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ModeratorHello jolygator, welcome to youthspace. i know it can be a bit of an awkward jump when you first start typing….so thanks for pushing through and telling us what you’re feeling.
It’s awful that you experienced so much abuse, and are still fighting some of the effects of that experience. it sounds like you are still haunted by the memories. i can only imagine how painful it is to still be seeing the abuse (in nightmares and repeat video in your head) even though it’s not happening physically anymore. It almost seems like it’s still happening mentally and emotionally and causing you to feel all sorts of uneasy feelings. 🙁 And feelings can be really difficult – like right now how you describe not liking either the good or bad emotions. I might be wrong, but it sounds like you don’t trust or feel okay with the good emotions and the bad ones are just deeply painful to have.
And emotions are sometimes so complicated. It sounds like on top of the emotions that you feel, you still care about the person who did this abuse. What a conflict to feel inside – to be in so much pain but still miss the person who did this to you. I would imagine it leaves you wondering what to feel, and i can hear how it makes you just not want to have the feelings.
Heavy stuff, joygator. We’re here to listen if you want to keep sharing and we care about your experience. You can also chat live with us if you want…we’re open 6pm-midnight Pacific Standard Time every night.
ModeratorHi TigerMama,
Wow, another powerful story! I’m a little lost for words at the moment as I sit here processing the imagery. I hear so many emotions coming through this story – anger, fear, resentment, loneliness, love, passion, strength. Above all, I can see a desperate desire to be seen. The story is describing a monster, yet a monster with such human emotions and desire for connection. As you point out, the inner demons lose their power when surrounded by love. What a beautiful metaphor. I also love how the story identifies the courage it takes to be tender and vulnerable.
Thanks for sharing your stories with us, TigerMama. This is certainly reminds me of the power of connection. <3
-The Youthspace TeamYouthspace
Thank you for sharing that with us. It pulls on our ol’ heart strings to hear that we helped someone in their times of need. <3 Let me know if I'm wrong, but I sense that you're in better head space.
Take care,
-The Youthspace TeamFebruary 18, 2018 at 6:28 pm in reply to: Stories within stories, nightmares within nightmares (short story) #23166Youthspace
ModeratorHi TigerMama,
That’s so considerate of you to ask, thank you. We do not have access your email address, but please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we would be happy to pass along some information about possible trigger words.
-The Youthspace Team
ModeratorHi TigerMama,
You’re welcome. I’m glad the forum helped you feel understood. <3 You are always welcome to post here, but also know that you are always welcome to chat with us directly though instant messaging (via our site) or text (778) 783-0177. We are here every night from 6pm to midnight Pacific time.
-The Youthspace Team
February 14, 2018 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Stories within stories, nightmares within nightmares (short story) #23145Youthspace
This is an amazing piece of work. It shows your emotional struggles with such depth and reality…which is challenging! Emotions are slippery and don’t necessarily like to fit into tidy words very easily. Sometimes even when we’re awake, emotions can make reality feel like a dream (or nightmare), and I think you captured that idea here.
We did edit out just one line that we thought might be a possible trigger for people who self-harm. It didn’t feel great editing anything out of this post as it’s clearly a creative work of art as much as it is an expression of your personal story. If you have any questions about why we did an edit, please feel free to touch base with us through our email, [email protected]. Your story does represent some very true aspects of struggling with the thought of death as a relief, and with the devastation of feeling utterly alone with emotions that are so enormous. Thank you for posting it here for others to read. <3
You're so right that people don't have to feel those things alone, and it IS beautiful when we have someone who can anchor us. We hope that youthspace can be a place of anchoring, and of course we invite you to use the live chat as well when you want to unburden some of the heavy emotions.
-The Youthspace Team
ModeratorHi TigerMama,
We’re so glad you found this site too, since it sounds like it’s hitting a sweet spot for you right now. <3 And it can be super meaningful to find a place where you feel like your story can land....especially since you mention how you've lost your friend as a piece of solid ground and perhaps that means your soul has been circling, looking for a place to set down and rest. It's tiring to continuously be searching for that space.
Thank you for sharing so openly with us and others. Our forum doesn't get as much use as it used to, but people still do read it, and it's entirely possible that someone out there is feeling so much of what you're feeling and might get a sense of relief from knowing that they're not the only one. The same goes for your "stories within stories, nightmares within nightmares" post, which was powerful and evocative. From both posts, I can really get a sense of how deep and complex your emotions run. You mention being highly sensitive and gifted, and it seems like those things are reflected in the raw and detailed nature of what you've written. From what you've put here, I get the impression that you pick up on nuances (like the subtle pressure to be happy, or your brother's possible uncertainty) and that you find yourself swamped by the resulting emotions...and maybe anxieties. I can hear how that same sensitivity can leave you feeling huge things when you think about the pain (or, specifically the *isolation* with pain) that people feel everyday on a bigger - societal - level. Am I correct in getting that you feel that your incredible capacity for sensitivity seems to also leave you open to waves of empathy and concern that threaten to drown you?
Alongside the general overwhelming sense of powerful emotions, it sounds like there are also some specific dreads that are haunting you...the almost tangible sense of hopelessness that you mention and the worries that you won't find people who love you for YOU or even find a sense of belonging. You mentioned feeling a deep sadness for the fact that so many of us are struggling alone, and I can hear how much that's a part of your pain too - that you're really struggling with that isolation and fear that people don't want to be around you.
It seems like you're exhausted, and yet also striving to comprehend and to find a way forward. You yearn to be able to do more and help others - maybe even to heal some of the loneliness and pain that others feel - but don't currently feel strong enough with your feet under you. I might be wrong, but it seems like maybe it's agonizing for you to feel hampered and drowning when you also feel that you have the potential to do more?
We think that you've got some powerful words to share. Your own words here, and the quote you shared show that. You've made us think!
-The Youthspace Team
ModeratorHey Mimi,
I’m glad you reached out.
I really get the sense that your body feels really unrecognizable and unfamiliar to you.
And to go along with that, it sounds like you’re really struggling to figure out who you are as a person with a personality and an identity.
I can only imagine that’s a scary, numbing and desperate place to be.I can hear that while coping with BPD, you’ve put a lot of effort into achieving things in your life, but when you reflect on it, it feels like all of that was for the sake of other people’s expectations.
And now it’s brought you to a place where you’re clawing to find your own foundations and to feel any semblance of comfort in your own body.
I imagine that self-harming can be a way to try and feel your own body, or to try and feel yourself in your own body at all.I can really hear how exhausted and frustrated you are with everything and how much you want it to stop. I wanted to offer this as a possible starting point for information and different ideas for coping:
I also wanted to invite you to chat in with us on any night between 6pm and midnight PST if you’d like to talk more about how you’re doing, explore other resources, or just have a friendly listening ear. We’re here for you.
Your friends at Youthspace.
ModeratorHi ContemplatingOzryn,
It sounds like you feel stuck in a fog, like everything is gray. I can hear how uncomfortable it is for you not to be able to feel more than just a bit of sadness sometimes, and how much you want to figure this out so you can change it. I get the impression that you’re feeling lost about why you feel like this – you’re not sure if perhaps it’s a side-effect of the medication or not, and it’s making you worry that perhaps something is just “off” inside of you. Definitely not comfortable to feel like you can’t feel love like you expect to be able to.
At we don’t give advice, and we’re not able to say what might be wrong, but we can certainly listen, if you want to talk through it to see if that helps.
Since you mentioned wondering if there’s something wrong, I wonder if you’re looking for a place to start exploring what that could be? This site can be a good one…it has tests for various issues:
ModeratorHi Sophiecdxx!
Welcome back…though I wish it were under better circumstances.
It must feel so disheartening to feel like you are slipping back into that place of darkness. I get the sense that you are feeling so alone and so dejected in your sorrow, especially when you try to reach out for support. I can also hear the fear from you that you might slip back down, so far down that where you stood just a few days ago seems utterly unattainable.
It feels like you have spent a great deal of time and effort to keep pushing yourself and climbing that hill. I’m also sensing that your usual means of self-care and coping strategies just aren’t helping as much as you need them to right now.
I have scoured our resources here and found a couple in hopes that it can help you through this terribly distressing time:
Dealing with Depression –> this website has some really good tips and skills for working through depression as well as some quick facts.
Students Against Depression –> has a lot of really good information and a few guides on tackling depression.I hope you are able to find some peace and regain your footing.
Know that we are here for you, any time on the Forum and from 6pm-12am PST on the chat.
<3 Youthspace
ModeratorHi AncientCross,
Welcome to Youthspace.ce. Thank you for posting and telling us about the discomfort you’re having at home. It sounds like you feel very victimized and hurt by the way you’re being treated by your mom and step dad! Heartbreaking…not only to feel unfairly accused, but to have it come from people that you probably wish you could rely on for support and encouragement. 🙁 I can hear that the way you’re being treated is affecting you badly.
For what it’s worth, nobody should have to feel unsafe and unfairly treated in their home, by the people who are supposed to care for them. We’re here if you would like to talk more about it. Seems like you’ve been alone with this for a while, and I imagine it must feel sometimes like you’re just getting smaller and smaller as you try and avoid conflict with your mom and step dad. It’s painful to have to be alone with feelings like this.
If you need to talk more, you can try chatting to when we’re open (6pm-12am PST). Or, if we’re busy or closed, you can try chatting with or calling Kids Help Phone. You can also respond here on the forum! We’ll do our best to get back to you within 3 days.
Stay strong. <3
-Youthspace Team
ModeratorHi Krysta,
Sounds like you are in a very confusing and exhausting place right now. I can image in is quite frustrating to “know” what you should be feeling but not actually feeling it. It sounds like this is not something new (you mentioned trying group work before). I am wondering if there were things you did through that group that helped then and may help now?
It can definitely be frustrating to seek out some support and fear that they will only guide you back to what you have already done. If you are not feeling like going to the health clinic for some ideas you may be interested in the free e-mail counselling we have access through the Pacific Centre. You don’t have to use if for counselling, though you can, they are also great resources for getting ideas on how to help. You can fill out a form here: and they will get back to you within 3 days.
You are also always welcome to chat with us any night. We are open 6 pm to 12 am Pacific Time.
Facing the unknown can be terrifying, especially when you are not feeling like you can trust those around you. We are here to support you on your journey towards finding some of those answer.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
ModeratorHi legowarrior105,
Thanks for sharing your story here on the forum 🙂 I really get the sense of how your life is feeling completely absorbed and overwhelmed by school right now. You’re dedicating so much time to your studies and I really hear how exhausting that is. It’s leaving you with no energy, it sounds like, to enjoy other things going on in your life. I’m guessing it might be a little frustrating to see your friends make time to relax and enjoy themselves while you’re worried that if you do that you won’t be able to keep your grades up. I imagine that frustration might be made a little worse by seeing them get grades higher than yours despite how much time you’re putting in.
I imagine that sense of overwhelm doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere either with university coming up soon. I can understand why you would be worried of what life will look like when you start university and how you will manage all this stress then. Congratulations on getting into university, with all this hard work you’re putting in I imagine school and grades are really important to you! Sometimes when things are so important they can feel even more stressful.
It looks like you’re looking for some direct advice of how to cope with all of this stress and hoping to find some solutions before starting university. I know that everyone copes differently with stress and lots of people have different strategies. If talking more about this or maybe brainstorming some strategies would be helpful you are welcome to use our chat function which is open from 6-12PST every day. If you’re looking for some more specific resources around coping with school and stress let us know and we can try to find some good ones for you!
<3 Youthspace
ModeratorWow, Mazzystar, thank you for sharing your story with us, and with the world through this forum.
I get why you chose the title you did – it seems like you’ve been dealt a pretty tough set of cards. With your mom leaving when you were so young, and then growing up feeling trapped by your dad’s strict ways, I would imagine that you haven’t really had that experience of feeling taken care of in a stable, warm home. And it sounds like once you entered the health care system, things got even bleaker. From your description, I can hear how unsupported, mistreated, and betrayed you felt by the health care workers. I’m so sorry to hear that that’s been your experience; everyone deserves to receive care and be treated with kindness. I can imagine you feel like you have little control of things in your life, and are crippled by some of the challenges you’ve had – and are still dealing with. And I can hear your outrage in your words, and it seems like part of telling your story is about sharing what it’s been like for you so that other people might have a different (better) experience.
Seems like right now, finding housing is a pretty big priority too…most cities and towns have organizations that can help people find housing…is that something you’re interested in? If you want to share your city here or in our chat feature, we might be able to help you get involved with an organization like this.
But I know that housing is just a piece of the puzzle, and that you’re still coping with so much emotional pain and anger. It must feel like there is always a wall in your way, Mazzystar. I’m really glad you’ve shared here, and I invite you to keep doing so, if it feels helpful. Our chat feature is also open every night, 6pm-midnight PST. <3
Thanks for reaching out with such honestly and vulnerability. I get how getting everything out in the air could help lift a bit of the heaviness off your chest. I can hear how hopeless the future feels to you, and how exhausted you are of trying to cope with all the pain. I get the sense that you have been struggling with such agony for a really long time now, and I can imagine how heavy that burden could feel day after day.
It sounds like SH has been one of the main ways you can cope, and that at times you think your only option is to kill yourself. I’m relieved to hear that you’re still trekking on even though it’s feels so impossible, and that you have been able to get support from your psychology intern throughout these tough times. You make it clear that you think she is wasting her time on you, and I can only imagine how hard it must be to reach out for help when you feel like you don’t deserve it. Maybe this will be hard to believe right now, but I hope you know that your life matters, and that you are worthy of all the support you get from her (and anyone else). With that said, I can understand how hard that may be to hear when it feels like you’re just barely living, and not seeing any progress despite your efforts. I wonder if you have been able to talk to your psychology intern about how hopeless and worthless you feel.
Thanks for clarifying that you don’t plan on killing yourself at this moment. It was a big relief to see that at the end of your post. Still, I can hear all that desperation and pessimism about your life, and I’m worried about you. I get the sense that you really want to find an escape, any escape from all the pain, and right now the only escape you can find are self-harm and suicide. That must be a terrifying and lonely place to be in.
We are thankful that you reached out, and please know that you can post here anytime, and we will give you whatever support we can. Alternatively, you can also chat or text in anytime between 6pm to midnight PST if you ever want more immediate and on-going support. No matter what way, we are here for you, soso. Stay connected.
-The Support Team <3
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by