Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHey! It’s me again! Haven’t logged in in a while. I guess I was doing better for a while now. But things have gone downhill so fast and I’m just stuck. I really don’t know what to do. I feel like I have no support around me and although i try to reach out to people I just get shut down or laughed out and it just brings me down so much.
I’ve never felt a low like this in a while. Any ways in coping with this?
ParticipantSo hey…
So Uni started for me, which is like a totally new step for me. I have a boyfriend now, which I thought would never happen again since my last break up. But yet, somehow, I just hurt. Everywhere. And this is not normal to feel this way. I’ve put my pain into training, which is coming super dangerous cause I’m losing way too much wait. So I’ve stopped. Not the only I can seem to cope with my emotions, with my stress, is to just want to self-harm* myself. I haven’t done anything yet. But trust me, the thought is there, somewhere. I’m swirling into this dark dark world again, I can feel. And I really don’t want too. I don’t want to hurt the people around me. It would just make things worse on my emotional side.
I’m a complete mess, a very big mess. And I’m scared that one day this mess will explode.
I’m sorry, I just needed to write this somewhere where I knew it wouldn’t be read by everyone close to me. 🙁
*Edited by YS staff for potentially triggering material.
ParticipantHey there youthspace.
WOW. It has been long since I last opened this page and wrote a few words down. I guess I was doing a bit better. But I’ve realized lately that I’m not doing okay. I’m scared of my own self. Unhappy of who I am. You know how they say when 11:11 pops on make a wish. You know what wish I always make?: I want to die. And I find it so so sad. I realized that no one around me sees my pain, so they just keep on making everything so hard, so painful. I’m getting tired of being this person that I’m not. Of being someone that my parents want me to be because they can’t accept that I’m suffering. I have no clue how to tell them that I’m living in a dark world, that every single time I see a pool I just want to drown myself. I’m so angry inside. So sad at the same time. It’s painful. It’s upsetting. To fall asleep at night crying, I hate it. To not even be able to sleep because you have so many dark thoughts in your head, yeah it’s super painful.
I last chatted in and wrote to you guys in February, and I was in a dark place. I thought things got better but they just got darker. Here I am, alone, wondering how the hell I can be useful, because I full useless. I’m 19, I shouldn’t feel this way. I should’t think of dying every single moment of day.
I need someone to talk to. Someone to understand. And I thought of you guys.
I need some ways to cope, because I want to hold on. I don’t want to crumble into pieces like I have in the past. I do smile, I am sometimes happy. I just want it to always be this way. Do you get me ?Sophiecdxx
ParticipantHi there,
It’s been a while that I’ve written on here… I guess it’s because I had a few weeks where everything seemed to get better.
But lately, everything has been crashing down. My parents are ignoring me, pushing me away completely, and when I try to talk to them, to tell that how badly I feel after a fight, they just don’t listen to me, and they just don’t want to understand me.
I’m at the point where I have no clue what my life has arranged for me. I’ve written a letter, a dark one, and I’m not proud of it. But I’m scared. Scared of my own parents, scared if eventually they’ll end up pushing me away for good.
I just want to get out of all of this… even if it’s means leaving everything you love, everyone you care about, behind.
ParticipantHi youthspace,
I feel as if y’all are the only people I can talk to right now.
It’s horrible to even feel how I feel right now: dark, alone, sad, helpless. Truth is, I wonder how people are able to deal with me, since apparently i make their life miserable. … that’s what my parents say. And even though i just don’t want to believe them, it’s just stronger than me. It’s hurts to even hear those words come out of their mouth. My father thinks that I just want to make him mad, that I just want to hurt him, but he’s the one hurting me, and he’s the one that’s making me suffer. My mom isn’t even trying to control his temper and I just can’t stand being near them anymore. Trough out my life I’ve only been trying to make them happy, and they never thank me. They just expect me to do things their way, right away, and don’t really think about how I feel in all of this.I’ve tumbling down in this dark tunnel, unable to climb out. I’ve been going through my old habits: self-harming, bulimia, starving myself. I’m putting the pain that I feel inside, on myself. I want them to realize that I am suffering because, sadly, telling them isn’t working out. They don’t listen to me. It’s as if they don’t care. I could possibly end my life and I have no clue how they might react: cry, laugh, or just no reaction at all.
I want to get out of this, but I don’t know how anymore. I’m just comfortable in harming myself. It’s become my home, and I’m scared that it might end up taking control over me.
Wow. I haven’t been here in a loooooong while. I guess things were starting to get better, but they actually aren’t. I’ve realized, just a few days ago, that I keep having this suicidal thoughts, especially when I’m upset or when I’m sad. A voice will just whisper to me the idea to go kill myself and then I find myself not being to stop thinking about. It’s horrible. I’ve spent days wondering if I should go to the nearest police station if I have these thoughts. When they occur, the pull is just so so strong, it’s just so tempting to put an end to my life, the screams are getting louder, and I feel as if nobody wants me here. I don’t know what to do. I’m feeling all alone, as if i’m bothering everyone:
– My parents just don’t care about me. Well at least they pretend to care, but I can feel it, see it, I am a burden to them and just a trouble maker. I can sense that they wish that I was never born, that I make their life miserable.
– My friends….. yeah… well I don’t really have some. Just people who ignore me and don’t give a damn about friendship.I’ve recently been *self-harming myself again, and it’s a scary thing. I never thought I would go down that road again, I never thought I would end up writing my own goodbye letter.
Help me
I need ideas on how to cope!
*Edited by youthspace for triggering content.
ParticipantThank you so much for all the support that you have been giving me. It is truly amazing to have people who understand me, and who actually want to take the time to help me through these things, these emotions.
At this moment, I dont know what to do. I am torn between some suicidal thoughts. Deep ones actually. And although I dont have a plan to end my own life, I just feel like it’s the only solution possible at this moment.
I feel as if no one around me cares. I feel as if I am a puppet in their own game, and that they are just controlling me in which ever way they want. I feel as if I have no life, no purpose to continue on going, on moving forward, since clearly, since I was a child, I havent been able to control my own life. I dont even know where I stand at the moment. And it’s a scary things.
Truth is: everything around me scares me. My dad is being so abused, not physically, although I am scared that he might try to hit me, but emotionally. I keep on watching him destroy my mother, and I can’t do anything to help her. She is so depressive, so so sad, and so much happier when he isn’t around. I think everyone is.
I am scared of my own self. Scared of these voices that I hear in my head. Scared of that little voice that’s been with me for so so so long. I dont even know what it is, what it wants from me. But i am so so scared. I can’t seem to be able to find peace with myself anymore, and everything just seems to stress me out so badly!
I am scared that my physical pain may be caused by something serious. I’ve been sick for months now, and my parents just dont care. They think that I am manipulating them, but the pain has gotten worse ever since. I can’t see to live a normal life with it, and I am scared that it will eventually kill me.What can I do with all of this?
ParticipantHi there,
Sorry it took a while for me to reply.
Lately, i’ve been thinking of running away from my home. It wouldn’t be the first time. But since I turned 18, i dont really know what my rights are. Do you guys know? If my parents file a missing report, would the police come after me?
I just want things to get better.
ParticipantHey there Youthspace,
I dont know what to do anymore. Another week that started horribly. Another week that I just dont want to watch anymore.
I just feel as if things aren’t working lately, and I just need advice on how to deal with all of these emotions. can you help me?
Participanthi there!
I made some pretty dramatic decisions in the last couple of hours, and thought that I and to share them to Isomeone…
– I must file a complaint against my father. I love him, so so much, but I CANT stand living at home with him. We are all scared. Mom, me, little brother, we are all scared and we can’t live a normal life without being scared to get manipulated or even abused. If I dont get rid of him, I fear that I might have to place my little brother somewhere else… And I dont want to do so.– Secondly, I took the decision to start harming myself again. It’s been tormenting me for so long, and since people dont want to listen to me while I’m in pain, well I need to put the physical pain that I feel, in which I am not able to talk about, on me… it’s the only way to set me free…. and if it kills me, well it wouldn’t have been my fault but my father’s.
– Thirdly, I’m running away. I can’t stay here at this moment. I am going crazy. I am bruised, scared and hurt. Life shouldn’t be like this.
ParticipantDear Youthspace,
Truth is, I’m started to get scared of everything all over again. I don’t feel like a part of my family, and I don’t feel any connection with the world around me, my friends, or even my teachers. I dont know if I can keep living in this family situation that is not only making me miserable, but that it’s also killing every relationship that I can have with my parents. It really hurts me, makes me cry every night, brings tears to my eyes when everyone talks about their happy family, and just makes me want to self harm so badly.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
ParticipantAnd there went my bday. i’m officially older**, which means that I dont live in a foster care anymore, which means I can’t get any support from child services, and which means that my dad can do what the hell he wants. He doesn’t seem to understand that his words, his gestures, are truly hurting the people he loves, especially his kids.
Tonight, I saw things that I thought shouldn’t have happened. My brother only wanted to be sweet, and he asked my dad to say please when he wanted something. My father got so angry, telling my little brother that he had an attitude, that he had no rights to act that way towards him. My little brother just left the diner table and went crying in his corner. Truth is, my father shouldn’t be acting this way, and it ain’t the first time. I’m just scared that things are going to get worse and worse. I think that every human has the rights to be equal to each other and that we MUST take care of each other!
I went to see my brother afterwards, in his room, just to give him a hug, see if he was okay, and he just cried and cried. I asked him if he wanted to keep on living here, and he gave me a big no. What am I suppose to do with an answer like that?
All of this makes me realize that I have no family. That me and my brother are truly alone in all of this mess, and that even though our parents say that they are there for us, that they love us, then why do they keep on treating us like shit? Why do they keep on controlling our lives? Manipulating us? And sometimes abuse* us? That’s not a life…. sometimes it’s torture. And even now*, I still feel as if I haven’t seen the world, as if I’ve havent grown into an adult, and that important pieces of my childhood are missing. Sometimes I wonder if outsiders, complete strangers, notice that we dont have a single sparkle in our eyes, that our smiles are fake. Sometimes I wonder if people see that my little dark world is coming back alive. Sometimes…. just sometimes, I just want to be truly part of a family.
Is that too hard to ask? A family that treats us right? A family that can love us?
*Edited by Youthspace for Triggering Content
**Edited by Youthspace for identifying informationSophiecdxx
ParticipantHi Youthspace,
Sometimes I wonder if people truly understand the pain that i am going through. There are those who just brush it off, there are those who just pretend to be concerned, and there are also those who are truly concerned. It’s just hard to believe that anyone would actually be interested in my own safety, when I dont even know where I stand in this world.
Life is just so complicated, and scary, and I just can’t take it.
ParticipantHi there Youthspace,
I am not face wherever I go. These voices are getting stronger, but I just want the, to go away. I just want them to let me live my own life. I can’t stand them anymore. Everything just aches and hurts. I’m not strong, like normal people. i’m weak, and make everyone around me soooo miserable.
i don’t know what to do anymore.
i sometimes wonder if I can hold own to my own safety…..scared that the *self-harm might come back….Soph
*Edited by the Youthspace Team for triggering content.
Participantoh wow! It has been a long while since I posted something here… So… Hi everyone!
*It’s my birthday on the 31st and that means: going back into my family, going back with an abusive father, and going back to this life that I don’t even want. I am not happy with my family, and never will be. Sadly, they tell me that I make their life miserable, and I am starting to believe that lie. My little brother is tired of living at home, and he just wants to walk out of the house, he’s only fourteen!
At this moment, I thought that I was stronger than this, that this voice inside of me had fallen asleep, but no, it hasn’t. I’m alone, alone, alone, alone. With no one to help me. The voices are coming back, and I’ve made promises not to harm myself because of them, but I fear that I can’t keep those promises as long as I Iive in this messed up family. I fear that i might not be able to continue on.
*Edited for identifying information by Youthspace