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  • in reply to: I dont know what to do #18955

    Hi Sophiexx,

    I get the sense that you’re very lost right now, and feeling disengaged from the people around you who care and want to help. We have read your forum post and we do care, however we cannot share it publicly on this forum because it has the potential to trigger other people who use this site for support.

    I’d like to invite you to contact the counsellors through our e-counselling resource (click the “email” link at the top of this page) so that you can get support from someone in a more private way.

    We are thinking of you and sending thoughts of strength <img src="smileys/heart.gif" width="" height="" alt="<3" title="
    the Support Team

    in reply to: No one will help me with schoolwork #18954

    Hi asdf,

    Thanks for reaching out here and telling us your story. It sounds like you’re getting tired of having to tell it again and again and not really finding anyone who’s willing to help you.

    Looking for an answer seems like it’s wearing you down. It sounds like you feel like you’re standing on a table shouting, and everyone is just walking by as if nothing was happening at all. It’s scary to think that you’re feeling so ignored that you would consider threatening suicide just to get someone to TRULY hear how you’re struggling. :( I can definitely hear how REAL and frustrating this is for you, and how important it is to have someone listen. I wonder what you would tell people if they finally stopped to listen to you? What kind of help would you ask for? Is there anyone in the past who has helped you out?

    We can’t tell you what to do here, but we can definitely listen to the feelings that you’re having and be a sounding board for any ideas that you do have. I know that you said that online stuff wasn’t working for you — let us know if you change your mind, and we can post some links for you, and maybe talk about some of the ideas that are on them?

    This is tough stuff to deal with asdf, and even more difficult when you end up being so alone with it. I can imagine that the lack of support leaves you feeling devalued and intensely frustrated and angry. We’re definitely here for you, both on the forum and chat. There is also email counselling available on our website — it’s a bit slow (a few days between responses), but it gets you in contact with a professional counsellor.

    Keep connected,
    The Support Team

    in reply to: I dont know what to do #18951

    Hi Sophiexx

    Thank you for being so truthful about your week. I can imagine that looking down at those rails and contemplating jumping had you terrified for your life. I’m scared for you too, and want you to know that I’m grateful you didn’t take that step towards death. It seems that seeing the police at that moment paralyzed you with fear – perhaps it was fear of being judged again? I get the sense that this incident stirred up more uncertainty about your future. Like you’re always walking a tightrope, never knowing when you might fall.

    I can really hear how disconnected you feel from yourself. When you say “I’m not me”, I imagine that the way you see yourself now is very different from the way you want to be. I am curious what it would look like to be ‘you’ again?

    You also mentioned that you want someone to save you. What would this someone be like? And what do you see them doing in order to save you?

    We truly do care about you, and want to hear from ‘you’, just the way you are.

    the Support Team

    in reply to: drowning #18950

    Sparrow, you leave me speechless. I had to think about your writing for a while before I could feel at all ready to approach answering you, because I found it so evocative and moving. I’m glad that you reached out here, and that you shared your writing, because I think that you brought to life some huge emotions here. I can hear that you’re feeling really low right now, and that you wish to be able to float away from the pain of it all. You say that you’ve fallen back into the eating disorder, and I get the impression that that “relapse” has triggered some really sad and dark feelings for you, and has left you feeling like someone other than yourself, since you say that you normally love life, and yet find yourself wanting to slip away from it all… I’m imagining that you’re feeling really hopeless and helpless right now, in the face of the thoughts and feelings that are running through your mind.

    There are a few themes in your writing that seem to have particular strength. First, I hear a lot of pain because of a disconnect that seems to exist between you and everyone around you — you mention “far away voices”, and these lines in particular make it sound like you’re fighting a battle that nobody else seems to notice because they only see the very outer layer: “Gracefully you float, weightless you seem / If only they could see the endless in between.” I can imagine that you feel really isolated and alone with the heavy emotions that you carry every day.

    I also notice that it sounds as though there are battles constantly being waged in you, and that the terrible spectres and creatures that exist there are causing so much tension and pain that it seems sometimes like you’re drowning with it. I can hear a profound sense of being separated from reality and a sadness of the loss of dreams and hope as you remain frozen in a painful place that nobody else can see or understand.

    There are so many strong emotions, and yet also an engulfing numbness present in your words, Sparrow. You mention that it feels like things have changed and where you used to love life, you now yearn for relief from it. Guilt has held you back, you say…but I’m wondering if you’re thinking now about ending your life?

    I’m glad that you have come here to share your words and experience with us. Please continue to use the forum whenever you want, and know that you can also chat live with us any night(6-11pm PST).

    <3 The Support Team

    in reply to: things are getting bad #18949


    It sounds like a truly scary world sometimes, and I can really understand why it feels so lonely for you – especially since you are hearing things and seeing things that other people don’t experience. I’m guessing that trying to deal with those voices and visions, and still get by in a world where nobody else sees/hears them is totally exhausting — and painfully distracting. It seems like you get so tired coping with the voices, etc that you have nothing left to try and face the emotions that you’re also facing. I can imagine how hard it is for you to think of making it another 12 days until the appointment with the psychiatrist. How do you think you might be able to help yourself get through those days?

    I can hear how the psychiatrist is both a vision of help and hope and a fearful idea for you. One the one hand, he might be able to help you, especially in figuring out what to do about the voices…but on the other hand, you wonder if he might send you to the hospital. It sounds like going to the hospital would be largely unpleasant and unhelpful for you. :( It sucks that you’re stuck on so many waitlists while you’re in so much pain, grenouille19. And I can imagine that after waiting so long, this appointment is really important to you. That’s a lot of pressure to be feeling.

    You’re in so much pain right now, and so confused and nervous about how things might go. We’re definitely here if you need us. Stay strong, grenouille19.

    The Support Team

    in reply to: things are getting bad #18946

    grenouille19, you’re not at all a bother to us…we absolutely want to hear from you, especially as it sounds like you’ve got so little support elsewhere right now. Know that when you’re feeling alone with everything you can turn to us to talk about it.

    I would guess it’s incredibly stressful to go through your days seeing spiders all over everything, and being told what to do by voices in your head. I imagine these things are incredibly distracting and disorienting when they happen, and are taking over your ability to concentrate on important things like exams or driving. I remember that you were getting support in a hospital for a while, do you have any supports or resources outside of the hospital that can help you cope with hallucinations?

    I get the sense you’re feeling really fed up with life right now and how much of a fight each day has begun to feel. I’m wondering if you have been thinking about ending your life?

    Thank you for staying connected when things are difficult,
    the Support Team

    in reply to: I dont know what to do #18945

    Hey Sophiexx,

    I really get the sense how emotionally battered you feel, and that the roller coaster you’re stuck on seems to be controlled by people in your life that don’t have your best interests at heart. I would guess you’re panicking to try to build resources for yourself while at the same time your options are being restricted by others, and that it’s disheartening to come up against so many roadblocks.

    I hear your distrust in the people around you after what you have been through at their hands, and it sounds like it’s terrifying to start to feel the loss of trust in yourself as well. It sounds like you have had to be your own best support a lot of the time as things become dark in your life, and I imagine the weight of the responsibility is crippling.

    As always, know that you can turn to us in the live chat from 6pm-11pm PST (and ’til midnight Friday and Saturday) for help getting support services to you in the moment. I wonder if you have any other crisis services you can contact by phone or online when youthspace isn’t open? You’ve mentioned a crisis line before, are you able to contact them when we are not here when you’re scared you will hurt yourself to an extreme?

    We’re here for you <img src="smileys/heart.gif" width="" height="" alt="<3" title="
    the Support Team

    in reply to: Don’t know what to do #18943

    Hi Michelle2466,

    Thank you for having the courage to reach out and share your story on our forum. I can hear how overwhelming your situation is for you and how hard you’ve been fighting to stay alive. I want you to know that no one deserves to be abused or called names and that we are here to listen and support you through this difficult time.

    It seems as though you’re fighting an epic battle in your mind and on one hand you have the urge to end your life and your suffering but on the other hand you want to find a way to live, free from all of the hurt. I can hear that there is no one in your life you feel safe sharing your dark spaces with but I wonder if there are any other resources you might be able to access such as a local crisis line? We also offer a live chat service 6-11pm PST nightly (and until 12am PST Friday and Saturday nights) which offers one-on-one support.

    We want to help you find ways to stay safe and keep fighting Michelle 2466.

    <3 The Support Team

    in reply to: Tattoos and SI #18942

    Hi Raven,

    Welcome to our forum and thank you for sharing your experience with SI here. I can hear how intertwined art and self-harm have become for you and what a deep awareness you have about how tattooing affects your state of mind.

    I get the sense that the repetitive behaviour you describe has been with you for a long time and that you only recently made the connection that this might be a form of SI for you. I’d imagine it would be a surprise to discover that something that feels so natural may be destructive as well.

    We are here to support you Raven through whatever you’re experiencing.

    The Support Team

    in reply to: I dont know what to do #18940

    Thank you for your honesty Sophiexx, and for your strength in sharing your struggle with us. The resiliency you show by continuing to talk is inspiring.

    I can hear that you feel really unstable right now, like you don’t know what tomorrow with bring. You are stuck on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, unsure of how to control the speed and direction of your journey. I’m wondering if you have found anything that helps your gain control or feel grounded in those moments when you find yourself upside-down?

    Seems like you feel really isolated right now. There are people all around watching out for you, but I get the sense that you don’t trust them, or don’t feel supported?

    You sound really self-aware, like you know when you need emergency support, it’s brave of you to be so honest with yourself. Are you able to call the police for yourself when you need them Sophiexx? Remember that if you do need emergency help and cannot call for yourself that we can help you with that (in Chat).

    Stay connected Sophiexx. We hear your pain
    – The Support Team

    in reply to: Worried about relationships. A lot. #18939

    Hey Terezi,
    I can really hear how much anger and tension is present in your voice through this post — both at yourself and at the other people in your life. When you’re stressed, the littlest things can set you off or irritate you to no end, making everything even harder to deal with. To top it all off, I get the sense that you’re feeling pretty isolated from most of your friends right now, and the ones that you’re in touch with aren’t helping your heated mood.

    Underneath that anger I can detect some guilt — guilt at yourself for lashing out at your friends and slapping your boyfriend, for acting like a “prick”, and “wasting your time” self-harming.

    It sounds like what you’re really craving is some sort of an escape. From the way you talk about how you’ve been daydreaming recently it seems like your reality is the last place you want to be. Drifting to that place where everything feels OK and there isn’t anything to worry about or bug you can be a wonderful vacation for the mind — but I’d imagine when reality rushes in and you’re brought back to earth it’s a sobering wake up call.

    Thank you for your honesty about self-harm and when/why you use it. I’m curious what some of those other things (alternatives to self-harm?) are for you, the useful things you mention?

    We’re here for you.
    – The Support Team

    in reply to: things are getting bad #18938


    Please know that you are not at all a burden! I can hear how alone and isolated you feel right now and I’m really glad you keep connecting with us. We want to support you in this challenging time.

    Seems like nothing is going your way right now. I get the sense that you feel unprepared to deal with the voices in your head and the hallucinations that overcome you. Does anyone else know how bad things are for you?

    It hurts to think of how hopeless you feel grenouille. Thank you for continuing to show strength in your struggle, whats keeping you going right now?

    We care about you.
    <3 The Support Team

    in reply to: I dont know what to do #18933


    I can hear how terrified you are of the scary situation you are in. And to be honest, we are really concerned for you too. It seems to me that you are in a volatile place where you feel unsafe, and unable to keep yourself safe. At we want to get you the help that you are so courageously asking for. I really hear that you want to feel better. I’m wondering, what kind of help you feel might work for you, and what feeling better would look like for you right now?

    You will notice that we have edited your post. When we edit posts, it’s because we strive to keep the content of the Forum safe for everyone. Just a reminder that the Forum is not an immediate response. In those hardest of moments when you need help right away, reaching out to 911 or to a crisis line or emergency service is really important.

    Stay strong Sophiexx.
    <img src="smileys/heart.gif" width="" height="" alt="<3" title=" The Support Team

    in reply to: im so stupid. #18932

    Hi shayxo,

    I’m glad that you found us when you were feeling so utterly alone with the pain and worry. It sounds like since you and your ex broke up, you’ve lost yourself somewhat, and it’s proving really difficult to find yourself again. By that I mean that you’re doing things that you feel are “not you at all” – maybe to cope with the pain of the breakup? – and that it has been leaving you hurt and sad and confused a lot.

    When you started seeing this guy from the dating site, it seems like you felt a good connection, and felt ready to invest a little more in someone again — even if he has been kind of “hot and cold”. I’m guessing that you were kind of hoping that he might be the one who could help you feel more complete again, and you let yourself be vulnerable with him. But when he didn’t respond to your messages, it must have felt like you were being abandoned and betrayed. :(

    That was a few days ago now…how are you feeling now?
    It sounds like you’re really kicking yourself for things that you’ve done. It sounds like you don’t feel like anyone would want to support you, and that even if they did, you’re not worth their time. That’s a huge burden to bear, shayxo, and I’m scared that the worthlessness and pain you’re feeling might lead you to end your life. You say that you wish you could kill yourself (and I’m glad you’re honest!). I wonder what is helping you keep yourself safe when you’re feeling so alone? Reaching out here is a good step, and I encourage you to use the chat and email counselling as well if you feel like you are in need. <3

    We are here for you.
    The Support Team

    in reply to: things are getting bad #18930

    Hey grenouille,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling so down. It sounds as though things have been disappointing for you lately and not going the way you hoped. From what you mentioned in your previous post, it seemed like you’d acquired some new coping skills and I get the sense that with some things going wrong now, you’re feeling shaken and are worrying that you’re might not be able to manage.

    I can hear how sad and alone you’re feeling, grenouille and want you to know we’re always here for you.

    <3 The Support Team

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