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  • in reply to: Should I go to the hospital? #22811

    Hi weareghosts,

    Welcome to the Youthspace forum 🙂 It sounds like you’ve been riding on a rough roller coaster for awhile now, but lately things have gotten to an even darker place. I’m really sorry to hear things are so intense for you right now and my guess is that would leave you feeling really helpless….wanting to do something but not knowing how to get anything to change 🙁

    I really hear your desire to get help and figure out what’s right for you…wondering if the hospital is a good idea, or if it should be the next step. I can’t tell you what’s right for you in this situation but I want you to know that we’re here to support you in this period and if you want to talk in real time to help hash out this decision you are more than welcome to chat or text in to between the hours of 6-12PST. Especially if you’re sensing a more imminent risk at following through with your plan, we’re much better able to support you in a chat than on the forum. Also let us know if you want other resources you could call into if you’re feeling like going through with your plan.

    It sounds like this is a really challenging period for you that’s got you completely exhausted, overwhelmed and at a loss for what to do…know that you’re not alone and we’re here sending you thoughts and care on this summer evening breeze.

    <3 Youthspace

    in reply to: I tried taking my life.. Now i suddenly feel better? #22778

    Hey greenmantim. Welcome to the Youthspace forum.

    It sounds like you were feeling really down, and had been feeling that way for quite a while.
    I would imagine that you expected the doctor-prescribed anti-depressants to help a little, but instead they pushed your thoughts of suicide to become even stronger, so much so that you tried to kill yourself twice while under the influence of alcohol. That sounds like it would be an unexpected and intense turn of events, as you might have gone to an even darker and scarier place.

    I sense that you’re feeling some surprise and curiosity because you came out of your second suicide attempt feeling better than you had before. I also wonder if it had something to do with your new anti-depressants, and I imagine that they might have had some effect. How have you been feeling around depression and suicide since then?

    I think that it is completely up to you, if you feel safe and comfortable, to bring this up when you speak with your doctor or your counselor.

    While you’re always welcome to post here, I also want to say that you are totally welcome to chat in with us to talk through what’s been going on for you, and explore some options for receiving more information. We’re
    Please feel free to chat in (or text us). We are open every night from 6pm to midnight PST.

    Keep in touch, and take care.



    in reply to: Not sure who I really am #22738

    Hi burritoboy,

    Welcome to the Youthspace forums.
    I’m hearing that you’ve felt a lot of difficulty in defining your personal values, especially when you are in relationships with other people. I imagine that can be kind of disorienting and maybe scary as well.
    I’m hearing that this last little while has been an especially significant time for you, especially in making the tough decision to end a relationship in order to come to terms with your own thoughts and feelings. It sounds like you decided to do so after feeling like you were controlled in your past relationships, and that sounds like it was a disempowering experience.
    I imagine that this can take a lot of energy, and can be exhausting. I’m hearing that it leaves you feeling crazy sometimes, like the thoughts in your head can be a bit of whirlpool, and that makes it tough to be by yourself.
    I think that struggling to find our own values can be a huge learning process, and can be very challenging sometimes.
    I’m glad you came on to Youthspace for support.
    We are here to support you on your journey to cope with the thoughts in your head and the times to yourself.
    <3 The Support Team

    in reply to: Depression/Detached from reality #22702

    Hi Sarah,

    Welcome to the forums. I sense desperation in your words; as if you are grasping for the inner strength that once was so prevalent in you, but are having difficulty seeing through your struggles to a brighter place. I hear how frustrated you are that you feel like you are no longer the positive, strong person you once were and how you are trying to understand why you are so stuck in agony. Though there is a part of you that is rationalizing your pain to be related to your depression, it sounds like that’s getting harder and harder to believe as things continue to feel more detached and unreal. Beyond that, I hear also how you’re experiencing an overwhelming sense of fear that is making it difficult to live in your day to day life.

    Your situation at home seems to be further exhausting you and I’m hearing how you blame yourself for the isolation and loneliness that you feel. It sounds to me like though your family members are supportive, you feel like they cannot relate to (or see?) the depth of pain that you are coping with. I imagine that feeling alone in fighting the pain and darkness is incredibly difficult and I am glad you came on to Youthspace for support. We are here for you, as a helping hand to help you on your journey towards that sunlight that you are craving.

    <3 The Support Team

    in reply to: Last Try #22687

    I hear you on the frustrations that can be time zones. Sounds like it can be hard to reach out to start off with, without the added complexity of time zones. It also seems like there are some other people in your life that you really care for, so much so that you are hesitant to reach out to them for fear of how they may view your relapse. I wonder if there is someone you feel safer with or if there is a way you would want to reach out to someone?
    I image it feels safe and comfortable to turn to these habits (something that has been a constant?). It all sounds so exhausting, like the energy has leached out of you and you just want to nest in your room. I have a neat list of distraction that might help give you something else to try out, a start to something perhaps? (Though it says its ‘alternatives to self-harm’ I find so many of the ideas can be used by anyone needing a distraction or alternative activity). I would love to hear if anything on this page jumps out at you.
    We are here for you <3

    in reply to: Scared #22684

    Hi Ozryn,

    Thank you for coming here to youthspace to talk and share what’s going on with you! I just wanted to let you know that we’ve responded to this post on your other thread “scared and sleepless” – we thought we would only respond once because the writing was so similar in both posts.


    in reply to: Scared and Sleepless #22683

    Hi Ozryn,

    Welcome to youthspace. I can hear that things are really scary for you, and I can only imagine how exhausted and on edge you must have been when you posted yesterday morning. I am so glad you posted on our forum.

    From you saying that your “uncle constantly answer me sexually,” I am understanding that he abused you sexually
 am I right? No one ever deserves to be abused and hurt like that, and I can only imagine how devastating and scary it must have been to have gone through that when you were so young, and by someone you were supposed to be able to trust. Thank you for trusting us to tell us about the abuse. Can I ask how long ago it happened
 how many years has it been since you were 12 (if that was the last time?).

    It must be so terrifying to be forced to now share a room with the man that abused you, and I can hear how anxious it makes you to be asleep beside him – I imagine that your brain wouldn’t want to fall asleep at all, in order to try and protect yourself. Are there other ways besides not sleeping that you have tried to make yourself feel more safe when he’s around?

    That is such a huge secret to carry, and I am guessing that it would be eating you up from the inside
 especially if you were forced to pretend everything was okay on the outside. Have you been able to talk to anyone about what your uncle did to you? If you wanted to give us your location (even just generally state/province?), I could look into some resources that you could reach out to in order to talk about what’s going on for you?

    I want to again thank you for posting here at youthspace ozryn, it takes a ton of courage to reach out.


    in reply to: Last Try #22675

    Welcome back to the forum, Rio_Rion,
    I can hear how frustrated you are that you have not been able to motivate yourself to go to school. I get the sense that while you actually do not mind school, it has been so hard to find the energy to get out of the cocoon of depression you find yourself in. I can hear how badly you want that to change. I’d imagine this could leave you wondering why this is happening to you and when all these overwhelming emotions will stop disrupting your life. It sounds like you’re quite isolated, laying in your bed alone with these all these thoughts. I’m glad you were able to reach out to us, and I welcome you to chat in through the live chat/texting service if you would like some more immediate responses and support. In the meantime, I am wondering if there is anyone you have been able to turn to over the last three long and difficult days? Please know we are here for you if you need to talk, we want to hear from you. <3

    in reply to: I’m four months clean and i don’t want to be #22668

    Hi JayTyHelloBye,

    First off, welcome to the forum. It sounds like you’re in a lot of pain right now, more than you’ve experienced for a while. It sounds like you have been working so hard over the last four months to stop self-harming, but life has gotten so difficult and overwhelming lately that you do not know how else to cope with all the pain. What did you do to cope with everything over the last four months without self-harming? I get the sense that something has changed recently for you that has you feeling completely devastated. I would imagine you must have a ton of stuff to deal with right now if it is leaving you with such strong urges to self-harm.

    From what I gather, it sounds like you are desperately in need of something to help shoulder the burden for you. Please know we are always here for you if you want to talk. While you are always welcome to post here, please feel free chat in (or text us) as well if you’d like, especially if you need more immediate support. We are open every night from 6pm to midnight PST.

    Keep in touch; we want to hear from you. In the meantime, please take care.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Youthspace.
    in reply to: Why can’t I die already? #22662

    Hello Nc86 and welcome to the Youthspace Forum,

    Having to cope with such debilitating health concerns sounds like an incredible burden for you to have to bear. It seems like you’ve begun to lose hope that things can improve for you. I get the sense that coping with your physical illnesses can be overwhelming and leaves you feeling depressed and angry and with suicide on your mind. I can hear how desperate you are to find a way for your life to be less painful.

    I’d guess that feeling so ill all the time would become very isolating. Particularly as the “healthy” people around you might struggle to understand what you’re going through. I get how hard it would be not to resent the people around you, when they don’t seem to be suffering the way you do. When we are in need of so much energy and care for ourselves, it can be very challenging to be generous and loving to others. I can only imagine how much strength and courage it takes for you to go through the day. What things in your life are helping you to keep going?

    I hear you when you say you need somewhere/someone to help shoulder the burden for you. No one should have to deal with illness without support. I know this doesn’t even close to the care you need, but please know we are always here for you if you want to talk. If you need more immediate support, please feel free to chat in ( or text us) – we’re open 6pm-midnight PST every night.

    You’re not alone in this. Keep in touch, we want to hear from you.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Youthspace.
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Youthspace.
    in reply to: Stuck in place, hating it #22617

    Hey, Drowning; glad to see you reaching out to Youthspace again. We understand how there are times when posting to the forums doesn’t feel right, so no need to apologize. We are here for you when you do reach out, whether it be to our forums, chat (we can offer you a live chat between 6pm and 12 PST) or email counsellor at [email protected].

    I hear how you’re struggling with both anxiety and depression and surrounded by people who don’t seem to understand the heavy emotions that you have to deal with. I imagine it would be incredibly frustrating to have your anxiety seep into your work life as it has; leading you to cut back hours and land in difficult situations with co-workers who just don’t get it! Also, in addition to not understanding it sounds to me like your co-workers bully you; which is absolutely unfair and I’m sure, terrible to deal with. You do not deserve to be bullied, Drowning and are absolutely in the right when you say it is not your fault you have anxiety attacks. Sounds to me like you fight emotional battles on the daily, so I imagine being told to just “suck it up” is very painful 🙁

    I am glad to hear that you have a friend who is a support to you, as you fight through the dark place that you’re currently in. I’m wondering what you mean when you say that sometimes it gets so bad that you sleepover at your friend’s house? How bad does it get?

    Sounds like the adult colouring book is a great distraction for you and I’m wondering if you can think of any other things in your life that would distract you from the obnoxious anxiety or help you care for yourself? If you want, we can provide you with links to websites of self-care ideas and distractions.

    We are here for you and send you our best wishes. <3


    in reply to: so alone #22608

    Hi nogood,

    No worries about not replying right away, we are here for you whenever you happen to need us 🙂

    I’m really sorry to hear that getting back together has not been the dream you were hoping for, I imagine that might feel really disappointing. It sounds like the way the break-up happened in the first place affected you really strongly and left you feeling really hurt. I can see how torn up the whole break-up left you feeling and could understand how going through an experience like that with someone could lead to it being hard to trust them again.
    I can really hear the desire in your words of wanting to go back to what you had before, of wishing you had some magic eraser to just pretend the break-up never happened, but how that’s just not possible and the experience is sitting there like a huge black mark on your current relationship that you can’t ignore. My guess is that would feel so frustrating!
    It sounds like you’re worried and afraid of the future too and what will happen when he graduates this year. I can understand how hard it is to imagine your life without someone who has been such an important part of it, not to mention how terrifying the idea of going through the same break-up experience again would be 🙁 When you say you think you would die if he broke up with you again it makes me worry about your safety and wonder if you would ever consider taking your own life. I want you to know that we are here and we care and that if that is ever something that becomes a possibility for you we are here to reach out to <3
    Whatever happens we are always here if you need someone to reach out emotional support or otherwise! <3

    in reply to: too many feelings #22603

    Hi drifting,

    I can hear how desperate you are to feel normal and relaxed again. It sounds like the one method you’ve found that can help is not one you want use to use anymore because it causes those around you pain as well. It must take a lot of balance on your part to work through what’s happening for you, while still trying to keep your word to your mom and it can feel like it gets harder everyday.

    I also get the sense that the anxiety from not self-harming is compounded with the anxiety of completing school assignments when you’re at a low point. I would imagine you’re feeling completely overwhelmed.

    drifting, if you are looking for other ways that might help to release some of those horrible feelings inside, I have a link ( that has many alternate ideas and distractions, you may find something that could work for you.

    I’m also hearing that you have been able to stay away from self-injury for the past two weeks, what did you find helpful during that time?

    You can also reach the Youthspace support team via chat or text every day from 6pm-12am PST.

    -Youthspace <3

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Youthspace.
    in reply to: Coworker is an ass #22594

    Hello Drowning,

    I’m so sorry that you’re stuck in this frustrating situation. It’s understandable that you would be feeling so much anger over your coworker’s cruelty. I can also hear how exhausting it’s been for you to struggle every day under the weight of your anxiety and feeling like no one really gets how much extra effort it takes you just to get through work while you’re fighting that. It must be so scary to imagine losing a job that you need so badly over your reaction to your coworker’s bullying, especially when your boss doesn’t fully understand what’s going on.

    I can really hear how desperate you are to find a solution to end the bullying. I’m wondering if you might find it helpful to look over this page from the RCMP about bullying and what you can do about it. Maybe there’s something in there that could be useful for you?

    Please know that we are here to listen and support you through this tough time.

    – Youthspace

    in reply to: Last Try #22585

    Hi Rio_Rion,

    I’m glad to hear from you. I can imagine the last few weeks have been a huge upheaval, causing serious disruption to your life. Unwanted and likely unwelcome! Sounds like you have lost even more hope, and are left in a very discouraged place. The tone of your post here is foreboding, and I’m curious to learn more about what you mean by your “last try”. I’m hearing you say that only you can make yourself better – I’m wondering if you feel empowered to improve your health, or if you have a plan to make big changes?

    You said that after the hospital visit ‘every last fiber of passion’ has disappeared. I hear the numbness that you are living in – like a fog bank has blanketed any hope or passion you once had.

    I hope you know we want to keep listening, and supporting you in ways that work for you. What do you think are your next steps? Is there anything we can offer to support you in your journey?

    Here for you,

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