Forum Replies Created
ModeratorHi t904,
I can hear how completely overwhelmed you are by the amount of school work that is piling up unfinished on your plate and I’m really glad you spoke up about this troubling situation here on You mentioned that this academic roadblock is fairly recent, you were a “good student” all your life until these past two years. And now, I’m getting the sense that the barriers you come up against when you try to do homework create a huge roadblock that is practically impossible to move past. Did something change for you, that is making school boring and homework such a struggle?Seems like talking in class has always made you feel uncomfortable, and that the fear of doing presentations in front of the class has kept you away from school in the past. You also mentioned that in the end you did the presentation and it went well…I’m wondering what helped you face the presentation? I’m getting the sense that you are in a similar situation now…having skipped 7days of class in the first month, and avoiding classes where you haven’t completed the work . I’m thinking that you are ashamed to face your teachers, and confused about how you got to this point, asking yourself ‘how did it all snowball into this huge avalanche of work?!’
I’m seeing that the pressure of these unfinished assignments is weighing really heavily on you….so heavily, that you want to disappear from school, and escape into the woods for a few days. I’m thinking that the idea of not having to answer teachers’ questions about where your homework is, or why you haven’t been in class is a very tempting notion.
It’s been a few days since you posted and I’m wondering, how have the past few days at school been for you?
Thank you for sharing your frustrations here with us. We totally want to support you in this, and if you want to Chat thru instant message we’re online 6-11pm everynight.
Stay connected,
The Support TeamYouthspace
ModeratorHi missavery,
Thanks for sharing your inner thoughts about your home life here with us. It takes great courage to speak up about what is going on for you, and I thank you for sharing your frustrations here with us.
It seems like home is a really toxic place to be, with your dad judging your choices about how you and your bf live. I’m imagining that you don’t feel like you have full independence or the ability to live as you want while you live under your dad’s roof. I can hear that you and your bf are actively planning and saving to move out into your own place, but that you are stuck there for the time being. How are you coping with your situation?
Your cats are an enormous source of love and strength when you are feeling down, and I can appreciate how comforting it is to have Rocket and Sparks curl up with you when you are upset. So, I’m thinking that you were filled with fury when your dad threatened to take those supports away from you. It sounds like there is a lot of anger in your house right now, and I’m wondering, what do you mean by “crack” when you say: “who knows which ones ganna crack under pressure”? Do you feel safe at home missavery?
We are online to Chat from 6-11pm if you want to connect that way too.
Safe connected missavery, we’re here to support you as you navigate this rocky time
the Support Team
ModeratorHey DashingDaisy,
I want to start out by explaining that while we have edited some of your post to protect other youthspace users, the Support Team has heard and considered your every word in responding. We totally understand how helpful it can be to write everything out, and we tried to preserve the heart of your story while staying true to our guidelines (which keep youthspace a safe place for all young folks). I can hear how heavily your memories of these sexual experiences are weighing on your mind right now; I’m wondering whether you have ever used the forum at Scarleteen? ( Their m.o. is sex and sexuality, and I imagine they can speak to some of what you have expressed here in a much more knowledgeable way. Also, I invite you to seek support on our live chat from 6pm-11pm West coast time; we are able to more readily approach some of the triggering content you’ve expressed in a one-on-one chat.
I’m hearing fear in your voice, that the world might hate you or judge you for the things you have done. I get a sense that a part of you is angry at yourself for being unable to control your behavior in the past, and on top of that you are angry at your father for what he did to you, and at others for being unable or unwilling to help you out of that cycle. I can hear that you are feeling right on the edge of what you can stand, and I imagine it’s scary to think of what’s to come.
It sounds like you have tried a number of different ways to SI, and I get the sense that sex has become the ultimate SI method for you. I’m hearing that you aren’t seeking it out for pleasure, but to relieve the pressure of fear and doubt and betrayal that builds up inside you. I’m wondering how it felt for you to be abstinent for four months? I would guess you are feeling terribly alone and isolated, being put on such a long waitlist for counseling and given the message you are not in need. I’m so glad you’re reaching out and seeking some support, DashingDaisy.
Stay connected…
the Support Team
ModeratorHey Nova233,
Thanks for taking a chance and sharing your story here.
You write very powerfully about your struggle with the demon that’s haunting you. I can hear how tight its grip on your life is, and how desperately alone you’re feeling now. It must wear on you SO badly to feel hope and cheer in the daytime, then enter the night…only to find that nothing has changed from the night before. I can imagine that it eats away at the hope that you do have remaining in your life.Alcohol takes you to a very dark place, doesn’t it? I can hear how disgusted you are with the way that you behave when you’re drinking. I’m guessing that it is an immeasurably hopeless and frustrating feeling for you to have. And it sounds like the place that it takes you is very black indeed. I can imagine how frightening and painful it must be to read your stories about destroying your enemies the next day…and to realize the depths of hate that you reach when you’re intoxicated. Just to check-in, have you ever felt the urge to carry those stories out? I get the sense that they are fantasies borne of intoxication, and quite removed from your daytime feelings. Is that right?
From your words, I’m hearing that although you manage to keep a cheery face on for most people, the monster still makes itself very known to you in the daytime (counting down the minutes, blurry vision, etc.). You say that alcohol is taking your life from you, and I can hear how scared you are at its invasion into your day life and your relationships. Your heart must be positively breaking as one part of you holds tight to that deep need for the bottle, while another part cries with the agony of lying to the people who are close to you.
There is a heavy shame that I hear in your words when you describe drinking without the knowledge of your parents and girlfriend. And it sounds like in the deep, ugly place that you end up in at the end of a night, that shame turns to a bitter hate and you wonder how you can ever escape the horrible person that you see in yourself. I can hear how angry and hopeless you are feeling, Nova233. How have you been dealing with those emotions? You mentioned having a councilor…is there anyone else that you’ve been able to share some of your story with?
Thanks for reaching out here. I get the sense that you’re clinging to any hope that might exist right now. We’re here to support you on the forum, and on the chat service if you like. You could also try the email counseling that is available on our website.
Stay strong, Nova233. Keep fighting the demon.
The Support TeamYouthspace
ModeratorHi Deepak2J,
Thanks for writing back! Sounds like you still have a lot of contempt towards your neighbours, for the way they treated you after your generous offer to help fix their pc. I get the sense that noone else knows how hurt and angry you are right now. Seems like you really value your parents and the relationships they have with your neighbours, so you don’t want to cause trouble
But at the same time I’m imagining that on the inside your blood is boiling at the injustice of how your help was rejected.
I’m really glad that you took the time to talk to us about how you are feeling, cos it seems like you are pretty alone with your problems right now
I’m wondering, how have you been dealing with this frustration? Does your anger ever get so strong that you think about hurting your neighbours? You mention wanting help, and not being sure what to do…what are you considering to be your options?
Talk soon,
the Support TeamYouthspace
ModeratorHey Deepak2J,
Welcome to youthspace! Thanks for posting on our forum. (: I hope you don’t mind that I responded to both on your posts on this thread?
I can hear how infuriated you’re feeling from the way you’ve been treated by your neighbours… I imagine that it might feel like they don’t value your skills, even though you worked really hard to get into and complete that computer course and then to get a job there too …? I’m also hearing that you put so much thought and time into trying to find a way to fix their pc — because you cared about them as your neighbours — and then to not have them call you back… I’m guessing it’d feel like a stab in the back. :’(
I imagine that with so much frustration and rage building up inside, it might make it really hard to go about your day — especially if you’re having to see these neighbours often because they live so close. How have you been dealing with all of this anger? Have you been able to get support from anyone you know about how you’re feeling?
We’re totally ‘hear’ for you to get out some of your pent-up feelings too.
Take care,
The Support Team.
ModeratorHey missavery,
I’m glad that you’re feeling supported, and that you feel comfortable sharing your story here.
I’m getting an inkling of how divided you home life is; it’s clear that your boyfriend is a grand support and companion, but it sounds like you and your dad have hit a rocky patch in your relationship. I’m hearing that you two used to be much closer, and that the issue of drugs has really built a fence in between you… I can understand why it hurts to think that you would have to try so hard to win his approval when you feel like you’ve been working so hard and doing so much for him…
I can hear how stung you are by your dad’s judgment of you, and I get the sense that you feel like it’s unfair as well, since his experiences with drugs were so different from what you have had. I can hear how important freedom and independence are to you, and I’m guessing that you also crave his respect. When you work hard to be in control of your life, it must be disappointing to feel like that effort goes unnoticed, or is overshadowed by his perceptions about drug use. I get the sense that you care deeply about your dad, and want to find a way to show him how independent and resilient you are without having to distance yourself from him entirely. You sound totally grounded and confident in your abilities, missavery. I can understand how it would be incredibly frustrating to think that someone you care about so much might not see any of that.
Wonderful that your boyfriend is such a sensitive and helpful support.
It’s beautiful to read how grateful you are to have him with you as you sort through everything with your dad. I get the sense that he’s the safe haven for you in the storm.
We’re happy that you’re feeling heard! We’re totally here to be the listening ears.
The Support TeamYouthspace
From the sounds of it, you had an incredibly rough time with your mother. I am so sorry to hear that you suffered through such extensive abuse as a child. I can definitely hear how it is still haunting you. We say this all the time, I know, but it really is true that NOBODY should be abused in that way, and it is a terrible thing that you went through. I recognize though, that it is not that simple either, and that this pain is still very real for you. Time has done little to heal over those emotional scars that your mom left you with, even though you might be in a safer place now. From the title of your post, and from your words, I get the impression that you are often filled with a chaotic mix of emotions…anger that she did so much to take away your childhood…sadness and pain for the loss of your happiness…fear that things might be ruined for a long time to come? These are overwhelming emotions to carry with you, and I can sense how tired you are of being alone with them. :’(
It sounds like you’ve been trying to cope with the abuse that you experienced for a long time, and that you’re beginning to feel like no end is in sight. The people in your life don’t seem to see the depth of your emotions, and don’t really “get” what’s going on for you. I can only imagine how frustrating and disheartening that must be. Sometimes it must seem like an uphill struggle to keep pushing forward and trying to find peace in the midst of all the leftover pain… I wonder how you’re coping with everything, OutInTheOpen? You said that the anti-depressants and vitamins are not helping as much as you would like; I’m curious if you’ve been able to find other things that help you to feel better in the face of the dragging distress and hopelessness that you’ve been feeling? It sounds like self-harm might be one of the only things that you’ve felt was strong enough to fight back the hurt that is eating you up inside?
You’ve shown great bravery in telling your story here. I can guess how vulnerable it might make you feel to see it all written out like this, and to look at your own description of your agony… we’ll be here for you as you walk the road through these tough feelings.
Stay strong, OutInTheOpen.
The Support Team
ModeratorHey missavery,
Your writing gives me a sense of how determined you are to improve things for yourself and I wanna thank you for sharing your thoughts with us here, as you go thru this journey. I hope it’s cool that I reply to both your posts under this thread.I totally admire your desire to find independence. I’m really hearing how important freedom is to you, and am thinking that you feel your freedom is limited living with your dad. I’m also wondering if you feel a need to prove yourself to your dad, show him how capable you are by living alone and supporting yourself?
I get the idea that living at home has caused you a lot of grief, you and your boyfriend do a lot for your father and yet your relationship with your dad seems to be on thin ice. I’m thinking it might be a really stressful environment to be living in, with your dad disapproving of your smoking weed and drinking. Can you explain what you mean by “today my house life slowly crumbled”?
I can hear that your boyfriend has been a very strong support to you over this tumultuous time, and I’m thinking that the love you share has grown as you support each other thru these daily challenges. I get the sense that you feel really safe with your bf, and I’m imagining that he feels like a rock for you, a constant in a world full of chaos.
Know that we are here for you too, to listen as you navigate this chaos.
The Support Team
ModeratorThanks for the feedback and description morge18… again, we’re really sorry for the technological problems. We’re waiting to hear back from our tech support people about any problems that night, but we didnt hear about any problems from anyone else, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t any!
Thanks for rolling with it, morge18, we really appreciate your patience. Take it easy,
the Support Team
ModeratorHello morge18,
I can understand how entirely frustrating it must have felt to have so much trouble getting through! I’m not 100% certain that I know what was going on there…was it giving you a message that you were in the queue? Or did it just not load at all?
Thanks for your feedback, morge18; I hope that you were able to get connected that night and have the conversation that you needed to have.
Take care,
The Support TeamYouthspace
ModeratorHello again, missavery,
Since your previous post, it sounds like you and your dad have butted heads a bit.
You were quite let down by his response to the party, hey? I get the impression that you would be perfectly happy to agree to disagree with him about drugs and alcohol, and that mostly you just want him to stop trying to apply his experiences to you… I’m hearing that you’d appreciate it if he would learn to respect your strength and knowledge in that area.
That must be pretty stressful trying to deal with FASD and ADHD on top of everything too. It’s pretty understandable that sometimes you just have to leave the house and get away from it all. I might be wrong, but to me it sounds like you care greatly about your dad, and don’t really hold any grudge against him, but also wish for your own space, and a bit of understanding. You’ve got a lot going on for you, missavery, and sound very independent; that probably means that you want to be given the trust and time to figure it all out for yourself.
I think it’s beautiful that you want to be able to do your own thing, and take care of yourself. It can be a long and frustrating road sometimes. We’re here to listen if you need.
Take care,
The Support TeamYouthspace
ModeratorHi there missavery (or c*?),
It sounds like you’re a person with some plans! I get the sense that you’re someone who really craves independence, and that you’ve got a pretty good idea about who you are and what you’d like. From the way that you talk about getting out of your dad’s place, I can hear your frustration with him, and how tired you are of having to listen to lectures about your lifestyle. I imagine you might feel pretty misunderstood when he lectures you about his experiences with drugs without really seeing that you take a different approach to them altogether…
h* is a steady support for you, by the sounds of it. I’m guessing that it must be special to have found someone who shares some of your dreams and was able to keep you safe on the streets without taking away that independence.
I’m curious what you mean about your “plea”. What I am hearing is a call for understanding from people, and for someone to care. I wanted to check that I wasn’t missing some other meaning that you might have had when you wrote that.
Thanks for posting, c*. This is a time filled with change and perhaps some uneasiness for you. We’re here to lend an understanding ear!
The Support Team
We’re really sorry this post is only going live now… we had some problems with the forum this week and not all posts we’re coming through (we have no idea why!?). It seems we’re “fixed” for now… but again, SO sorry to keep you waiting!
Thank you morge18, for your courage… and for sharing your life and facing your demons. Your story makes me mad – no one deserves any of what you’ve endured – no one. It’s just not fair :'(
But Im hearing that YOU are a fighter… and that you try to stay forward-moving (even though memories from the past try to drag you back). We believe in your strength… we believe in you. Stay strong morge18… you’re not alone…
the Support Team
ModeratorHi vaybby91,
Thanks for sharing with us how youve been feeling… I can hear that its been REALLY hard for you lately :'( Im sorry youve been feeling so awful, and was wondering if anything happened to cause the feelings, or if its more just how youve been feeling?
I can hear you struggling with thoughts of suicide and I imagine those thoughts are creating even more isolation for you…? I get the sense youre feeling like no one in the world cares about you… thats must be a really heavy feeling in your heart
I know we dont know you, but I hope you believe we care about you and how youre doing! Im worried about you vaybby91, you seem lost and alone, and desperate for things to change… Im hearing that thinking about suicide is one way youve found to cope with your feelings, but Im wondering if you discovered any other ways (that are life-preserving) to deal with everything youre feeling? How’ve you been getting through your days…
Im happy morge18 gave us a vote of support… they are right, we are “hear” for you (and all our chatters and posters)! Not sure if you checked out our live chat, but we’d love to connect that way too… we’re “hear” to help you any night of the week (from 6-11pm on the west coast).
Stay strong vayabby91, stay alive…
the Support Team