s of people are implying I should be mad at my ex (Shit I fucking hate that word) but we’re still friends with each other.
I’m not doing the best in school mainly just Science though because I never do the homework or the class work.
I haven’t been sleeping properly lately, I think my mind is too active to sleep right now last night I remember dancing while still being semi asleep. I’m a bit tired and have been drinking energy drinks lately which is not the best thing because I couldn’t stop fidgeting in class so I went for a run.
I am also thinking I might be Bi-polar but I don’t know.
I’m still stressed out but anyways things are going pretty well and a little hectic which I am actually ok with!Terezi
ParticipantOk so I haven’t filled you guys in on what’s been happening lately, so here it is:
Basically I built my tower into my sort of perfect and then watched it go tumbling down. Me and boyfriend were both finally doing ok. I trusted him completely and we even stopped fighting. But you know what they say, Good things don’t last. And I knew that I just expected it to last a little longer. Anyways, After exam week he showed up at school for the one day and I didn’t see or here anything from him for about a month and a half. I was pretty fucking worried. So when I finally got into contact with him I found out that he got into this special cooking program so he’s moving and switching schools. We had decided that if he were to move we would breakup and so he broke up with me over text and I was feeling pretty hurt when he did that so I told him when he stops by to say goodbye and whatnot that he’d better give me a proper break up and he tried but he almost started crying and I don’t know why but I am so fucking angry and he was so nice to me and he told me he probably wouldn’t date for a long time but he told me I should date someone and I mean there are these two guys I like and I think one of them likes me back but he’s severly socially awkward and I don’t know why but dating somebody else feels kind of wrong. I’ve also started to see and hear things occasionally nothing too serious though. But jeez I really don’t know what to do. I’m kind of wanting to go back to being antisocial because then I don’t have to deal with people as often.Terezi
ParticipantMe and boyfriend broke up but it’s ok.
But now I feel so alone.Terezi
ParticipantWell I’m back.
So a lot has happened in a little while.
I haven’t self-harmed in a while so I’m keeping my promise to my friends so far.
I’m actually starting to think my parents might know I self-harm.
A short while ago my mom helped me clean out my drawers where I had some stuff* I had used for self-harming a while back, I’m absolutely positive she saw it. I’m also sure both my parents have seen the scars.
It’s kind of strange though.
I’m still drinking. Although Way less.
I’ve stopped overdosing *. Mainly because last time I did overdose I got really sick and couldn’t breath properly.
A few weeks ago my boyfriend got sick (He has diabetes.) so he wasn’t there for the first two or three days of the school week. I was pretty worried about him because last time it happened he was in the hospital.
This time he wasn’t but when he got back to school he was so upset. I sat beside him and he didn’t say anything to anyone. I asked him if I should leave and he said no.
When I asked him if he was ok he said “No this just isn’t a good day for me to be around people.” and then he walked away.
After first block he was acting a lot happier and when I asked him what was wrong earlier he just said “Nothing I’m just a really good actor.” As in he was just acting like he was upset the entire time. But me and my friends knew that he wasn’t acting.
I didn’t argue with him though I just said I felt really stupid I fell for it and he said “I’m sorry I’m such a dick.” And since then he’s been extra supportive and caring.
I’m really nervous/anxious for some reason though and I had a panic attack last night so I’m trying to take it easy but I’m not really sure how to deal with it.
I have a major lack of sleep to the point of actually getting dizzy if I move to fast.
I’m really jumpy, skittish, and overall just really paranoid.
I’m just waiting for the next bad thing to happen.*edited by the Support Team
ParticipantI’ve been coping by turning into a day dreaming vegetable.
I’ve been pretty angry lately, I’m stressed out and most my friends are either barely talking to me, hanging out with me, or b*tching at me.
Today I slapped my boyfriend which I felt really bad about so I apologized and he said it was ok but I’m still angry and I’ve been lashing out at my friends.
I’m being such a prick lately and all I can do is day dream and wish I could actually do something amazing and interesting with my life.
It’s f*cking pathetic.
Anyways hopefully I won’t be so furious in a couple of days.
The reason I self harm is because I can’t find anything to help “Ground” me I use it as a last resort when I feel out of control or really over whelmed.
It’s a stupid waste of my time though and I have better things to do or at least more useful things.Terezi
ParticipantI know the feeling but you’ve still got to try you absolutely have to.
And tell someone. Just tell someone whom you trust and know is a caring person.Terezi
ParticipantI’m really upset with my bf but that’s too confusing to explain my head is just seriously jumbled and messed up and I self-harmed 10-20 minutes before writing this but I patched my self up and they weren’t that serious*. I started crying because I really hate doing that to my self but I’m learning self control in the matter so that’s good.
My mind feels like some super busy waste land junk yard sometimes with my emotions just lying scattered around My past present and future are all majorly f*cking with my head and when ever I try to get my mind all sorted out it makes me feel super exhausted. My mood and emotions are currently going from out of control to just nothing but something which I guess means they’re there but they’re just strange and flat like. idk it’s hard to explain.*Edited by the Support Team for triggering content
ParticipantYeah I did the same thing it was like drowning in despair and then just not caring and just giving up.
How does it feel to you?
I know it’s really hard to get interested things again but you’ve really got to try because that’s one thing you absolutely can control.
Just try listening to some really happy music or watch funny videos on YouTube which might help a bit in getting your mood up.
You have try really hard no matter how bad you want to give up.Terezi
ParticipantI’m not really actually scared just irritated angry and sad well I guess I’m kind of scared of fucking up or getting left behind.
I get really drastic mood changes sometimes From Insanely happy to seriously pissed to utterly hopeless and usually it’s like those emotions are turning in on me and beating me up that’s what it feels like I feel like my mind soul and emotions are all ingrown because I have such serious problems with telling people things without feeling like a complete loser and then my mind gets all confused and twisted up and its like all my thoughts and emotions are a big knot of writhing snakes fighting for… I don’t really know.
They get really confused if I start thinking about my past.
I’m also now afraid my bf is angry at me
anyways Idk There is just so much going on in my head and it’s like it’s trying get out of my head but it can’t and it is actually pretty exhausting…Terezi
ParticipantYou could just ask him straight up and watch how he acts
You could also maybe look back on how he’s acted in the past with different situations and take a good look at his characteristics/personality which could probably help out a lot. -