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MemberI understand what you are feeling so well. I have am in it right now as well and I have been out of it too. I know what it feels like to love yourself and feel free of the hateful cycle. You are worthy to feel happiness and you are deserving of all the love and compassion you receive from others and what you give yourself. I just want you to know that the battle can end and to have hope that you will get through it and be sooo much stronger on the other side of it. Keep fighting Nie!
MemberI have been having really dark thoughts the past few nights and I am feeling more and more like giving up. I am not on any medications right now and I don’t want to go to meetings anymore. I just want to be happy or just not give a fuck and just leave this all behind….
I just want to be able to walk around and not have all of these voices in my head. I don’t know anymore, hanging on is starting to get awfully tiring. I want to believe it will all be worth it if I just keep holding on.Sparrow
MemberIt feels like my heart is going to explode out of my chest. I have absolutely no control over my mind. When I am home and finally relaxed after the day it is like I slowly melt and everything floods out of me all at once and it is an overwhelming rush of emotions. I feel everything all at once and it is like an assault on all my senses and a negative thought overload. Every horrible thing I can think of or feel about myself I feel in that moment. It is pure hate and anger and I just cry myself to sleep because I am too much of a coward to make it stop. I have been trying to read something fun or studying when it hits but it hits so hard that I can’t focus on anything but the emotions.
I just want to fade away.
Memberi am just so exhausted of going through day to day. I survive from minute to minute and when I smile or laugh it does not feel genuine anymore. I have been feeling like this for months with ebbs and flows of good days. I don’t really want to die but I don’t feel like I am living either. there is this in-between I am stuck in. Everything is 10 times harder, breathing is a struggle.
I am around people all the time but I feel so alone with my emotions. I see 2 therapists and a nutritionist and I really only feel comfortable fully opening up to my one therapist who seems to really understand what I need in my sessions with her. So once a week I can fully breathe and let go of everything for an hour.
I feel like a crazy person. I started *self harming last week and that was my first time trying that. it was in replacement of my eating disorder rituals. I just want to give up, recovery is so hard, recovery is not a good word to use for it because there seems to be no rest from it at all, it is a constant battle from day to day, hour to hour and minute to minute and I just want to stop.*edited by The Support Team for triggering content
MemberI think I got ahead of myself. I am back feeling pretty shitty and I am scared that I am going to stay in this forever or long enough to where I have destroyed everything of myself. I feel like I am dying, or just floating through life. The eating disorder* is so volatile * and I am so tired of it. It has totally consumed me and I just want out of this viscous cycle I have created for myself. I am at a loss…
The darkness is falling and the men are coming
With their pins and needles and sickly sweet smiles
You better get running
The water is flooding and the secrets are gushing
They are coming for you with cages and chains
You better get running
They are creeping and crawling, popping and snapping
Draining the colours and whitewashing your world
You better get running
Blinding and corrupt they keep trudging
Menacing and quite they, sneak, hide and seek, slowly they peek
You better be running
Grace and mercy they don’t speak
Straightjackets out and ready to play, sinister giggles echo about
By God You better be running!
Run, run, run away as fast as you can …
You can’t catch me…*Edited by the Support Team to remove triggering content
MemberI have not had someone who can see so much of what I trying to say and understand those feelings. I went to my first anorexics and bulimics anonymous meeting tonight and was amazed at how at ease I felt in the environment. It was better than what I had pictured in my head and I am glad I went despite being petrified. The suicidal thoughts are fading slowly, I finally had tea at my really good friends house that I had not really spoken to in a couple months which is weird because we are in the same classes, which shows how out of it I have been. I am slowly regaining myself as I build these supports around me. just wanted to thank you guys for being there for me it is still a battle but I am starting to see a light and I am actively trying to get there, I will just keep working away.
MemberI am so worn out from this façade I put on for everyone. I just want to throw my hands up in the air and say fuck it and fuck everyone, I am not perfect and I just want to be, I just want to live. I know I have so much to offer but I keep sabotaging myself. I want to be able to not care. Yes I have some really awesome people fighting in my corner, without them I don’t know what I would do. To just come and talk here helps a lot, to have no one know who I am I feel so much freedom, especially with my writing. Today was a better day.
The Burning
One by one the mountains fold, like cards in a deck
Black streamers line the ceiling, flowers by the bed
The music echoes through the empty hearts as sorrow fills their souls
Grey eyes burn in torment as dust turns to ash
Lifelike figures dance upon the walls
Shadows in this waking world, lost without the ache of hope
promise me strength, promise me light
You are my saving grace
my last grip on reality
tears quietly streaming, anguish flowing,
from every pore of your existence
the bright florescent lights cast disfigured limbs into mirrors
Grace has forgotten the hopeless, the desperate the disheartened
the truth is crawling through the cracks, stumbling up from below the deck
I miss feeling
So peaceful after
the burningSparrow
MemberThe bars cast shadows along the floor
Dust motes float in rays of sunlight
Swirling as if conducting their own dance
She sat in the corner
Mesmerized, watching the tiny beings
Move freely in the light
Half smiling half crying she starts
To sing
Voice lost in the dark
Clouds converge
Smothering the fading day
Breathe in
The cool night air
You are not alone child
Someday, someone will come for you
Moonlight casting pictures
On the walls
Childhood memories
Splattered like paint
Mosaic of colours
Imagination of an innocent
Pushed to far
Over the edge, lost in the noise
Disfigured mind
Quickly rebuild her, make her new
Fix her
Hide her, no one can know
Lock her up and loose the key
Let her loose her mind in secret
Don’t worry child we will come
For you
One day
You will see freedom’s glow upon your face
Past the bars
She starts to singSparrow
MemberThanks I find it hard to express the depth of the darkness in a normal conversation, nothing seems to show how deep the hurt is, so I write. The thoughts of suicide do go through my mind but they scare me, I don’t like the idea of them because I know I love life and I know I would regret it, but the idea of silencing all of this noise in my head…I would not say I am suicidal. I am talking because I don’t want to end my life, I am grasping onto anything I can to keep me sane. I am just really low and sad. I feel like I am a robot just going through the day before I can get home and break down. Tears flow constantly, my favourite part of the day is going to sleep or my run. I used to love school but I can barely get myself out of bed and out of my house, whenever I can miss I do. I feel like I have failed everyone. I just have nothing left to give.