Forum Replies Created
ModeratorHi Zelda_hyrule,
I’m really glad you posted… it’s clear you’re feeling totally overwhelmed with everything and you’re struggling to figure out how to survive. I get the sense you’re feeling pushed and pulled in every direction… like, its all become so overwhelming if something doesn’t give soon, you’re not sure how much more you can take
How ARE you coping with all the stress and pressure?
You mentioned troubles with friends (who aren’t being friends at all!) and also with your boyfriend… I imagine worrying about him plus knowing he’s going through problems makes it hard to talk to him about your own stuff. And with your friends acting differently, well, Im sure that just makes you feel more alone and disconnected
Does anyone know how you’ve been doing? Have you been able to talk to anyone about your thoughts of suicide? I can really hear how lost you feel sometimes…
Oh Zelda_hyrule… I hope you’re able to get some of the weight off your shoulders… you’re not alone here
If you haven’t chatted in yet, we’d love to hear from you (every night 6-11pm in Victoria), and of course, the forum’s always open.
Stay strong, and stay connected…
the Support TeamYouthspace
Moderatorhey DashingDaisy,
Thanks for being so honest with us, I know it’s confusing to expect a fast reply and then not hear back. Please know that we work varying hours and are not always able to get back to you within a day.
Our understanding of the technical issues surrounding our SMS service is that messages failing to be sent/received is an inherent characteristic of the technology. In other words, we believe this to be part of the nature of Text messaging, and separate from the website.
We appreciate how mind-blowingly frustrating it is to send a message and not hear back. Grrrr technology! Please keep in mind, that if you have not received a “In Queue. Please wait.” message, then your message did not get thru to us. In this case, please send your message again.
I’m glad you feel comfortable telling us when things aren’t working out on your end. We sincerely want the service to be the best it can, and getting feedback about problems helps us know whats working for ya…or not
Hoping to connect with you soon,
the Support TeamYouthspace
ModeratorHi Zebra,
I’m happy to read that you’re feeling a bit more positive about things
Sounds like your mom really heard you, and ‘got’ how important it is to you to be back in Victoria… even though you’ll have a lot to do to make it all happen, I can hear how excited you are about the possibilities… yeah! So glad things are coming around for you – it’s great to hear great things!
the Support Team
October 30, 2012 at 12:56 am in reply to: Enroll in BC (Van. Island) School at 18 Without Parents or Ministry Involved? #18463Youthspace
ModeratorHi JoAnn,
Thanks for your message, it sounds like you’re looking for some specific answers. Like we told Shorty, it’s best to go to the source, and that would be the Ministry of Children and Family Development or MCFD at 250-952-4707. The specific school district (or even the school) might be able to answer some of your questions. As far as I understand it here, everyone 16 yrs or younger needs to have a legal guardian, but some 17 and 18 yr olds can advocate for themselves depending on the circumstances. But like I said, you’d want to check it out further.
I hope this helps a bit! We’re here for you JoAnn… if you wanna talk about anything, or need some more support.
the Support Team
ModeratorHey DashingDaisy,
I’m really sorry to hear your grandma isn’t well
I hope you’re able to figure out how to be with her… the extra pressure of money & rent must just add to your stress.
From what you said it sounds like your encounter with the man turned really unpleasant and a bit earth-shaking… I’m glad you listened to YOU and left… and went to safety. I’m wondering how you’re feeling about your relationship with M? You mentioned how he sees/wants things, and I’m curious what you think? And sorry, I’m confused, what makes you call yourself an idiot?
DD (if I may), I hear you beating yourself up for feeling so lost… and blaming yourself for how life goes
You’re not alone, we’re in your corner… stay strong.
the Support Team.
ModeratorHey SophRayne,
Welcome to youthspace — I’m really glad you came here to talk. I can hear how excruciatingly painful things are for you right now… and it sounds like this torment has been weighing on you for a long time. :’( I imagine it must be exhausting to feel like no matter how hard you fight, it still feels like its one step forward, two steps back.
Oh SophRayne, I’m so sorry to hear you were sexually assaulted — no one ever, EVER deserves to be hurt like that. I imagine the bullying and harassment would force so many memories and fears to the surface every day…
It sounds like self harm is one way you’ve tried to deal with the huge weight you’re carrying — yet I’m sensing it’s not helping the way you want it to (and that maybe it adds to the confusion at times too?) You mentioned that you attempted suicide in the past… I’m so glad you’re okay. How’re you feeling about it now?
I can hear how desperately you’re wanting help and support… is there a particular kind of help that you’re seeking (we can direct you to resources if you want)? Regardless if you want a specific resource or not, we’re totally ‘hear’ for you to get out some of this pain you’re carrying around. We have the forum, and chat too, every night 6-11 pm on the west coast. Have you been able to get support from anyone else in your life?
Stay connected, and stay strong
The Support Team.Youthspace
ModeratorHey grenouille19,
Thanks for letting us know you might be out of touch for a while. I would guess you’re feeling completely rattled, wondering whether you will be sent to a mental health institution and having to stay in hospital in the meantime. I get a sense neither of those ideas are AT ALL comfortable to you, but I can also hear you acknowledge that something does need to change in your life for you to get the help you need. I know that being sent to the hospital was one of your greatest fears, I’m wondering how you are feeling about it now that it’s actually happened (or still happening) to you?
I hear you saying you went really deep yesterday, do you mean deep into hearing voices and feeling like folks are getting into your head? Or are you referring to going too far with self harming? I would guess that you are feeling you are sinking deeper and deeper into chaos, both with all the changes that are happening around you AND all the scary things happening in your own head. I get a sense you are searching desperately to find some kind of calm or sense of normalcy. I am so, so worried about you right now, grenouille19, and it sounds like YOU are worried about you too
Keep us updated on what’s going on with when you can, you will be in our thoughts grenouille19 and we’ll be sending hope and strength your way.
the Support Team
ModeratorHey Zebra,
So glad to hear things are getting better with the bullying, although I would guess you’re wondering whether they really are better; it sounds like you’ve traded feeling safe at school for feeling unsafe walking around town. I imagine it’s getting harder and harder to come back after visiting back home. :S
I can hear how important it is for you to eat healthy, and the junk food is adding yet another reason for you to not want to stick around at home. I imagine you’re wondering what would be more stressful….staying where you are now, or dealing with the pressures of independent living. I’m wondering whether you’ve been able to talk to anyone who could outline your options if you chose to move out on your own? I know we’ve listed MCFD as a resource, but if you would like us to suggest further resources for you just let us know
I hear ya that speaking is so much more daunting than typing when it comes to talking about what’s most vulnerable in our hearts (not to mention the stress of parents maybe overhearing!!). Our live chat is actually ALL typing too, there’s no talking at all…it’s more like facebook chatting or text messaging back and forth with us (in fact, you can text us from your phone from 6pm-11pm too, just text 778-783-0177 and we’ll text back!). If you’d like to try it out on your computer, just click the “Support Team is Online. Click here to enter” link at the top right corner of our website (it will say “offline” and not be a link when we aren’t here, outside 6pm-11pm). We’d love to hear from you that way too, but if it’s not your cup of tea no worries, we’re HEAR on the forum too!!
the Support Team
ModeratorHi grenouille19, Please don’t apologize for expressing your inner thoughts… getting it out can help and we’re glad you found a safe place to talk about it here
We don’t think youre babbling or rambling, and youre certainly not a burden to us
I can hear how nervous you were about seeing the psychiatrist, and now I imagine youre feeling some relief that you didnt have to meet with him, but also some disappointment that you didnt even get a chance to get help. You said the psychiatrist wouldnt see you with anyone else and Im wondering who you wanted to go with you? It sounds like youd feel too vulnerable on your own – Im sorry he didnt understand and support you the way you needed to be supported.
If that option doesnt seem like its gonna happen, have you thought of what you want to do next? What have you been thinking about since learning you couldnt see the psychiatrist today?
Stay strong… we’re rooting for you! the Support Team
ModeratorHey Dashing Daisy,
Sounds like a lot has been happening for you! How are you coping with the ups and downs… what’s helping you keep everything together?
Im worried about you being bashed by M’s ex (and others?) – jealousy is a scary emotion. From what you wrote before, you sound worried about the opinions that other people have of your relationship (whatever it is). I can really understand how much it frustrates and scares you to think about what others think and say (and do) about it when they don’t really know what’s going on. Theres so much judgment in our world
Before, it sounded like you were somewhat angry at the role that sex played in your life; it sounded like you felt urges that you wish you didn’t have and were frustrated that you were obliged to seek sexual partners to satisfy you. Now though, I’m hearing that you’re enjoying your time with M, including the sexual intimacy? I would imagine that it’s a relief to find a person who can satisfy your urges, and be fun to hang out with? You also mentioned your experience at the addiction services group… even though you have so much frustration, you keep fighting for help… your determination is incredible – you go! Its inspiring
Stay strong DashingDaisy. I know these are times of change for you… know you’re not alone.
the Support Team
ModeratorHey Zebra,
I imagine you were stoked on life when you were back in your hometown, enjoying your job and looking forward to graduating with your closest friends. Now I would guess it’s a double whammy to be yanked away from that perfect life against your wishes AND to be experiencing such horrible bullying and disrespect where you are now.
I’m proud of you to hear how you’ve been fighting to cope in a positive way with everything that is happening to you, by staying smoke-free and using deep breathing and self-talk to keep yourself calm. I’m getting a sense that the things you normally use to cope aren’t feeling like enough, and that you are totally engulfed in grief for the life you had back home. I’m wondering how your meeting with the principals and counsellors went? I can hear in your comments that you are feeling despair about the future and what might happen if things get any worse; just to check in again, have you been thinking about suicide?
You are always, always welcome here Zebra, I am glad we can provide you with an outlet when in-person talking feels like too much to handle. Have you tried our live chat? The Support Team is here from 6pm-11pm West Coast time every night. It’s another way we can be here for you without the intimidation of in-person talking, if you’re interested (although you are of course just as welcome on the forum!)
Stay connected…
the Support TeamYouthspace
ModeratorHi Marie221,
I know its not much, but I care about you… we all do at Youthspace
And we’re worried about you, Marie221. It sounds like everything has become SO overwhelming that you need drastic ways of coping. I hope youre taking care of yourself and being as safe you can – we want you to be okay.
Im sorry your mom didnt take you seriously, or even listen to how much youre hurting… I can’t even imagine how much it stung when she laughed at you after you told her you wanted to die :'( It doesnt sound like she’s able to be the mom you need her to be. Have youve been able to tell anyone else how bad things are?
Oh Marie221, Im really hearing that it feels like no one cares or understands what youre going through… it doesnt sound like you feel safe at school or at home… like you have no where soft to land
But Im also hearing that you havent given up entirely… although you feel beyond done, youre still trying to find reasons and ways to hang on.
Im really glad youre reaching out to talk about how youre doing – I hope you feel a little less alone
We here for you Marie221… stay strong.
the Support Team
ModeratorHey grenouille,
From your first post, I get the sense that SH harm has been a part of your life for so long now that it seems difficult to think of living without it. It’s been a lengthy and extremely lonely struggle, hasn’t it? I’m hearing that it isn’t easy for you to think about telling people that you SH; maybe the possibility of being misunderstood is worse than trying to get through it alone…I’m wondering how you’re feeling about the suggestion that the person made that you seek help or treatment? Am I right in hearing that you don’t really like the idea? :S
From your second post, it sounds like your exhaustion and pain are reaching a breaking point. You said that suicide has been on your mind for a while, and there’s a feeling like you’re done with everything. My heart goes out to you, grenouille; I can hear how hopelessly dark and lost you’re feeling. :’( It sounds like you’re SO tired from fighting the pain that you want to curl up with the only thing that seems to help at all (SH) – and have the rest of the world disappear for a while. I’m wondering if suicide is becoming more of a reality than ever before for you?
We care for your safety and your life, grenouille19. I know this is a desperate time for you. We’re beside you as you fight through the pain.
The Support Team
ModeratorHey Zebra,
I can hear how completely overwhelmed you are.. it sounds like this stress has been building up and up for a long time now, and you have no way to get any of it out.
I’m glad you came to youthspace — we’re definitely here to talk about what’s on your mind.
I’m sensing that before your move, you’d been managing to balance everything going on (friends, parents, school, work, adhd..), and even if things weren’t going that smoothly, they were manageable? Things really went downhill with the move though hey? I can hear how isolated you feel with no friends to turn to and get support where you are — especially when the people who are around you are gossiping such hurtful things behind your back. :’(
To answer your question about getting your own place, you can legally move out in BC when you’re 16, but you could lose your right to financial help, and your parents might not be willing to support you financially either. I’m not an expert in legal things or anything though, so if you’re looking for more detailed info, I encourage you to call the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD)… their number is 250.952.4707.
I’m curious how you’ve been dealing with all this stress? It sounds like smoking used to be a way to cope, but you’ve worked hard to give that up… anything been helping you to quit? You mentioned that sometimes things get so bad, you think you’d be better off dead… i’m wondering if suicide has begun to seem like an option for you?
We’re totally ‘hear’ for you to get out your bottled up feelings Zebra.
Take care,
The Support Team.Youthspace
ModeratorHi grenouille19, Im glad you posted – you’re not alone here
Its clear how much youre hurting
Im hearing that self harm is really the only thing that helps ease the pain, but its also causing you a lot of extra feelings you wouldnt have if you didnt self harm
I dont know how old you are, but Im getting the sense youve used self harm as a coping strategy for awhile now… Im wondering if the thoughts of suicide are more recent? Im worried about you, and happy youre talking about it with us… does anyone else know how bad its been getting?
You mentioned that you don’t know what else to do besides self h. and I was curious if youve tried anything else? Has there ever been a time when you couldnt self h., so you had to do something else and it kinda worked? Not sure if youre interested, but heres a list of some ideas… The distractions obviously arent a solution, but they are safer… and we want you to be safe.
Stay strong grenouille19, and stay connected…
the Support Team -