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Hey JS,
Thx for your authenticity in sharing such honest thoughts with us here at Youthspace. I’m glad you are reaching out. I can really hear how hurt you were when your girlfriend ended things between you two. I get the sense that you feel betrayed by how quickly she moved on, while you are left trying to survive in the aftermath of such a shocking breakup.
It sounds like this recent heartache has left a void in your life. I can see how strongly you crave that special connection, how desperately you want to find a compatible partner. I’m imagining that your loneliness is thrown in your face everytime you are forced to hangout with other couples in committed relationships I can only imagine how isolating those moments are. I get the sense that sometimes you feel hopeless…you ask when will you meet someone, how will you be happy…of course I don’t have those answers, but I know that you deserve to be with someone who likes you for who you really are. And, as for happiness, you truly do deserve it.
I’m wondering if there has been anything in the past that has helped you battle feelings of depression. It seems like you have dealt with dark emotions in the past and have won. What worked for you then? I hope these methods of fighting back will help with the struggle…
Know that we are here for you. In Chat or on the Forum.
Take care JS and stay strong
– The Support TeamYouthspaceModeratorHi Martin Henrique,
After reading your posts, I get the sense that things had been seeming lighter these days, and I can hear so much hope in your posts from the 31st… the realization that you’ve gotten through a breakup like this before, and therefore do have the strengths and skills to do it again must have been huge. Even though I know your life as definitely changed a bit since grade 8, I’m curious as to what helped you cope during that breakup?
At the same time as that lightness, it sounds like there’s also those days when things just seem to slide back downhill into that darkness. I imagine it’s exhausting to be going up and down like that… kind of like a roller coaster ride you can’t control or predict. I’m sensing too that the low points are even harder because of the frustration and disappointment of being back in that place… which makes those thoughts of suicide louder. It scares me to hear how loud they were last night… how are the thoughts of suicide tonight?
I’m sensing that some of those darkest times for you are when you feel isolated from those around you. I imagine that your thoughts are so much louder during those times and I can appreciate how draining it might be to feel like your brain just won’t shut up. :’( You say you want to be able to reach out to someone, but you don’t think you can trust anyone right now.. want do you think would need to happen for you to feel safe enough to open up to someone?
As a final note, I just wanted to tell you how inspired I am that you’re using your own experience and insight to support the girl in your school, and I’m so glad you offered youthspace as a resource for her. I’m just wondering if you know if she’s been able to talk to anyone specifically about suicide? I ask because at ys we really encourage people to ask directly if someone is thinking of suicide, because it can be such a terrifying experience to bring up when you’re already carrying around so much pain. I’m not in any way saying you have to — it can even be an adult or someone you trust that you could ask to bring it up with her — but I did want to ask because I’m worried about her too.
Stay strong… We’re ‘hear’ for you Martin Henrique,
The Support Team.
YouthspaceModeratorHey DashingDaisy,
I can hear what an incredible impact your relationship is having on you right now, and how multifaceted it has become despite your intention to keep it “no strings attached.” I would guess you are torn between your fear of becoming pregnant and the implications of that, and your desire to be closer to your partner and the child you might have together. I get a sense your feelings for your partner are deep and pure, and the thought of complicating things with money is despicable to you.
I can also hear in an edited part of your post that you feel a tremendous amount of anger and fear towards someone in your partner’s life who seems to be trying to sabotage things that are important to him (and you). Do you feel safe from this person, DashingDaisy?
We’ve edited the sexual content out of your post to protect you and others who use this forum; there is a resource you can use to talk about your sexual concerns: has message boards similar to ours, but with sexual health themes. I’m not sure if you’ve used them before?
Stay connected…
the Support TeamYouthspaceModeratorHey Martin Henrique,
Sounds like the past few days have been kind of up and down for you… congrats on your soccer game!
I can hear that the thoughts of your ex are still with you.. and that hanging out with all those couples really magnified her absence and made you worry and regret over lost opportunities with her. I’m glad to hear that you’re not planning ways to kill yourself, but i can definitely hear how much pain you are feeling, and how life is feeling pointless right now.. I’m glad you reached out to e-counselling and that you continue connecting with us.
I imagine that car ride with your mom was really disheartening Martin.. to feel like it was, if not good, at least okay, and then have her say something as dismissive and judgmental as that. I suspect it makes you feel even more isolated, hearing her judge your preference to stay home as something associated with people who ‘weren’t all there’.
Sounds like your sexuality and sex drive have really been at the forefront of your mind lately, and all these questions and what if’s are fluttering around in your mind like giant mosquitoes you can’t squash… i imagine that having these feelings of disgust at the idea of sex is feeling pretty alarming for you, especially because you feel that most guys your age don’t think that way… I get the sense that the idea that you may be gay or asexual is a fairly new one, and one you hadn’t really thought of.. like it just snuck up and rocked your whole world. One resource I can offer if you want is They’re a great website with TONS of information on sexuality, and they have forums you can post to as well and get some sexuality questions answered by people who really know their stuff.
That’s pretty amazing that you stood up for what you believe in and what you learnt in your Social Justice class, that takes a lot of bravery… I’m sorry your dad came back at you with a comment that made you feel hurt.. I suspect that with all the sexuality questioning going on, that his response made you feel less comfortable being open with him about it. I just want you to know that whoever you are, whoever you want and whoever you don’t want, is absolutely right and beautiful.
Stay strong, and stay connected
the Support TeamYouthspaceModeratorGrenouille19,
Don’t worry about apologizing for not posting; we’re definitely glad to hear from you again though.
From your words, it’s like you’re disgusted with yourself for the feelings you’ve been having. You’d like nothing more than to be able to take control of your own emotions and troubles. It scares me to hear how hard it is even to get to the computer (and I imagine to post on the forum). Are you feeling like you’re too worthless to even deserve help?Grenouille19, it sounds like you’re being tossed around by a storm in your own mind, like you’ve got no control, and are forced just to watch as things crumble inside and out. I can only imagine how completely distressing and miserable that must be, and I can hear how hopeless it is making you feel. The darkness probably seems utterly black right now. What has been keeping you from acting on your thoughts of suicide?
It sounds like a horrible, horrible place to be in right now, like the world is falling apart. Kitzlkraver is right that it’s incredible that you’ve been able to find the strength to hang on, even when it’s utterly draining and feels pointless. Keep fighting, grenouille. We’re here beside you.
The Support Team
YouthspaceModeratorHey there,
I can hear you’ve felt a lot of disappointment in the past 24 hours. I would guess that you were pissed at your friend for bailing on your plans to go to the gym, and to top it off being picked on by the guys at the gym you considered friends made things feel a million times worse. It sounds like you’re feeling stifled after being at home with your dad all day, and hassled by his nagging comments.
With all the time you’ve spent alone with your thoughts, I can hear how haunted you are with thoughts and flashbacks of your ex. I would guess the pain feels really fresh today for you, and I’m hearing you say that you’re done. I remember that recently you found you were thinking less often of a suicide plan; I’m wondering if that’s changed today? Have you been able to do anything for yourself to bring some relief to the feelings of being let down?
We’re here for you in this frustrating time, Martin
the Support TeamYouthspaceModeratorMartin Henrique,
First off: congratulations on getting accepted to college! After all the energy and hope that it sounds like you have put into your dream of getting into this program, that IS big news. We’re really happy for you. *high five*
I’m so sorry that it hasn’t been the celebration that it should be. I can hear how disappointing it was to have your parents respond with less-that-optimal enthusiasm. When they’re aware of how much this means to you, I can imagine that being told to “keep your options open” throws a shadow on the triumph. I can imagine that your ex’s lack of response was also incredibly hurtful. It must feel discouraging to hear nothing back from her when it wasn’t even a text related to you and her, but was about something that means so much to you. I wonder if it added to that overwhelming feeling of abandonment? You mention how much you trusted her, only to have that trust broken. Is it hard to think about trusting people right now, when nobody seems to be there when you need?
It sounds like it’s agonizing to think about having to wait a long time to talk to your ex again. There’s so much running through your mind that relates to her, I can imagine it feels at moments like your head is going to explode. It sounds like you’ll get a chance with rugby to get used to seeing her again more, but it still drags on you that she might not be willing to talk for a long time, especially when you’re left wondering how she might be feeling after everything that you two have gone through…
Martin, I really respect how hard you are working to find ways to work through the maze of disappointments and pain right now. I think it’s excellent that you recognize how helpful hockey has been, and how helpful things like playing sports and connecting with friends are for you (even if the friends seem to care less than you’d like…). We’re here for you too. Hang in there.
-The Support Team
YouthspaceModeratorHey Eva .-.
I can hear how crushing this pain is for you… that it feels like your heart isn’t even capable of feeling more. I imagine the weight of all this pain feels as though it’s strangling the life out of you. I can tell that suicide is feeling like a real option right now; you have a plan to end your life… but at the same time the thought of killing yourself seems just as terrifying as continuing to live it..
Thank you for letting us know that you will be safe for tonight… I’m really worried about you Eva .-. I get the sense that you feel as though you can’t take much more of this pain… You said that you’re afraid of what will happen if people find out, and it can be really terrifying opening yourself up like that to others… but I’m really glad you’re connecting with us and getting some support. Do you think there might be any other people/services you would feel okay talking to in order to gain more support?
Sending lots of love and strength your way Eva .-.
the Support TeamYouthspaceModeratorOh Eva.-.
I can hear how conflicted in your selfharm. Judging yourself for beating yourself up, when the world is already doing such a good job.
The depth of your self-reflection is inspiring to me…I get the sense that while you know that bottling all this pain up inside isn’t helping you, yet you still feel unsafe telling your counsellor about the depth of your pain. I get the sense that you are paralyzed. Terrified to talk about your self-harm and these thoughts of suicide. But also aware of the harm that is being caused by keeping it all secret inside…
I’m really glad you reached out to us here Eva.-. I’m scared that suicide is on your mind as such a tempting option…do you have a plan to kill yourself?
We are here for you. You are welcome to Chat/Text in too.
Stay connected
the Support TeamYouthspaceModeratorHey Martin Henrique,
The biggest thing that stands out for me from so many of your posts is how deeply you still care for your ex. It sounds like you’re still feeling really wounded around her, but that in a strange way, she is also a beacon of hope. Even if it’s not a relationship, just being able to talk and share some experiences again would be something to look forward to, hey? I get the sense that your breakup left a huge hole in your heart, and that you’re looking for a way to fill a bit of that emptiness…
It sounds like you’re scared of the idea about thinking about suicide again, after feeling a bit better. How are you looking after yourself right now, Martin? Were you able to catch the hockey game the other night?
It’s neat that you feel like the protest was a success. I must have been an excellent distraction, because it sounds like it was a lot of work! I get the sense that it was nice to be able to put some energy into something that you and your classmates care about.
In the midst of sadness and loss, I am so impressed by your strength, Martin. Stay connected. We’re here as you sort through these feelings.
-The Support Team
YouthspaceModeratorDear MeMyselfandI,
I’m glad to hear that you know not to take abuse, even from those you care about. I’m sorry to hear that you experienced such violence at the hands of your ex, but am very thankful that you know you deserve to be treated better than that. Know that you deserve love that never hurts.
Thanks for being such a strong advocate for healthy relationships Martin.
Sending you both best wishes,
the Support TeamYouthspaceModeratorHi Martin Henrique (:
First of all, I just want to let you know the reason we edit things is to make sure YS is a safe place for everyone — both you and all our users. Do know though that we read everything you send us, and in replying to you, we’re replying to the whole post, even if only part of it came up on the forum. I know it can be scary to open up about things that are so personal to you — I am honoured to have you share your story with us.
I’m so glad to hear that things have been going a bit better now.. I can hear how much of a load off of your chest it is to be able to be in the same room as your ex and to think of her without the same stabbing pain as before. In your post you seem hopeful that friendship might be a possibility for you and your ex in the future — I imagine that having that hope makes things a lot brighter in your life. (:
I can sense that the hope is also quieting the thoughts of suicide a bit — at least to the point that you are able to focus on other things and to keep the thoughts under control when they do come up. I can hear how much of a relief that is.
It sounds like you’ve been devoting a lot of time and energy into this protest for a while — and I’m sensing that it was a success? (: You expressed concern that your days might feel meaningless now, and I’m wondering how things are feeling now that the protest is over?
We’re here for you — about both the bad and good.
Take care of yourself,
The Support Team.
I’m only just beginning to understand the complexity of the feelings you are experiencing.I get the sense that your cynical comments about your school counselor elude to bigger issues you have with how people treat you and how they react to your thoughts of suicide. It seems like you aren’t getting the caring support that you deserve to receive. I’m wondering what kinda reactions you would like from those around you?
When you say it’s not about the result, it’s about the problem I’m imagining that you sometimes feel out of control, like these internal factors drive you to take actions that you cannot always predict. You said you felt fine while typing this message, yet you expect your mind to shift and choose suicide any moment. This spontaneity really scares me…I get the sense that you feel really impulsive right now, like you could take serious measures to harm yourself at any moment. Thank you for sharing the raw truth of these thoughts here. We want to support you in staying safe.
I can hear that you are desperate for change. For some unknown shift in your existence. There are lots of forces pushing you towards that edge, yet I see you clinging to life. That takes courage. What helps you hold onto hope?
Let us know how we can support your life Dani. We’re on your side
The Support TeamYouthspaceModeratorHi Butterfly17,
Thanks for sharing your personal story here on Youthspace.Through your words, I’m getting a sense of the depth of darkness that you were in before… it sounds like there was pain closing in from every direction, and for some time, suicide seemed like the only option to escape from it all. I’m so thankful that you received a text of love in that moment, and that you were able to keep fighting and to seek help. The fact that you’re here today, helping others who need to hear that message of love and support shows great courage and compassion.
I can hear so much strength in your words Butterfly17 — that strength is truly inspiring. I’m wondering how life has been for you lately? What sort of help did you get that supported you thru this battle?
Thank you for sharing your supportive heart hear. Your words seem full of wisdom and experience, and I can only imagine what you have been thru to come to a place where you want to help others thru challenging moments. Know that your contributions are appreciated, more than I can sayKnow too that we’re here to support you, or if you’re worried about someone in your life — both on chat and on the forum.
Take care,
The Support Team.YouthspaceModeratorHey Martin,
Thanks for posting your thoughts and feelings here, sorry it took us a few days to get back to ya. I get the sense that how you are fluctuating a lot right now from hopeless despair to excited anticipation. It’s cool to hear about positive stuff you’ve got going on, like the protest. I get the sense you are really passionate about this cause. Also, congrats about the college call!
And yet…for every positive you have a lot of negatives…I can hear how truly isolated you are right now. I get the sense that you feel really removed, even from the people in your daily life. It seems like there is a lot of speculation going around about your past relationship, and I can imagine that it feels sometimes like everyone is against you… are you taking care of yourself in this tumultuous time?
It can be hurtful to hear other people’s opinions about a relationship. I get the sense that you are processing a lot right now, and grieving the relationship. You and your ex had a profound connection, and I can only imagine how your world shattered when you broke up <3
I’m worried for you Martin, cos I can hear you’re having a hardtime holding onto life…have you been thinking about a suicide plan? It seems like you aren’t sure how long you can stay safe which really scares me :S We’d love to explore these thoughts more in Chat too.
Know that we are on your side
the Support Team -