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  • in reply to: I Don’t Feel ‘It’ Anymore #21969

    Hello Flowerbud and Welcome to the Youthspace forums.

    I am so sorry to hear you’re going through all of this. No one deserves to be discriminated against. It sounds as though these interviews are excruciating and their inappropriate questions about your gender and your height are really making you doubt yourself and feel powerless and judged. I can imagine how infuriating that would be to know you are capable of the work and to have people undermine you like that. I personally think it is very brave and resourceful of you to call Human Rights. I get the sense you’re a determined person.

    From what you’ve said, these experiences of discrimination have been so damaging to you, you’re starting to feel hatred towards yourself and your gender. Like because you’re getting the message from these interviews that some parts of you are not wanted, it is becoming so hard for you to hold on to your respect and appreciation of your gender, as if their voices are getting into your head? To feel as if they have robbed you of your gender sounds deeply painful and disorienting. I get the sense you’re starting to feel as if there is no way you can get the jobs you want as a woman and that is making you feel hopeless.

    You say that the unfair way you are being treated is leading to you wanting to end your life, and I am really concerned for you. If the thoughts of suicide are feeling overwhelming, please call 911 or a crisis line in your area or feel free to chat in to Youthspace (our hours are 6pm PST- Midnight PST). We really want to support you through this.
    <3 Youthspace

    in reply to: Coping in a relationship where someone drinks #21936

    Welcome to the Youthspace forum. I am glad you reached out to us as it sounds as though you are going through a really rough time.

    From what you’ve described it seems like you think your partner has a problem with alcohol and this has started to negatively effect your relationship. I get the sense this is just tearing you apart. I can only imagine how heartbreaking and frustrating and upsetting it is to be going through this.

    It also sounds as though he can be a little rough with you when he is drinking (touching you in ways that hurt you) and being kind of aggressive in the way he talks to you. No one deserves to go through that and I am really sorry that is happening to you. I’m guessing it’s pretty scary and unsettling for you. I am happy to hear you have the support of his family, so that you are not facing this completely alone. Though it sounds like that complicates thing for you too, because you really care about them and that makes it harder for you to make a decision about what to do.

    I can really hear how trapped you feel. On the one hand, you love him and on the other hand, it is destroying you having to put up with his drinking and the way he acts when he drinks. It sounds like you’re starting to feel exhausted by the merry-go-round of hoping he will change and then having your hopes dashed. And now that you’ve got struggles of your own, he isn’t able to be there for you in the ways you’d like, I imagine you feel really alone in dealing with all of this.

    Please know we are always here for you as you work through your thoughts and feelings about all this.

    <3 Youthspace.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Youthspace.
    in reply to: My Failed Attempts #19298

    Hello Alexia11,

    Welcome to the Youthspace Forum. It seems as if you have a huge amount of stress to deal with right now. You mentioned you’ve been self-harming, and I imagine you’ve been in a pretty dark place these last three years and trying to cope with it all. I am really glad you reached out to us to share what’s going on for you <3.

    Your relationship with your friend sounds pretty complicated. I get the sense you’ve been doing your best to be supportive to her and at the same time, feeling really frustrated with her because she is not doing the same for you. I imagine it would be a very draining relationship for you, when it seems as if your problems don’t matter to her and you are not getting the care and support you need too. It sounds like a lot of pressure for you to be coping with her suicidal feelings on top of everything else you’re going through. Does anyone else know that your friend is feeling suicidal?

    You said “I don’t know what to do because self conclusion seems tempting.” and I am sorry but I am having trouble getting what you meant. Are you saying that you have thoughts of suicide?

    Please know we’re here for you and feel free to chat in as well if you’d like. Our chat service is available any evening between 6:00pm-12:00am PST

    Stay in touch <3


    in reply to: Loneliness/Anxiety #19297

    Hi findingdory91,

    Welcome to youthspace, and our forum. I can hear that it’s been a really tough time for you, and that it feels like things just keep getting worse — I’m glad that you’re reaching out for support. From what you’ve said, I can hear that it has been really saddening for you to go out on a limb and move to a new city, only to have things not work out as you had so hoped they would. You probably arrived with a lot of hope for how awesome things might be, and are feeling hugely let down and discontented by how they haven’t really worked out as you wanted. I can imagine that it takes more and more energy to feel hopeful, and that the anxiety you’ve been hit with, as well as your lack of supports have made it an even harder task. :(

    I do think it’s a big deal that you’re having these bouts of anxiety, and I’m glad you were able to tell us about it — that sounds incredibly hard to deal with (and scary, especially when you feel yourself helplessly hyperventilating!). I get the sense that this is a new thing for you, and that maybe you’re really not sure how to cope with it? Would you like some website/resource suggestions that have techniques for managing anxiety?

    It sounds like you’re feeling so alone in this city that you moved to — alone and beset by a general sense of confusion, unhappiness and uneasiness. Please know that we are here as a place where you can talk about these things, and hopefully find some solace. You can also text us/chat live each night from 6pm-midnight PST, in case you want more immediate help. But you’re also more than welcome to keep talking things out on the forum, and we’ll be here for you. <3


    in reply to: I dont know what to do #19296

    Hello Sophiexx,

    I am really glad you reached out to us again. After having a few positive weeks, to have everything come crumbling down around you sounds like it would be incredibly disappointing.

    I imagine that turning to your parents for love and compassion and being met by their rejection would be very painful for you. I get the sense you’ve been trying hard to talk with them, to be vulnerable and share your fears and your sadness. I’d guess that would make the fact that it seems like they are ignoring you now hurt even more. I can really hear how much you’re longing for someone to be there for you, to truly see you and understand what it is like for you. I think all of us need and deserve that kind of care and support.

    You mentioned how much you want these painful feelings to end and that you’ve written a dark letter and I wondered if suicide is on your mind again?

    It sounds like this is a really scary and lonely time for you. Please know, we are always here to listen and help you the best we can. Stay in touch.
    <img src="smileys/heart.gif" width="" height="" alt="<3" title=" Youthspace

    in reply to: I need help #19295


    As I read your words, it felt like I could actually SEE your pain…it comes that strongly through what you wrote here. And I’m glad that you did post, especially since you must feel like you’re drowning keeping it all inside. It sounds like the suicidal thoughts and self-injury urges are nothing new, but that lately it feels like you are losing the fight. I can only imagine how exhausting that must be for you after fighting for so long. And the nightmares and insomnia sound absolutely torturous. When you say that you really can’t hold on much longer, I truly do believe you; this is some intense pain that you’ve been dealing with, made so much worse by the sleeping issues, self-image struggles, and the hopeless feeling that ‘everyone wants you dead’. I can hear how alone you feel, and unable to reach out to your friends and family – is there anything else that can help you get through the worst moments?

    I’m glad that you’ve come to us for support, RhiannonCat12, because this sounds like a massive weight to carry by yourself. But I also get how the monsters that you’ve been doing war with are pretty big, and writing things out here might not be enough by itself (though I totally invite you to keep using the forum, of course). If you need more immediate listening support, and help getting through the tough urges, you can connect with us in live chat or via text (778-783-0177) — we’re here every night from 6pm-midnight PST. You can also use the “email” tab to get in contact with a professional counsellor.

    And I know that things are feeling black and horrible right now, and that it might be really hard to move yourself away from the urges to harm yourself (either through self-harm or suicide). If you are going to act on those thoughts, please consider calling a crisis line like Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) if we’re not open. And please call 911 if you do need immediate help. Know that it’s okay to do these things if you need that support. <3

    Stay connected, RhiannonCat12 — we do want to help you as much as we can.

    in reply to: I just don’t know… #19294

    Hi Suzie,

    Glad you found us here at youthspace. I get the impression that you’ve been feeling pretty shattered after your mom yelled at you. Definitely it must have been frustrating and painful to hear the thoughts that you mention come back into your head — it sounds like they are very heavy. You talk about death being nothing, being a cold void in a way, and I can hear how much you want to escape into that void, and not have to deal with things anymore — not try to cope. Suicide seems like it’s becoming a frighteningly real option for you right now. :(

    We’re here for you, Suzie, if you’d like to keep talking. I imagine that after feeling strong and then having these thoughts come back in such power, you might be feeling incredibly alone, hopeless, and defeated.

    If you need more immediate support, please feel free to chat in (through the chat icon at the top right, or text us) – we’re open 6pm-midnight PST every night. Or call your local crisis line or Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) if we’re not open. If you are in imminent danger, please call 911. <3


    in reply to: Forever alone #19291

    Hi Harith,

    Welcome to, and to our forum.

    We’re interested in your story, and happy you’ve shared it! But we have moved it to a different place in our forum, just so that Eddiebasset99 doesn’t get a notification for every response, since your message didn’t really connect with what she had to say.

    Please go here to see our reply, and to keep the conversation going (Relationships & Family -> “Meeting People”):¤t_board=16

    Thanks for understanding!

    in reply to: can’t control my emotions #19289

    Hey Luciana,

    Good to hear from you. I imagine there are moments when it’s hard to even describe how you’re feeling because it’s just so tiring and heavy. It sounds like intense exhaustion that you’ve been feeling late: I know it’s really concerning to feel stripped of energy like that. It sounds like the lack of energy and the emotional shakiness are feeding your sadness about not having this guy in your life much anymore. I can hear how much you miss him, and I suppose it’s heartbreaking to want so badly for someone to be there as company and comfort. :(

    Hmmm, I can understand not being able to relieve your intrusive thoughts about him. It sounds like there’s a part of you that wants those thoughts, even as another part rebels against them and tries to block them out. I can hear that it’s soothing on some level to be able to hold onto those idealizing thoughts…perhaps like it’s a comfort to have that company, even if you fully know that it’s largely elaborated by your mind… Certainly it sounds crippling when those imaginings are confronted by reality! And I can only imagine how much stress it puts on your shoulders to be constantly worried that he’ll be around every corner. That must have you on high alert all of the time — I wonder if that’s part of why you’re exhausted?

    Well, we’re not experts, but I can point you in the direction of some more info about how to get help in Canada. To get psychiatric help, normally you have to get a referral through a doctor (like a normal GP). Here’s a site that describes some of the different help that you can seek, and gives basic info on how that works:

    If you end up feeling like you want to see a psychologist, which might be another option for you, you can find one through this site, based on what province/territory you’re coming back to:

    Does that help answer your question? Depending on your province and age, there might be other resources that can help you get in touch with helping professionals.

    Sending you strength and energy,

    in reply to: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & Anxiety #19287

    Hey Danika,

    Welcome to Youthspace. We’re glad you’re here. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot. I am sorry to hear that. You mentioned that you are really struggling to cope with your feelings of anxiety and I wondered if you wanted to share a little more about what has been happening for you and what sorts of things you’ve been trying to do to manage your anxiety?

    We hope to hear from you soon. (Our chat service is also from 6pm-11pm PST every night, if you wanted to talk in real time)
    <3 Youthspace

    in reply to: Realism v.s Fantasy #19286

    Hey Danielle,

    I’m glad you posted. From what you’ve said here, you strike me as a person who is inspired by and curious about life and all it has to offer. I imagine having such wide ranging interests that it could feel paralyzing knowing which way to go. Like having a menu full of desserts you love and feeling as if you can only pick one! Sometimes when that happens, you might end up not want wanting to pick any dessert at all because it can feel as if choosing one means losing out on all the other delicious desserts. I get the sense you’d rather order a taster platter full of desserts and try out a few bites before you make up your mind.

    I admire that you want to be a good, knowledgeable and dynamic person and make a difference in the world. It sounds as though right now you feel torn between pursuing a big life and something a little more ordinary. I get the sense you’re not sure what a brave and wise life might look like on a smaller scale than the famous lives of Malala Yousafzai or Maya Angelou.

    Not knowing what direction your life might go in sounds like it would be a little nerve wracking especially with the stress of a time line for applying for university. It can be scary to be facing the unknown, overwhelmed with all these choices and at the same time maybe a little exhilarating too, because of all the possibilities the future holds?

    We’re here for you as you continue to explore your options. Stay in touch.
    <3 Youthspace

    in reply to: can’t control my emotions #19285

    Hi Luciana,

    No worries about not posting sooner! We totally get that sometimes life just sweeps you away, and you don’t necessarily have time to even sit down and figure out how you feel until much later. It’s good to hear from you now. :)

    I can hear that out of the experiences that you had with this guy, you’ve been learning a great deal about how your own mind and about how your interactions with other people work. You talk about “polarizing” people in your mind — the way that they affect you leads you to either paint them as black or as white. It sounds like after you’ve stepped away, or calmed down some about a particular instance, you’re able to see that they are much more grey than that, full of their own flaws and strengths. You mentioned that this idea probably seems obvious to us, but what I think is interesting is that it probably feels really obvious to YOU sometimes (like when you were writing this last response) – and perhaps even AS you are actively seeing someone in extreme (correct me if I am wrong). I can imagine that that’s part of what feeds into the confusion about how to manage emotions…. The idea that you are aware that you do this, but can’t stop it, even as it’s happening.

    After all of this, and seeing him and recognizing that he’s not necessarily all that he appears to be in your “movies”, I can only imagine how tiring and saddening it is to still feel so strongly for him! I can hear that it’s making you wonder a great deal about how you manage intimacy in general. I wish I knew the answers to your questions, Luciana, because I can hear how concerned you are with what you’re seeing that seems to be a trend in the barriers that you put up between you and others. In answer to “how can I stop doing that?”, I would ask you WHY you think that you do it — you mentioned that you’re afraid of being hurt. What do you think it would take for you to be able to trust someone?

    I’m afraid that I don’t have an answer to your second question either — mostly because it’s one of those very personal situations where I don’t think that we could possibly have an answer for you, and where I believe you had to try your own path. Which you did. The fact that it might not have worked in terms of removing him from your thoughts doesn’t necessarily mean it failed either — just perhaps that it’s difficult to separate your emotions from your thoughts about someone who you powerfully care(d) for… I know that’s not really a great answer when you’re still feeling trapped by intrusive thoughts about him though, and I can really hear the emotional turmoil that you still feel when you talk about him. I can hear how much you just want to put it behind you — to be able to break the bonds that seem to be holding your emotions to him still. I wonder if there’s anything in particular that you have found helps to relieve your thoughts about him?

    Thanks for sharing about how you deal with challenging social situations — it sounds like your response is somewhat similar (though to a lesser degree perhaps) to the way that you described keeping distance between yourself and people that you care strongly for. Do you think that the two are related, Luciana?

    We definitely understand how much easier it can be to connect over the internet (that’s obviously some of the thinking behind, and I’m glad that you find it cathartic to talk things out here. It’s good that you’ve been able to find some other places where you can get support as well — I’m happy that the centre you talk about is there as an option. :)


    in reply to: Why #19284

    Hey IdontUnderstand,

    It seems to me you’re teetering on the edge of a huge cliff, facing the big changes that come along with moving out. I imagine it’s a scary place to be, both because you can’t see what’s at the bottom and because you’re emotions have been so unpredictable you don’t know if you can trust yourself not to fall. It sounds like living with and being around your family has been very aggravating lately, but also has protected you from taking steps to end your life. I’m worried to hear that those thoughts of suicide are strengthening as you face such a big transition. When do you move? Do you have supports in your life you can reach out to after you leave home?

    I can hear how hurtful it was to have your mom imply you are unbearable, especially since you are fighting so hard to keep a handle on your self harm for your family. I would guess you resent how little your family sees or understands that you struggle within yourself to protect them from the worst of your emotional turmoil. You said you don’t want them to find out you are self harming again…I’m curious what happened last time someone found out?

    Know that we will of course be here for you when you need online support through this challenging time.

    <3 youthspace

    in reply to: Hi again #19282

    Hey Joy,

    It sounds very frustrating and exhausting being sick all the time. I imagine it makes all the other things you have to get done in your life that much harder to do. I can hear how much you just want to give up and how much strength it takes to keep on going. I am glad, despite how hopeless and down you’re feeling, you’re still willing to keep fighting and make a safety plan for yourself.

    I can really see how the youth leader’s statements about gay feelings really undermine your confidence in yourself and scare you. I am no expert on homosexuality and religion, but I do know that being LGBT is not wrong and that many LGBT people live full, rich and happy lives. I also know that many church leaders and faith based communities accept and welcome all sexual orientations. (If you’re interested The Trevor Project has some more info and links about LGBT and religion: I am really sorry you’re having to go through all of this. You don’t deserve it.

    I hope your winter break is less stressful for you.
    We’re here for you.
    <3 Youthspace

    in reply to: Hi again #19280

    Honestly we’re so glad that you keep using youthspace as a place to let out some of the feelings you’ve been having. As I read what you wrote about what you’re going through right now, my heart was hurting for you, hearing all the pain and loneliness that you’re having to endure. The physical pain without explanation is truly scary — as you said, if you are in enough discomfort to be going to emergency, then something is clearly wrong. I can totally hear how it feels like your own sense of your body is being ignored when you are sent home still hurting, without even a diagnosis to hold onto.

    I get the sense that as huge as some of the stress is, it would feel just so much more manageable if there were more people around you who seemed to care about how you’re doing. But instead, you’re feeling alone, like you’ve been dumped in the middle of the ocean, with no life raft, and nobody around to pull you from the waves when you need a hand. It sounds like you are so, SO tired of working to keep your head above the waves that keep beating down upon you. It seems like a profound struggle to keep yourself going when you don’t get the impression that anyone would care if you stopped, or even disappeared. That sense of meaninglessness and isolation gets piled on top of the pain you were already feeling and I can hear how it makes things many times worse. It is hard to care for yourself when you feel like you don’t deserve it, and nobody is reaching out a caring hand to contradict your own disappointment in yourself. At this point, do you feel like it’s making you think of ending your life? (I do remember you saying you would hospitalize yourself before ever acting on suicidal thoughts, so I’m just checking to see if you’re having those thoughts right now, and whether that’s still a safety plan for you…)

    Please know that we truly do value your voice, Joy. <3 We are here for you, we want you to be able to survive to share your experiences and your light, so please keep reaching out here, and letting us know how you are doing.

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