Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHonestly if you’re feeling that bad some anti-depressants might be a good thing to have on hand.
Also it’s like they say the heart takes time to heal. It may feel like it never will but it always does you just need some help and support to get you back on your feet then you can be standing stronger than ever.Terezi
ParticipantYou have my support too!
ParticipantI’ll be a friend if you need anymore
ParticipantI believe in you.
If you’re strong enough to make it this far I’m positive you can make it through this.
You are strong and amazing and powerful you can do this!Here’s a tip for those times you feel really stressed out just listen to some really relaxing happy music so no metal or sad music as that can actually effect your mood for the worse but the relaxing music should help out take naps or little breaks whenever you can and try to avoid negative things such as sad and or upsetting music books and movies
I know it sounds pretty difficult but even the slightest bit can help out with those nasty feelings.Terezi
ParticipantI did some self harm a short while back still slowlyyy healing my boyfriend was really sad when he saw it and I feel terrible.
I did it because I was feeling anxious and stressed and then I got really angry at myself.
I’m starting to feel some of my old fear slowly creeping back in I knew it was going to happen but I wish the fearlessness lasted a bit longer but now I’m just scared all over again. I’m scared my boyfriend is going to leave me and that my friends don’t like me as much anymore and that they’re talking behind my back.
I really hate myself for these fears and emotions and all this moronic stupidity.Terezi
ParticipantI shall hop on this roller coaster with you! Just post here how you’re feeling and why and what not and I’ll try to help the best I can k?
I promise.
I know this hard to do but when you feel like you’re drowning just remember in these cases you can ALWAYS make it back to the surface.
Just imagine It’s like you’re swimming by yourself but in the distance you can see a shore of this really great island and you feel like you really just need to make it to that shore and then just keep swimming no matter what.
And also remember you’re never completely alone there are always others struggling with very similar challenges and we need to support and believe in ourselves and each other and that we will make it and that we’re strong enough to do so.Terezi
ParticipantHey you said you thought everybody was looking at you like a freak.
I’m not and I know a lot of other people who aren’t too.
There’s a lot of other people who who self-harm and what not and that doesn’t mean you’re seeking attention it just means you’re lost and don’t know what else to do. I understand it.
If you need somebody else to talk to I’m here..Terezi
ParticipantI haven’t actually done anything about it I just try to distract myself if I’m nervous or anxious or anything.
I’m still getting these nasty shocks of anxiety but I’m kind of getting used to it now so it’s better now.Terezi
ParticipantI’m going to have to try that tip!
It’s kind of like you have to take everything in small doses and after a while you should start to get used to it.
I guess you could also make a social interactions map so like writing down social tasks or objectives or something like that from small and easy to large and difficult and work your way through them.Terezi
ParticipantEverythings more relaxed now
Every thing seems to be ok in the friendship and dating departments I’m still getting really uneasy/intense emotions at times but I feel so much more happier and relaxed because I’m not freaking out as often and my bf and bff are being really supportive which gives me hope yet!Terezi
No problem
I have social anxiety too so I know how it feels it’s pretty annoying and kind of terrible so if you’re trying to work it out you have to do it in baby steps so you don’t get stressed out.
You could do small exercises like maybe meeting with your boyfriend’s friends one at a time over a certain amount of time in a place you feel comfortable at and then after you kind of get to know them more you could start hanging out with them in small then larger groups because I don’t know about you but large groups of strange people can be pretty terrifying and overwhelming and that exercise might help relieve that stress a bit.
What’s your opinion?Terezi
ParticipantMy old and pretty close friend acused one of my newer guy friends of kissing her and they were both really upset and he said he didn’t and her friends threatened to beat him up and my other friends were on his side but I wasn’t… I couldn’t decide who to trust… They’re both really important friends and I don’t know which one is lying because I’m too fucking stupid to figure this shit out. This all happened on Thursday at school but I missed friday and I have no idea what happened on friday and now I’m anxious because I usually maintain the peace and things like that between all my friends but I wasn’t even there so now I’m worried about them and also about whether they’re angry at me for not trusting them although I explained my trust issues to my guy friend and he seemed to understand but I’m fucking confused as shit and whatnot…
ParticipantI can understand this anxiety you’re feeling not in the exact same way of course but I do understand it so you know if you want to maybe talk with me about it I’d appreciate having someone to converse with over the matter of social anxiety or just anxiety in general.
ParticipantWell my trust towards my bf is good but not so well with my friends…
I feel like shit…Terezi
ParticipantI always felt pretty terrible I couldn’t trust him I mean all my friends who were dating trusted their partners and I saw that and I just felt weird and stupid like there’s something wrong with me. It’s like my trust is a really sensitive scale which is strange but kind of true.
I’m really happy that I’ve made it this far with trust I don’t feel as bad as I did for not trusting him because I could tell that it was hurting him too. I feel much more relaxed around him now. I’m still kind of worried about my levels of trust towards other people in the future but I guess I’ll just take it one step at a time -